Page 51 of The Chosen One

“I know. Unless something slows them, this beach will see its initial Challenger tank at first light on the twenty-fifth. That’s just over two days from now. One of my best sources confirmed that a few hours ago on my promise not to release it until you guys leave. Any chance my prayers will be answered and you’ll not be discharged from the hospital in time to join your platoon?”

He stopped and looked at her once more. “Not going to happen. Even if the doctors told me I couldn’t go, I’d go. They’re my men and it’s my job to lead them.”

“You didn’t have to tell me. I knew what your answer would be. But a woman can dream, can’t she?”

“It’s what I do. I’m a Marine and I plan to stay one. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Not even if leaving the Marine Corps would allow you to spend the rest of your years in the arms of the woman you loved?”

“Lauren, I learned long ago to never say never about anything. But I need to be honest. I’m doing something with my life that I love. Something I’ve dreamed of for a long time. I’ve wanted this since before my father was killed. That doesn’t mean something new couldn’t find its way into my heart. Or this new love couldn’t be so strong it forces my love for my job to lose all meaning. Anything’s possible. Still, even after the horror I’ve lived through the past few days, I don’t see myself ever doing anything but what I’m doing right now.”

“Well, I asked,” Lauren said. “And you were truthful. I can’t expect more than that. After all, you did say never say never. So there’s still hope.”

“What about you? You’re already famous. And have quite a reputation as a hard-charging, career-driven newswoman. Would you consider giving that up for the man you loved?”

“My answer might surprise you, Sam.”

“How so?”

“There’s definitely a part of me that would like a family life. If possible, I’d want to balance that with my career. Still, if the right man came along, who knows what I might decide to do?”

“So if the right man appeared you’d give your plans up just like that?”

“Just like that? You know better. You and I are so much alike it scares me. So you already know my answer. I also love what I’m doing. I don’t want to quit anytime soon. But I too say never say never. Because you can’t know what curves life’s going to throw you. It’s not likely I’d trade my career for a cozy house and some bright-eyed children, but you never know. If the right man came along, it’s something I’d have to think about long and hard before making my decision.”

“Fair enough. Two honest people with two honest answers. Hopefully, we can live with that for now.”

They turned, heading back along the beach toward Press City and the hospital and landing zone beyond. While they walked, Sam grew quiet once again.

They soon entered the long rows of tents composing the area that had been dubbed Press City. They strolled between the drab canvas with Lauren beaming as she showed off her dashing date to the envious women in the press corps. The smile on her face left no doubt of her satisfaction with the stately Marine clinging to her arm. Without letting a hint of it appear in his movements, Sam was beaming also. He too was quite satisfied with how events were progressing. They stopped in front of a nondescript tent. Lauren threw back the flap.

“Well, this is it,” she said. “My home away from home. I know it doesn’t look like much, but don’t let that fool you. I’m planning on adding a few rooms later on. Thinking of putting in a nice deck and an Olympic-size swimming pool.”

“Looks pretty good compared to the filthy foxhole I spent most of the week in. Got the place to yourself, I see.”

“You know what they say, rank has its privileges. And besides, rumor has it the other women reporters are terrified of having to live with me. So I’ve got a tent intended to sleep four to myself. Looks like it’s going to stay that way for the time being. If we’re stuck here much longer I’m going to plant a garden.”

For the first time she heard him laugh. He looked out at the barren desert. “Don’t think much would grow.”

“I know, but it might be the insane thing that convinces the brass they have to let me out of here.” The night’s pleasant breezes tugged at their silhouettes. She turned to face him, moving in close and wrapping her arms around his waist. She looked into his eyes. Her voice was soft and sweet. “I know I’m being far too forward, but after tonight there’s no longer any doubt. I want to get close to you, Sam.”

“But you don’t even know me. Counting this evening, we might have said all of a few hundred words to each other. How can you decide from so little information I’m someone worth getting to know better?”

“I know a whole lot more than you suspect. I’ve got to admit, I was fascinated by the battle-scarred lieutenant I interviewed on the beach that morning. So I did a bit of checking. Okay, more than a bit. I’ve spent a lot of the past five days finding out everything I could about that brave Marine. What I learned was astounding. Solid upbringing. First-rate athlete and class valedictorian. Adored by his men. And at least according to his mother by every eligible girl in his hometown in Indiana.”

Lauren couldn’t see it, but Sam’s face was turning a bright shade of red.

“My God, you talked to my mother?” He tried to hide his embarrassment but his words gave him away.

“Sure did. Extremely nice lady. Quite proud of you. But at the moment also extremely concerned. Claimed when I called that I needed the information for a follow-up story I was doing. After watching my interview with her brave son about a hundred times, she was happy to oblige. I felt bad lying to her like that. In reality, it was the only way I knew to find out about my competition. Fortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any. Because I’ve had a long-standing policy about involvements with involved men. But you passed the test with flying colors. No wife. No kids. No fiancée. No lasting relationships whatsoever. According to your mother, and much to the consternation of scores of pretty Midwest girls, the only serious relationship you’ve ever had was with the United States Marine Corps. Well, have I adequately described First Lieutenant Samuel Erickson to your satisfaction, sir?”

“To the point of nearly scaring me to death.”

“Well, don’t be too scared, my motives were truly honorable. It’s just when I set out to do

a job I always do it right. In that respect we’re also a lot alike, you and I.”

They looked into each other’s eyes. The moonlight shined down upon them. The pounding waves crashed upon the shore. Lauren reached up and kissed him. It was a long, slow kiss filled with passion. For Sam there was no doubt this was a woman who’d been kissed before. And one he’d want to kiss again.

“Want to come inside?” Her voice was as alluring as any he’d ever heard.

He looked into her inviting tent. And for some strange reason hesitated.

“What’s the matter?” she said. Disappointment replaced sensuality in her words.

“I don’t know. No man in his right mind would turn down such an offer. So I must be crazy, but I’m going to decline, if you don’t mind. I want this too, but more than anything I want things to be just right before we move on to the next level. To be honest, after our walk I’m exhausted. Anything further we attempt tonight wouldn’t be when I’m at my best. And I suspect if we want this to last beyond tonight, it’s almost too important, and too soon, for us to carry things beyond where they are. I also want you to understand if my superiors find out I turned down such an incredibly attractive woman’s offer, I could be drummed out of the Marines for gross stupidity.”

Lauren let out a little laugh.

“Still,” he said, “why don’t we take a few hours before we go any further? Would you mind if I took a rain check until the moment’s right for both of us?”

A smile came to her face. Her gallant lieutenant had confirmed everything she’d suspected about him. “I don’t mind at all. Even if the British arrive on time, we’ve got two great days and two incredible nights before we have to face reality. So let’s see where those hours lead. Because I’m planning on spending nearly every one of them at your side. For now, my precious Marine, since you’ve graciously turned down my offer, I think we need to get you back to that hospital bed of yours.”