Page 37 of Cait and the Devil

“I’m not bothering them. I’m only watching. I just...I still can’t believe it.”

Duncan drew her from the window seat, embracing her. “Someone as loving as you could only have been born out of love.”

“In that case,” Cait whispered, “Bonny will be loving too. The very lovingest bairn on earth.”

“I sincerely hope so.” He kissed her tenderly. “I’m sure she will be.”

As his kiss deepened, Cait reluctantly pushed him away.

“What? What is it?”

“Henna says...that you are to leave me alone.”

His laugh rang out so loud that Cait shushed him. “Duncan, you’ll wake the baby!”

“And then Henna can put her back to sleep, and leave us alone. She is meddlesome, that old woman. And how long does Henna demand I let you be?”

“Six months.”

“Six months!” he roared. Again Cait shushed him with a frantic fingertip pressed to his lips.

“She said one month at least,” Cait whispered, “but that six months would be best.”

“And what do you say, wife?” he whispered back, all devilish temptation now, his tongue coming out to lick her finger.

“I wish it were no time at all.”

“Well, I believe there are many, many things we could do to each other that wouldn’t harm you. And I think Henna would have told you so too, if she wasn’t such an ornery old crone.”

“Duncan!” chided Cait.

“Or if she didn’t think we would resort to them on our own before too long. She may be ornery, but she is not stupid.”

“You say I am naughty,” she said as his hand made its way to the now-pulsing spot between her legs, “but I think you are generally the naughty one between us two.”

“Perhaps. But you are the one who will end up over my lap getting her saucy bottom spanked.”

She shrieked as he upended her, swatting her.


“Yes, dearest?”

“Let go of me!”

“I think I won’t.”

He swatted her bottom again, then ran his hand up her thigh, flipping the skirt of her gown up so she was bared to his gaze.

“What if Henna comes in?” she whispered.

“I guess she’ll get an eyeful of your naughty behind, nice and spanked and red.”

He smacked her again and then reached around the front of her to tap on the sensitive bud between her legs. She moaned as desire flared and spread.

“Now who’s naughty?” he whispered.

“Oh, Duncan, please, please...touch me again, harder!”

“Here?” He pretended confusion, landing a smart slap to her buttock.

“Please!” she begged. “Between my legs!”

Again he only tapped and fondled her lightly, making her squirm and arch against his hand.

“Oh Duncan!” His hand soothed her now reddened cheeks, quieting her. She lay still, desperate to behave, to do whatever he wanted, if only he would touch her again. In time, her patience was rewarded as he again reached to stroke and tease her. This time, he alternated between firm slaps and delicious caresses until she fell apart, kicking and moaning in his arms.

“Hush,” he said. “Be quiet or Henna will come.”

“Quiet?” asked Cait when her breath returned to her. “I think they probably heard those spanks down in the hall.”

“I’m sure they’re relieved to know that the earl’s naughty wife is getting exactly what she deserves.”

He drew her dress down and pulled her to her feet.

“And now a naughty husband would like to get what he deserves. On your knees, Cait.”


The buzzing of bees and the unseasonably warm sunshine made Duncan drowsy as he leaned back in the grass. His eyes flitted between his toddling son Alec and the two dark curly heads leaning together over the sand.

“An ‘o’ is next, Bonny. It’s simple, like this. Just a circle.”

The little moppet pushed her mother’s hand away impatiently.

“Mama, I can do it. I can do it myself!”

“Yes, I see. Now the two n’s are next. They’re exactly the same.”

“That’s the easy part, mama.”

“Yes, but don’t write them backwards.”

Cait watched as Bonny toiled over the sand with her stick, then looked over at Duncan. He was smiling indulgently.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, not at all. If her mama reads and writes, then she must too. And soon enough, you’ll be able to teach this one,” he said, swinging Alec up into his arms. The little blond boy squealed with laughter.

“Perhaps Bonny can teach her brother. Couldn’t you, Bonny?” Cait prompted.


sp; The almost-four-year-old wrinkled her nose. “He can’t do it,” she scoffed. “He can’t do anything.”

Duncan laughed at her saucy expression. “Every bit as naughty as her mother, that one,” he said under his breath to Cait. “Tell me she’s not.”

“Oh, she’s much naughtier than I was at her age. I think she’s more like her dad.”

Duncan put Alec down and swung Cait up over his shoulders instead, landing one sharp slap on her behind. “What do you say we send the children back with Adele for their nap and go for a swim, just you and me?”

Cait peeked back at him shyly. “I think that sounds...nice.”

“Nice?” he murmured. “Not exactly what I had in mind. Naughty, more like.”

“Naughty?” whispered Cait as Adele came to lead the children away with a knowing smile. “Look, you’ve embarrassed the nurse again.”

“I can’t help it. It’s all your fault. And now I’ll have to force you to take off every stitch of your clothing and come pleasure me in the middle of the lake.”

“You can be so unreasonably demanding sometimes.”

“With such a wayward wife, I have to be. Enough talk. Disrobe.”

She did, stifling a smile at the intent way his eyes followed her. She may have teased him just a little dawdling with the ties.

“Now my turn. Undress me,” he said when she stood before him naked. His eyes scanned the trees around them as she took his clothes off. His men knew better than to intrude on their privacy at this particular lake, but he was cautious anyway. As soon as he was naked too, he led her into the water.

For a while, he was content to drift in the water and watch her swim around. She was like a fish, his wife. A lovely, beguiling fish. He dove under the water to grab her heels and surprise her. He could hear her scream even beneath the surface, and swam up with a splash.

“That’s not funny, Duncan. You scared me to death!”

“Come here.” He ignored her indignant scolding and drew her to him. Since she’d borne him two children she’d become a lot more outspoken and brave in her ways, but he used it to his advantage most of the time. She wrapped her legs around him as he drew her arms behind her back and held them tightly there.