Kelsey sensed movement behind her. Before she could summon a scream, a firm hand clamped over her mouth. Her throat closed in terror at the pressure of another body behind her--a very hard male body with an erect cock pressing against her ass. In the time it took him to twist her arm behind her back and frogmarch her to the bed, she realized it was Theo. A little of the terror ebbed, but her heart was still beating a mile a minute. She struggled against him, as horny as she was angry.

He whispered in her ear. “Clean again, are you?”

She tried to turn and yell at him, but he grabbed a handful of her hair, holding her head down into the bedspread. At the same time he made a low, shushing sound that resonated in her ears and her pussy. She fell silent and still as he ran a hand up and down her back.

“It’s okay, Kel-zeeee,” he whispered. “It’s okay. You want me, don’t you? You want me?”

Kelsey nodded, a moan catching in her throat. All the effects of the cold shower were long gone, replaced by a raging need for his wanton, careless violence. “H--How did you get in?” she stammered.

“The door.”

“The door was locked.”

He chuckled, running a hand between her legs. He kneaded her pussy, poking his cock against her ass cheeks again. He was fumbling with something. A condom.

She waited for him to fuck her, but instead she was hauled up and pushed to the floor. He came down behind her, his arms over hers, pressing them to the cool hardwood on either side of her head.

“Don’t move,” he said in a low, menacing tone. “Not one inch.” More fumbling, the sound of a cap opening. Kelsey shivered, trying to stay still. Cold, slick fingers prodded between the cleft of her ass. By the time she thought to move, to get away, his other hand was pressing her shoulders down.

“No,” she said, not very forcefully. Not forcefully enough. He fingered her asshole, pressing slippery liquid inside. “No,” she said again, but she didn’t try to get away from him. As always, some part of her wanted this no matter how badly it terrified her. “Please,” she said instead. “I’m scared. I haven’t done this before.”

“If you had,” said Theo on a sigh, “I would have been disappointed.”

If she hoped for gentleness then, for a patient tutorial on the finer points of anal sex, she was misguided in that hope. Theo shifted and his hand went to her arm, wrenching her shoulder back toward him so she had no leverage to move. At the same time, she felt the head of his cock against her tender entrance. He pressed it in a little. Holy fuck--it hurt even more than she feared.

She whined and shook her head. “No, stop, it hurts. You’re hurting me!”

“Don’t fight me. Let it happen.”

“I can’t!”

In all this time, she hadn’t even looked at him. He was her faceless tormentor, her ruler who would take what he wanted whether she wanted it or not.

“I’m not letting you up,” Theo growled. “Not until I fuck you.”

“Fuck my pussy then,” Kelsey begged.

“If I wanted your pussy, I’d be there right now.” Kelsey could imagine his hard, sardonic expression, his willful glare. Again the head of his cock breached her, just a little. In, out, then in again, stretching and hurting her. His fingers dug into her arm.

“Submit to me, Kelsey. Submit.”

She wanted to. She braced herself as he pressed in a little farther. Oh God, she was so scared. The pain was so sharp, so immediate in that vulnerable place. She stiffened and held still, because she felt if she moved, even a little, he might injure her. Tear her.


It was one softly spoken word, but it triggered some unwinding inside her. Kelsey tried to obey. Tried to relax. Theo slid deeper, holding one hip in a vise-like grip. His guttural snarl of approval was like music to her ears. The pain eased, replaced with a provocative, frightening feeling. Theo was fucking her ass. Never, in a thousand years, would Kelsey have ever considered letting a guy do that to her. Never, ever would have agreed to it. But Theo had taken the choice away and just done it, and now she found herself plumbing depths of submission she couldn’t have imagined a month or even a week ago.

The thought of it, her submission, her plight, brought a whine to her lips. It sounded more lustful than anything else--and it seemed to egg Theo on. He thrust deeper, filling her completely. Her whine rose to a cry.

“Yes, louder,” he said in an amazingly controlled voice. “Cry and scream. Bring your friend running over here. I’m sure he’d love to see this.”

