Kelsey steered the conversation back to Wayne’s group of acrobats and the development of their act. To her relief, he seemed to lighten up considerably, happy to talk about the smaller day-to-day dramas associated with the show. The food came and they moved on to reminiscing about their time at the gym in Laguna Hills.

There was something about Wayne, his smile or the sparkle in his eyes, that was so infectious. After so many weeks of Theo’s dark brooding scowls, Wayne was like a breath of fresh air.

“We’ll have to do this again,” she said at the end of the meal. “And next time I’m buying.”

“No, no,” said Wayne. “I’m an old-fashioned guy. I love to take out a pretty girl. If she’s an old friend, even better.”

A pretty girl. Ten years ago...hell, five years ago...she would have died to hear him say that about her. He’d been so exalted in her eyes, so unreachable. But could she have Wayne now...with her relationship with Theo?

Hell yeah, she could. Theo wasn’t anything approximating a real boyfriend, but Wayne could be. Wayne was total boyfriend material. She gave him a flirty smile. Some knowledge or emotion played behind his eyes.

“You adorable thing,” he sighed. “I miss home so much when I see you. Those eyes, that golden hair. That smile. What are you doing tonight?”

Damn. Kelsey would be expected at Theo’s. She could try to beg out of it, but if he found out it was to spend time with Wayne, he would flip.

“I have an, um, prior engagement.”

“With Theo, I guess.”

Kelsey played it off. “Yeah, but it’s not a date or anything. Just…hanging out together. To be honest, our relationship is mostly professional.” Lies, lies, lies. She was telling lies about Theo to Wayne. Theo would be so angry if he knew. I’d rather not say anything than lie and deceive.

If Wayne thought she was lying, he didn’t show it. He said, “I haven’t seen you guys back at the Citadel in a while.”

“We’ve been staying in.” Kelsey didn’t elaborate on the things they’d been doing in Theo’s sparsely furnished room. “Do you go to the Citadel very often?” she asked, looking up at him from under her lashes.

“Sure, I go. I have to say, I’m getting into it. More than I thought I would. It’s like this crazy, alternative world where the rules are totally different.”

“I know what you mean.”

He gave her another one of those disarming, bright smiles. “Maybe you and I can go together sometime. If, uh...if Theo would let you. If he wouldn’t mind.”

When hell freezes over, Kelsey thought to herself. But she smiled at Wayne and said, “Yeah, maybe. Sure.”

*** *** ***

Theo headed to the kitchen, his mind firmly fixed on the woman kneeling upstairs in his room. He liked to make her wait...and worry. All part of his training program. She was proving to be as capable a student in the bedroom as she was in the practice gym. Their act was coming along swimmingly. Their power exchange scenes even more so.

At the sound of sharp, low male voices, Theo paused outside the door.

“So your Kelsey project isn’t going according to plan?” It was Manuel, Wayne’s acrobat friend.

Theo heard some more mumbling, and then, from the Golden Boy himself, “I just want to lay her. I’ve put so much time into her already.”

“Why does it have to be her? I hear Sarah’s a real slut. Or maybe try that new contortionist from the Ukraine.”

“Fuck. No. They’re easy. What’s the fun in that? I want Kelsey Cutesy Martin. I want to fuck her up. Break her. It’s the challenge, man.”

“You want to break her like, evil break her or sexy break her?”

“However I can get her, that’s how I want her. She’s apparently into that Citadel back room shit. I’ll beat on her if she wants me to. Whatever gets my dick in her pants.”

“Nice,” the other guy mumbled. “You sicko.”

Sicko indeed. His instincts about Wayne were right. Kelsey had called Theo a gypsy once, but he wasn’t exactly that. His grandmother had been able to read people like a book though, and he had enough of her blood to spot a two-faced asshole like Wayne a mile away. Not that Theo was worried about Kelsey. Guys like Wayne put on a big act, usually because their insecurities ran so deep. Idiot. If Wayne thought he could break Kelsey, he was barking up the wrong tree.

