Page 11 of Cait and the Devil

“This is the hard part, and it may seem unnatural, but I want you to kiss me. There,” he said, indicating the part of his body she surely couldn’t miss.

“Yes...yes, sir.”

“Do you know how to kiss, Caitlyn? Have you ever been kissed by a man before?”

“No. Not actually.”

He pulled her up by her arms. He kissed her at length, gently at first, then more deeply. She shuddered and sighed, pressing against him. God, she was making this difficult with her gorgeous, innocent reactions. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her close. His hands strayed lower to cup her heart-shaped bottom in his hands. He finally broke from her, afraid of losing control.

“Okay. That’s how you kiss, Caitlyn, and you remember how tenderly I kissed you there,” he reminded, tugging gently on her puckered nipples.

“Yes, I remember.”

“Back to your knees then. Take me in your hands. God, yes... like that.” It would be a miracle if he lasted until she put her lips on him. Just the feel of her trembling fingertips caressing him was enough to make a drop of pre-cum shimmer on the head of his cock. “Now lick it. Kiss it. Just the tip.”

She rose up on her knees to position her mouth before him, and her pink tongue darted out to taste him. She licked him artlessly, clumsily, but he screwed his eyes shut and tensed to keep himself from shooting all over her face.

“Yes. Yes, that’s good,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Am I hurting you?”

“No. Don’t stop. Now open your mouth wide and take me between your lips. Let me slide into your mouth.”

Miracle of miracles, she opened for him. This had been the point where Lenore balked, where she’d turned on him and called him unnatural. A depraved, perverse villain. And he was all those things, but bless Cait, she didn’t know.

He thrust in her then, as deeply as he dared without alarming her, cupping her face gently to guide his cock in and out. He was going to come, and he was going to come hugely.

“Cait,” he gasped. “Very soon I’m going to release in your mouth. It’s going to taste strange and viscous, but you’re not to spit it out. You’re to swallow it. It won’t hurt you. Do you understand?”

She nodded and he grasped the back of her neck, groaning long and hard as he discharged in her throat. He felt her choke a little, but she swallowed him as best she could. Astonishing. Not one cry of displeasure or outrage. He pulled her up, overcome by the intimacy of the moment. He enveloped her in his arms and kissed her.

“Good girl. I know it wasn’t easy.”

She nuzzled against him, trembling in his grasp.

“Did I please you? I tried my best.”

“You did very well for the first time. Very well. And it will get easier in time. With practice.”

“ often...?” She wasn’t quite able to say the words.

“Every day, at least for a little while, until it becomes more natural to you,” he said, stroking her hair. “It pleases me very much to be inside you, to feel your warm mouth around me, pleasuring me. I’ll want you to do it quite often.” He chuckled at her expression. “I told you it would be work. But I promise there will be pleasure for you too.”

“There will?”

“Yes. If you obey me. Go to the bed, Cait. Lie down on your back. Trust me,” he said when she hesitated.

Drawing a deep breath, she turned from him and walked to the bed. She lay back, looking at him with wide eyes. He felt his cock tighten again. Just a look from her fathomless eyes could undo him. The image of her taking his cock in her mouth would stay with him forever. He would be hard for a week just remembering it.

“Spread your legs. Open them,” he said. She did, just a little, the modesty ingrained in all women hampering her. “Wider. I want to see you there. Wider,” he urged her repeatedly, until her thighs were spread wide apart and he could see the luscious treasure between her legs. He stood and admired her for a long moment. His cock was already hard again, but he wouldn’t take her that way. He knelt instead, pulling her to the edge of the bed and holding her legs. He could tell she felt exposed. Her legs tensed and she tried to close them, but he pinned her open. He dipped his mouth to her, blowing hot breath on her beautiful pink pussy. She squirmed. His hands tightened on her thighs.

“Be still. Let me have you. Be a good girl for me.”

And she was, oh, she was. He began to kiss her, lick her, lightly at first. She was so exquisite, so erotically sensitive, even the softest tease of his tongue made her buck under him. She tasted beautiful, musky and female.