Pressure built in her pussy at Theo’s cool words, his evil disregard for her feelings. Yes, louder. Cry and scream. He wouldn’t stop. She believed that, which was the only reason she felt as excited as she did. She began to struggle again just to feel him hold her down harder, more forcefully. She could imagine his intent expression, the curl of his lips. The idea of it had her burning. She wasn’t going to come though, which sucked. She was still adjusting to the strange sensation of having a cock in her asshole. She wouldn’t exactly call it pleasant.

But it wasn’t unpleasant either.

Theo was moaning now, loudly. All Kelsey could think of was Wayne listening on the other side of the wall. How thin were the walls in this house anyway? Oh, God.

“Theo, be quiet,” she begged, more to herself than to him, because she knew he wouldn’t listen, that he would do exactly as he pleased. His moans rose in volume, almost to a shout. He fucked her hard, his hips pounding against her ass. “Oui, oui, oui,” he yelled in the quiet room. He collapsed on top of her, driving her against the floor, his cock still deep in her asshole. She felt his fingers groping, searching. He found her clit and worked it, his tender touches in strange dissonance to his pounding thrusts in her ass. She arched her back and clenched her ass cheeks, suddenly finding herself close to orgasm after all.

“Oh...ohhh...” His touches were pure splendor, tingling and driving her lust. Now she was the one being too loud. She couldn’t swallow the cries that erupted from her throat. He put his palm right around her neck, light pressure as she bucked her hips back against him. One more slippery grope through the honey of her arousal and the climax was there, right there. Sparks exploded behind her eyes, and the weight of Theo seemed not a burden, but just the natural way of things. He was her Master and she was the one who served him. Who did anything he wanted. Who enjoyed everything he did.

The orgasm went on and on, and the aftermath longer still. She felt filled, defiled, and was happy to just lie still and enjoy those feelings. He was still and quiet now too, his cock pulsing in her occasionally. His heat was a contrast to the cool wood beneath her belly and breasts. She felt him shift. He smoothed her hair from her nape and left behind a faint brush of lips.

“Ah, Kelsey,” he said, in a voice that might have been regretful, or maybe just satisfied. She snuggled back against him, still trying to acclimate to the feel of him inside her, in that place she’d never wanted any guy to go.

“You scared me,” she scolded in a soft voice. “I almost pissed myself.”

“When you came out of your bathroom, or when I slathered your ass with lube?”

“Both times.”

Theo chuckled. “I made you dirty again.”

“I have a feeling you like me that way.”

“Dirty girls are the best girls.” He was quiet a moment. “Did you sleep with your golden boy yet?”

“Wayne?” Kelsey snorted. “What kind of a slut do you think I am?”

Theo bumped his hips against hers. “This might not be the best moment to ask me that.”

How the hell was he still hard? “Point taken. So, are you eventually going to get it out of me?”

“I worked very hard to get it in there. I’ll take it out when I want.”

So Kelsey waited. And wondered. Jealous of Wayne, was he? Interesting. So the stony facade had a crack. She pondered that as his solid chest rose and fell against her back. At last, with a sigh, Theo slipped a hand between them and

eased himself out. It gave Kelsey an uncomfortably empty feeling. When he stood to cross to the bathroom she felt the absence of his warmth. She heard the water turn on, and then his voice, a gruff command.

“Kelsey! Come.”

Kelsey, come. Like some dog. It didn’t matter. She would as soon have jumped out the window as refused to obey, the way she felt in that moment. They squeezed into the shower together, washing off the sweat and slippery lube, and the dust from the floor where he’d pressed her down. When they finished, Kelsey was afraid he’d leave her, walk out the door without a backward glance. But that wasn’t his style.

Instead, he collapsed face down on her bed, still damp, then turned and held out his hand to her. “Come sleep. Come.”

Come. She lay down, nestling against his side. He pulled her closer, pressing a kiss on her forehead. For a moment her throat went tight, like she might cry.

“Theo...” she started. How do you feel about me?

“Hush.” He shook her a little, then ran a hand up her arm in a soothing movement. “No talk. Sleep.”

Chapter Seven: The Act

“Come. Come. Come!”