She glanced beside them, at a towering, powerfully built leather-sub and his pink-haired mistress. Beside that couple, a threesome was alternately dancing and locking lips. Jason pulled Sara closer, running his fingers up and down her back, over her hidden lacings. Even in the darkness, her blue eyes stood out like glittering jewels. Eternal eyes. “I’m so happy,” she yelled over the music. “I love this. I loved dinner with Kelsey and Theo too. I feel so...included.”

“Of course you’re included.” Kelsey’s voice rang out while Theo bumped them, interrupting their kiss. Soon all four of them were dancing together and laughing. Sara reached out to stroke Kelsey’s hair.

“It’s so pretty,” she cried. “So light and beautiful. I’ve wanted to touch it all night.”

Kelsey seemed delighted to let Sara stroke her hair, and Jason and Theo were both delighted to watch. “When are you going to start kissing?” Theo asked in his usual blunt style. “That’s what everyone wants to see.”

“When we go to the back rooms, maybe,” said Kelsey with a gleam in her eye. “We are going to the back rooms together, aren’t we?”

“We’ll see,” Jason answered, bemused by Kelsey’s hornified enthusiasm. He and Kelsey were friends, nothing more. He’d be able to tease her about this later, whether they only played BDSM games, or went all the way, having sex between the four of them. Since she was currently, actively kissing Sara, Jason guessed there was a good chance of sex.

“I should never give her alcohol,” Theo said to Jason.

“Or maybe give her a little more.” Jason watched Sara for signs of distress, but she’d abandoned herself to Kelsey’s embrace.

“Back rooms?” asked Theo.

“Back rooms,” agreed Jason. He took hold of Sara’s hair and drew her attention from Kelsey. “Do you want to go play?” he asked. “Exchange power with Theo and Kelsey? There may be other people there.”

“Other people we’ll play with?” she asked.

“Probably not. You never know, when things get rolling. But listen.” He took her face to be sure she heard him. “We don’t have to do anything. We can just hang out and dance.”

He liked to push her to try new things, but public, group play was one of those things a submissive had to choose for herself. There were rules at the Citadel to protect everyone who played there, and everything was consensual. All the sex was safe. The emotional part of it was harder, accepting that you could be part of a very happy couple and still play with outside partners. “Did you like kissing Kelsey?” he asked, staring at her lips. “It looked so pretty. What if Theo kissed you? Would that turn you on?”

She looked shocked at the suggestion, but also curious. “I don’t know. I’ll try anything you like, Master. I want to see what happens in the back rooms. You said I had to see it for myself.”

“So I did.”

He beckoned Theo and Kelsey, and the four of them headed down the hall to peek into the various private spaces. The walls were stone and the doors heavy, age-scarred wood. Even over the music, you could hear impact and screams, and thrilled shouts. Halfway down they encountered a cluster of people watching a scene. Jason heard Lemaitre’s voice, Lemaitre’s laugh.

They tried to move to the side, but the revelers saw them and parted. Le Maître was tormenting a slave at his feet, a cowering, willing beauty, probably testing her limits before he invited her to his private play space. He was shirtless, his low-riding leather pants revealing his enviable physique. Sara gaped at him, never having seen Michel Lemaitre outside his crisp, bespoke CEO suits. Jason barely heard her gasp, but Le Maître heard it. His eyes locked on Jason first, then Sara.

He hauled his slave up and shooed her down the hall, then grabbed Theo and barked in his ear in French. Theo jerked away, gone white and grim. He turned to Jason and spoke to him, also in French.

“He says Sara has to go.”

“What? Why?”

“He won’t say why, but he means it. He said not to bring her back again.” Theo looked furious, but at le Citadel, Le Maître’s word was law. “Come, let’s go,” he said to Sara and Kelsey in English. “There’s no room for us back here tonight.”

“What’s wrong?” asked Sara. “We have to go? Now?”

“We have to leave,” said Jason, taking refuge in activity. If he didn’t stay busy, if he didn’t concern himself with bundling Sara up and getting her out of there, he’d go after Lemaitre and punch him in the face. Theo seemed to understand that. He stood between Jason and Lemaitre until the scowling Master of the Citadel turned on his heel and stalked back down the hall. The door to his inner sanctum slammed.

“Nice,” muttered Kelsey under her breath. In the end, she was the one who calmed Sara, who hugged her and said, “Come on, we’ll find something else to do.”