Theo took a few steps back down the hall and then approached the kitchen again, whistling loudly. The two men fell silent as Theo crossed to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of wine and two wineglasses, and sauntered back out of the room. He nodded to Wayne as he went. The blank, guileless look Golden Boy returned made Theo want to laugh.

“Bonne nuit,” he said over his shoulder. Good night, you fucking prick. I’m going to fuck Kelsey Martin now, and I won’t have to break her to enjoy myself.

Theo took the stairs two at a time and slipped into his room. There was nothing special about it. White, bare walls, nondescript furniture. Utilitarian bed with a retro print comforter and gray fleece blanket on top. There was only one beautiful thing about the room, and she was kneeling beside the table. Kelsey was posed in the way he’d taught her, sitting back on her heels with her legs slightly spread and her hands resting open on her thighs.

For the moment, Theo ignored her. He opened the wine, tossing the cork in the trash. He was finally reaching a point where he didn’t crave a cigarette with his alcohol. Kelsey was a far more attractive complement. He poured a glass of the dark red liquid and brought it to his nose. He took a sip and then another, studying his submissive in her classic slave stance.

He’d embarked full scale on a journey of training with her. Not for Michel, or to live up to some expected standard of BDSM mastery. He was training her because she enjoyed it and because she was just so damn gorgeous when she was submitting to him.

Theo stood to undress, slipping his shirt over his head and pushing his sweatpants down over his rising erection. Her only response was an almost undetectable intake of breath. He heard it though. He was so attuned to her--more so each time they completed one of these sessions.

He pulled a chair over, lounging across from her line of sight. She remained utterly still, utterly servile. He reached for the wine and took another sip. Waiting to touch her was a pleasure every bit as sensual as enjoying the aroma of a fine wine before one drank.

Finally he put down his glass and leaned forward, one arm braced on his knee. She still looked forward, back straight, breasts jutting out, perfect little globes. He tapped her under the chin, making a small adjustment to the angle of her face. “Why are you here?” he asked quietly.

“To serve you, Master.” Her voice was slow and sweet.

“Come then.” He gestured her forward, smoothing her hair as she bowed her head and lowered her mouth over his cock. She licked him in a long slide to begin, and he had to suppress a shudder. Her warm mouth enveloped him in gentle, practiced suction.

“Touch me,” he said after a moment, and her hands came up to cradle and caress the base of his cock and his balls. Her fingers played over him while her lips and tongue worked sensual magic. Theo gazed down at the blonde head bowed before him, then he threw back his head and let go, basking in her service. She was making progress. It had only taken a few reprimands, a few punishments before she learned to take more care in her technique.

After a few minutes he sat up again, easing himself deeper, pushing her limits. She had a strong gag reflex, and probably always would, but she tried. He urged her forward with a hand on the back of the neck each time she retreated. The tears came, as always, perhaps from effort or perhaps from fear. Perhaps from powerlessness. He made a soft sound of encouragement to fortify her.

Within a couple of minutes, he was nearing his peak. It wasn’t just her improved technique that had his balls drawing up in pleasure. It was the struggle, the effort she put forth to please him. Without warning, he erupted in her mouth, his whole body quaking in bursts of exquisite release. She swallowed

every last drop, delicately, savoring it as she’d been taught. He wiped a tear from her eye before reaching again for his wine.

“You’re getting better,” he said.

“Thank you, Master.”

He let her rest her head against his thigh while he stroked her hair. Occasionally, he shared the wine from his glass, holding it to her lips. The only reason he’d taken two glasses from the kitchen was so Wayne would understand Kelsey was upstairs with him. Theo much preferred to feed and give her drink himself when they were exchanging power. One more way to control, and yet nurture. He let her have one more sip, then pulled her up to sit in his lap. Her pussy felt hot and damp against his thigh.