“Oh, oh...” Her soft cries drove him on, and the way she moved, the way she writhed and sighed—he could have eaten her alive.

“Yes. Let yourself go for me.”

She moaned as he licked and caressed her. She was searching for something and he knew she hadn’t the slightest idea what. He would help her find it. He would help her learn the depths of pleasure she was capable of experiencing, no matter how long it took. He soothed her, then urged her on with his mouth until she was breathless and tense with coiled desire.

“Let go.” He breathed against her. “I’ve got you.”

She was gasping quick, heady gasps. Her hands twisted and twined in his hair. Carefully, he slid one finger up inside her slick opening, and both of them moaned. Jesus, she was so tight, so impossibly hot and slick. It was some kind of madness, that he didn’t stand up and thrust inside. He regained control of himself, concentrating on her pleasure. He bit and nipped gently at her clit, that little nub hard and swollen under his mouth. He thrust a second finger inside her and she gasped at the fullness, threw her head back and wailed. He felt her come, her velvet walls pulsing and clenching against his fingers. He didn’t remove them until she’d relaxed again, until her breathing slowed. She lay completely still, as if she understood the peril she was in, although she didn’t. Of that he was sure. He looked down at her, longing, craving. He touched her cheek lightly, tried to smile. Tried to reassure her in the face of the words he had to say.

“Caitlyn. I think it’s better if you don’t stay here. If you go back to your room to sleep.”

“Oh.” The disappointment on her face, the forlorn way her eyebrows drew together... “Wh...Why? I’m sorry...”

“No, it’s nothing you did. It’s me, Caitlyn. I’ll tire you out. I’ll want your mouth again and again and it’s not fair to you. You must go and rest now. It’s late.”

“I’ll do anything, please, if you’ll just let me stay. Whatever you want! I don’t want to leave. Please hold me in the dark while I sleep. I’m afraid to be alone.”

He stood over her, looking down at her. If he let her stay now, she’d expect to stay every night.

“Am I not your true wife now? I tried my best. I’ll keep practicing, I will—”

“Enough, Caitlyn.” She killed him. It was true, she had done everything he’d asked of her, been a more true and obedient wife than Lenore had ever been. It

was the tears shimmering in her eyes that finally undid him.

“Okay.” He frowned. It was a terrible idea, and it increased the danger to her significantly, but there was no way now to say no.

“I’ll be quiet,” she promised. “I won’t disturb you. I’ll lie very still.”

No matter, he thought. It had nothing to do with that. She could lie still as the grave, be quiet as a mouse in a cat’s sight, and he’d still burn to make her his. Now that he’d felt her, thrust his fingers up inside her hot, tight channel, he didn’t know how he would resist. Perhaps if he exhausted himself each day in exertions, he could fall fast asleep at night with her beside him in his arms.

Folly, to think there was any way he could manage to leave her alone.

“Kneel down, then, Cait,” he said, showing her his engorged cock. “Once more, so we can get to bed.”

* * * * *

Douglas waited until the castle was quiet. He could lurk about wherever he wanted, he was the elder earl after all. No one would tell him what to do. But he didn’t want to lurk about just anywhere. He’d planned all day, since the moment he saw her, to pay a very secret visit to his pretty little daughter-in-law in the night.

All in the family, yes? She was his son’s wife, and if she could take Duncan’s coarse cock between her legs, she could spread her thighs nice and wide for his. He’d clamp his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream and bring everyone running. It would be made all the more thrilling to know his son slept right next door, unaware.

Yes, he’d figured out all the particulars as soon as he decided he wanted her. Located her bedroom, insured that his son would be asleep before he went to her. It was all made much easier by the fact that Duncan elected to sleep apart from her.

Well, he didn’t blame him. Once the wife had been fucked, had yielded what was between her legs, what else was she good for? Keeping you awake? Driving you insane with mindless women’s prattle? Snuggling up against you, trying to steal your warmth? A saucy bit of goods like Duncan’s wife was good for one thing and one thing only, and Douglas intended to go and take it from her by force.