“Got it,” she grumbled, and accelerated.

“Living in a small town can make you a little sex-starved,” he said.

She turned the radio down even further. “How do you know I’m sex-starved?”

“Process of elimination. You’re not married. And you don’t have a boyfriend. What’s a girl like you supposed to do?”

“Just because I don’t have a husband or boyfriend, doesn’t mean I’m sex-starved.”

“It’s not as if you can take care of that kind of craving via a casual encounter. The chief of police has to protect her reputation.”

She smiled. “Now you’re starting to get it.”

“No one would have to know about me. Provided we can get the door you broke to stay closed, that is,” he added.

“The door’s fixed. I called Leland after I booked you, told him what happened. I didn’t want to be responsible if your stuff got stolen. So he took the lock off the laundry room door.”

“Leland’s the manager?”

“You never knew him?”

“No, but it’s nice of him to accommodate us. That means we’ll have all the privacy we could want.”

“Until tomorrow, when you tell everyone what we did.” He began to interrupt, but she wouldn’t let him. “I can’t imagine you’d really keep your mouth shut—not when you have such good reasons for wanting others, like Stuart, to find out.”

He wouldn’t do that in a million years, but she didn’t know, did she? “That really wounds me.”

“Yeah, well, even if you don’t tell, there’s no such thing as privacy in Bordertown. You, of all people, should understand that.” She turned into the Mother Lode and stopped in front of his unit. “Besides, we have a killer to track down, which means we can’t afford any personal involvement. Getting the bad guy has to come first.”

“Can’t you wait until tomorrow to make me a coworker?”

“Nope. You wanted in, right?”

“Is this where you start talking about ethics?”

“I’m pretty sure we’ve been talking about ethics all along but, just to clarify, we can’t get involved.”

“Damn it! And here I was, hoping to make a sex tape.”

She rolled her eyes. “You really know how to break down a girl’s defenses.”

“I try.”



Letting the engine idle, she gave him a wry smile. “Forgetting sex for a moment, what lab has that cigarette butt?”

“One in San Diego. They’re reputable. If there’s any DNA, they’ll find it.”

“And you’ll share the profile with me as soon as you have it.”

“Of course. I already told you I would.”

“Wonderful. It’s been interesting. Have a good night.”

He didn’t get out. He’d finished teasing her about going inside with him, but he had other questions. “What does your gut say?” he asked. “Is it Leonard? Is he killing people in an attempt to get back at the woman who told on him for forcing her to have sex?”

“That’s my best guess. I suppose it could be a rogue border patrol agent or a disgruntled rancher— Charlie Sumpter comes to mind. But I’ve found no proof of either.”

“I’ve never met Leonard, but…his trailer looked like shit and didn’t smell much better. Seems he’s had a lot in his life go bad lately. That could cause the mildest of men to snap.”

“Exactly. Although, to be fair, his marriage was on the rocks before I ever learned about Rosita Flores. It was just a matter of time.”

“That’s the Mexican woman’s name? Rosita?”


“How old was she?”

“Barely eighteen.”

He remembered his father telling him about Sophia’s former boyfriend. “That must’ve sounded a bit too familiar.”

She sobered instantly. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying he was in a position of authority, and he took advantage of that with a teenager, like the preacher who used to be your boyfriend.”

“Who told you about Dick?”


“You mean your father.”

“Bruce,” he repeated.

“Yeah, well, next time I see him I’ll have to thank him for airing my dirty laundry.”

“He likes you. He’s hoping you’ll marry Stuart.”

This evoked an incredulous laugh. “There’s no chance of that.”

“You’re sure? He’ll be a wealthy man someday.”

She glared at him, obviously upset by the implication that she could be that shallow. “Get out.”

“One more question. What did the preacher have to attract you that Stuart doesn’t?”

At first, he figured she wasn’t going to answer, but she surprised him. “I thought he had a conscience, for one,” she said. “He was religious, the opposite of Starkey. I suppose I thought the grass would be greener on the other side, as the saying goes.”

“But he cheated on you and broke your heart.”

“That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for the recap.”

“I guess what I really want to know is if you’re over it.”

She didn’t regret losing Dick, didn’t want him back. But that experience had certainly left its mark. “I’m getting there.”

“You’re dating again?”

“I’ve gone out a few times. Why?”

“Just curious.”

“About my love life?”

“I’ve been wondering if that kiss in the cell was your first since the preacher.”

“Does it matter?”

“If the answer is yes, you’ve been keeping yourself on a pretty tight leash.”

“It’s a small town. I don’t have a lot of options, as you’ve mentioned.”

“Not a lot of discreet options,” he clarified. “But there’s one.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said with a laugh.

He opened the door. “Tell me something.”

She tucked her hair behind her ears. “What?”

“Did your stepfather ever get away with…you know…anything?” The color drained from her face, which made Rod’s muscles tense. “Because if he did, I’m going to break his jaw.”