The four of them left the club and clustered together outside the door. Jason seethed as he watched a lackey deliver a note to the doormen, probably an edict that Sara wasn’t to be re-admitted. Fucking Lemaitre. Sara wasn’t underage, she wasn’t in disgrace, and she was in an active Master/slave relationship. She was beautiful and daring and she belonged in le Citadel with her colleagues and fellow pervs.

“I don’t understand,” she said, burying her face in Jason’s shoulder. “What did I do? Why does he hate me?”

“He doesn’t hate you, baby.” He tilted her face to his and gave her a kiss. “I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. I’ll make him explain tomorrow. But yes, this sucks donkey balls.”

“It’s outrageous,” said Theo. “Completely outrageous.”

Kelsey beckoned to her husband and whispered something in his ear. He listened a while, nodded, then turned to Jason. “Come back to our place? Kels says we can do as well as Le Maître. Even better.”

Jason thought she was probably right. He looked down at Sara, smoothing the miserable lines from her forehead.

“Don’t worry. You’re going to have your Citadel experience tonight, little one,” he promised. “Or as close to it as we can get.”

Chapter Nine: Even Better

For some reason, the Zamoras had a disco ball mounted over their bed.

“I’m not going to ask,” said Jason, holding up his hands. “I don’t want to know about your freaky sex life. It’ll be a nice touch with the Christmas lights, though. Almost like the real thing.”

Sara was warmed to the bottom of her soul by the effort they were putting into this, all to make her feel better. It took fifteen minutes for Theo and Jason to crawl into the attic and find some holiday lights, and fifteen more minutes for them to hang them in the Zamora’s bedroom. In the meantime, Kelsey browsed her mp3 files and put together a sultry, sexy play list, playing snippets of songs for Sara’s opinion. Setting up “Club Zamora” almost, almost helped her forget the look on Mr. Lemaitre’s face when he’d kicked her out of the Citadel.

She couldn’t understand it. Why?

Jason said they could figure it out tomorrow. He was certain it was all a mistake, but Lemaitre’s anger hadn’t seemed like a mistake to Sara. Didn’t she have a right to be there, just like everyone else?

“Are you still thinking about the Cita

del?” asked Kelsey as she arranged candles around the bed. “Because we’re going to have fun, tons more fun than we would have had there. I’m sure the guys will make us orgasm a zillion times.”

Sara smiled at her friend, curious how everything would play out. Did the Zamoras play harder or softer than her and Jason? Would they all have sex together, or would they trade partners? Would she and Kelsey kiss some more? Sara wouldn’t mind that. Or would there be no sex at all?

“Is that for the smoke?” Jason coughed as Kelsey lit the candles, one after the other. “This doesn’t have to be exactly like the Citadel.”

“Ma chère,” Theo said to his wife. “Go get some wine. It’s time to set the mood.”

Sara moved to go too, but Jason stopped her. “Not you.” He eased her dress up and off, so she only wore her corset and stockings. Then he pointed to the floor. “Right there.”

She swallowed hard, sinking to her knees. Jason stared at her until she assumed the correct position: legs spread, back arched, eyes on him. Theo glanced over, still rearranging the lights, and she flushed with a delicious kind of embarrassment. She knew she was dressed in a way that pleased Jason, and that she had a strong, attractive body. She knew they were all about to do a scene together but she still felt pangs of shyness. Theo wasn’t her partner. He was her coach.

“Très jolie,” he said, nodding at her. She didn’t know if he meant her appearance or the enticing way she was posed, but his approving smile made her feel warm inside. At last Theo arranged the strands to his satisfaction, and strode to the wall to turn off the overhead light. The blinking, twinkling colors gave the room an otherworldly air. As if on cue, Kelsey returned with goblets and a bottle of wine. She set them on a side table and then Theo and Kelsey started to undress each other.

Sara wasn’t sure where to look. Was it okay to stare? They were beautiful—both their physiques and the tender way they interacted. Theo was so dark and Kelsey so pale and light, and both of them had amazing bodies. Theo stripped Kelsey of everything, even her pretty black bra and panties. She had tight pink nipples and a little patch of blonde fuzz over her pussy. Sara wanted to check out Theo’s cock but wasn’t certain about matters of etiquette. Jason knelt behind her and nudged her face in their direction when she tilted it away. “Go ahead and look at him,” he said with a hint of laughter. “See what you’re in for.”