Half awake, the sensations were softened, edged with the cushioning of dreams. Was she dreaming this now? Had she dreamed the numerous times he'd taken her throughout the night? Had she dreamed the endless parade of shuddering orgasms he'd coaxed from her?

He turned and pressed her down to the bed with the force of his penetration, then lifted her, limp and pliable, to mount him in his lap. She climbed him, using his shoulders for leverage. He nipped her just below the ear, yanking her hips back down each time she pushed up from his thighs.

No, not dreaming.

He grabbed her face, kissing her hard, thrusting his tongue as deep as his cock was inside her. She moaned, letting him rock her on his shaft with strong, demanding hands. Take me. Use me. He grabbed a fistful of her curls and pulled her head back, baring her neck for his bite. She pressed against the solid heat of him, wanting him closer, ever closer. Wanting to disappear inside of him.

With a grunt, he pressed her back down onto the bed again, kneeling between her thighs and yanking her legs up over his shoulders. He grabbed her breasts painfully and then held her down, one palm pressed firmly just below her windpipe. If he wanted to, he could steal her air—the look he gave her told her he knew it. Instead he leaned down to kiss her again. She bit him, a wild sleepy creature who wasn't civilized just yet. He chuckled and grabbed her hands, pinning her arms over her head.

She squirmed beneath him—for his amusement only, since she knew he would release her when it pleased him, and not a moment before. But she didn't want to be released. His hands clinched tighter, his body pressing her down. His forceful thighs parted hers wider and he slid inside her in a maddening rhythm that stoked her g-spot to life with mind-melting pleasure. She stretched and arched for him. When he growled for her to come, she fought him and kicked her legs, hopelessly spread and conquered. With a sudden, shimmering cohesion of sensation, she reached a wrenching peak. As her pussy milked his cock in rhythmic spasms, he pressed against her, twisting a fist in her hair. She gasped at the pain, but her orgasm floated on before dissipating into an all-over weight of satiety. She relaxed beneath him, reveling in each sensation. The emptying of her pussy when he pulled out, the slide of his skin as he leaned away. Then he was back, gathering her up and pressing his rough cheek against her forehead.

Slowly, like a flower unfolding, her mind expanded into alert awareness. Your Master comes today. It would only be hours now until she saw him again. Mephisto was watching her, reading her face again with that strange facility of his.

"Today's the day."

His voice was kept carefully equivocal. Not happy, or disappointed. Not enthusiastic or angry. Just...blank. She could feel him pulling away from her emotionally, feel the separation as if it were a tangible thing. The loss of something he'd given her, and now chose to reclaim.

Mephisto was no one's, and no one ever belonged to him.

"Show me your arm," he said quietly.

Molly was relieved to have a mundane task to do in the moment. She still felt singed by the passion of the morning's encounter—one she somehow sensed had been their last. He carefully unwrapped the gauze bandage with the same fingers he'd pressed to her windpipe moments before. The burn was shiny and red, but no longer swollen. Molly thought perhaps it wouldn't even leave a scar, at least not a raised one.

"It looks better," he said.

"Yes, Master."

"It's possible I over-reacted yesterday."

She giggled softly. "I'm so clumsy sometimes. My Master knows it. He'll just shake his head when he sees this."

"Yes. He didn't sound too surprised yesterday on the phone. He was actually shocked that you hadn't managed to get yourself into more trouble."

She lowered her eyes. "Did you tell him about...everything, Master?"

"No, but I will. The good and the bad. He might as well know the things you were punished for, as well as the things you handled well."

She wondered if he would tell Master about last night, when he had called her Molly, and made love to her. Repeatedly. Instead she asked, "Are you really going to give him the harness?"

"Yes. But now you're asking too many questions. You can ask me one more thing about our time together. Anything. But only one more thing, so choose carefully."

Perhaps he thought it would take her a while to narrow it down to one question, but it didn't. "Why did you take me out to the park yesterday? To that creek?"

He was silent a long while. "I just really wanted to see you there. I had my own questions."

She wanted to ask if his questions had been answered, but her stingy quota of questions was already up. Her gaze fell on the cage. She had expected to sleep there last night, but now she realized her cage-time was over for the time being. Unless Master became interested in caging her, but that didn't seem very likely.

"Will you miss the cage?" he asked.

Damn. How did he do that?

"I... I think I will miss it a little, Master. It was a nice place to feel safe. To feel under your control."

"You can spend some time in there after breakfast. I don't need you for anything." He was tracing agile fingers over her breasts, bringing her nipples to a peak. She sighed, feeling the familiar throb of desire stoked to life again. Alone in the cage...bored...nothing to think about but...

"Master… Am I still... May I...?"

"Don't even think about it," he laughed. "Greedy girl. Yes, our time is almost up and the rules are relaxing a little. But I think you've had plenty of orgasms for the moment. If anything, I need to get you more worked up for your reunion with your Master. It’s the least I can do for him, after he was kind enough to share you with me."

Later, after breakfast, she realized she would have done better to keep her mouth shut. He clamped her nipples and put the harness on her, with stinging oiled-up shafts in her ass and pussy. She was already hopelessly horny before she even crawled into the cage. An hour later he took off the clamps and loosened the harness just enough to slip a remote-controlled vibrator down inside it. By the time he released her just before dinner, she'd had more than enough of the cage.

* * * * *

At dinner, Mephisto added another chair to the table. Molly stared at it from her knees. He cocked his head, looking at her like she was an idiot.

"I know you know how to use a chair. Sit."

He unpacked takeout food, salads and sandwiches, as Molly sat wringing her hands in her lap. She felt she ought to either be helping, or else on her knees. He ignored her discomfort, serving her and even asking what she wanted to drink. He gave her her own glass and her own set of silverware—the first time in a weeks' time she'd eaten anything not from his hands. The thought depressed her a little, but she understood his intentions. This was a transition period, a decompression phase between Masters. You'll be returned to your Master soon.

It unsettled her that she wasn't nearly as impatient as she expected to be. Certainly she was excited to see her Master, but on the second day she'd thought she would have almost expired with craving by this point. Somehow, Mephisto had captured her. Now, he was letting her go. She ate at his side as he wished, but she still kept a respectable silence. It was strange to feed herself.

She missed the taste of his fingers.

She heard a small sob and realized it had come from her. Her throat closed up so she couldn't swallow, and her eyes filled with tears. She kept eating, small bites so she didn’t choke, and he watched her a while before he put his hand on her hand.

"It's okay to cry. But I would like you to tell me the reason."

She looked up at him, blinking through tears. "I think it's mostly...that I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he said calmly, as if she wasn't going into full breakdown mode beside her. "I enjoyed our time together."