“I don’t want to.”

Of course, that didn’t matter. He bent her over himself and pushed her arms up over her head. “Do not move from this position, darling, unless you wish to experience both choices one after the other, and additional consequences too. Keep your palms flat on the bed.”

She winced as he took out the ginger and disposed of it. Her breath came fast, rasping in her throat. She did feel out of control, and she didn’t like it. “What are you going to do?” she asked.

“If you’d made a choice, you’d know. As it is, you’ll have to wait and find out.”

Oh, he was so maddening. She tried to stand up but he pushed her back down.

“You’d better stay as you are,” he said.

He wasn’t sending for ginger, or getting her hair brush, so she knew he planned to take her bottom. He removed his clothing and set it aside for his valet while she shivered and shook against the bed. She eyed his thick member as he kicked off his stockings and went to fetch the oil. My God, he was so large. Even with the oil, he would hurt her.

“Keep breathing,” he said as he returned with the canister. He opened it and smeared a good amount of it around her spasming bottom hole. It soothed the lingering sting of the ginger but didn’t do much to calm her fear. He pressed a finger inside her, inserted it deep, and then added another. She whimpered at the uncomfortable stretching. Two fingers felt achy and intrusive, and he was larger than two fingers by far.

“You know, on second thought,” she said, “I… I would rather have the hair brush.”

He pressed the fingers deeper. “You had your chance to choose, and gave the choice to me, and I’ve decided to bugger you into submission. It’s difficult to be rebellious with a cock buried in your arse. Now relax, for God’s sake. Let go of the covers and put your palms flat on the bed the way I told you.”

She felt his thighs press against the back of her legs. He unfolded her fists by force and arranged her hands beside her head.

“I won’t be rebellious anymore, I promise,” she pleaded.

“No, you won’t be, after this.”

He eased his fingers inside her again, in and out. She tried to wiggle away but his legs and body held her trapped. “What if you hurt me?” she asked. “Please, I’m so afraid.”

“It may hurt a bit at first. But just as with the bulb, if you relax and give your body time to adjust, you may come to find the sensation more tolerable. Even pleasurable, if I think you deserve to be rewarded.” He withdrew his fingers and added more oil to her tensing backside. “Let’s see if you can be a good girl rather than a rebellious one, and open up for my cock.”

Oh my word. There had to be other, more civilized ways of putting down a wife’s rebellion. He might decrease her pin money, or make her go without dinner until she apologized. This was so coarse, so invasive and frightening. She trembled as he pressed the tip of his shaft to her slickened opening and pressed forward a bit.

She scrunched her eyes closed. It hurt, rather too badly to be borne. Her timid whimper rose to a cry as he persisted. Her entire body tensed.

He rubbed the small of her back and made a soothing sound. “I know. It aches, doesn’t it? This is the hardest part. Your little ring has to stretch, but you can do it. You only have to relax and let me in. Relax. Relax…” He pressed forward a bit more and she bit down on her lip. Just when she thought she must complain and fight him, he stopped and held very still, and waited that shallow distance inside her.

“It won’t hurt any worse than this,” he murmured. “It has nothing to do with depth, only the initial entrance, and you’ll soon be used to that. Keep breathing. Palms flat, my love. You’re in fists again.”

She had gathered the bed linens into clumps. She straightened them out only to have something to distract her as her backside clenched around his thickness. She dreaded how it would feel when he began to move. Would she be able to bear it? How much pain could she tolerate before she broke down and begged for the hair brush?

But as he inched ever so slowly forward, she realized he was right, that the pain was no worse the deeper he went. If anything, it had eased somewhat.

“Oh,” she whispered.

“Is it better now? At least a bit?”

“Yes,” she answered. “But it still feels…scary.”

“Sometimes it’s good for naughty wives to feel scared.” He moved inside her a bit more, the smooth, oily lubricant easing the way. How bizarre it felt. A bit like the ebony bulb, or the ginger, but there was so much more firmness and presence. He eased out a little, and then back again, and she thought she had never experienced anything so curious in her life. It didn’t feel pleasurable, exactly, but it felt very…filling. It felt wicked and licentious.

She wanted more.

She arched her hips as he moved forward again, slowly sliding within her. “You like that, my little seductress,” he said in a thick voice. He ran his palm up to her nape, holding her down and driving deeper. “I like it too. I like that my naughty wife is submitting to a firm buggering for her own good.”

When he said things like that, she didn’t know what to think, except that something was wrong with her, because it made her feel hot and lascivious and full of lust. She made a low, begging sound as his hands clamped on her shoulders.

“Yes, I won’t stop until you’ve had enough,” he said in a tone of assurance. “Until all that rebellion is forgotten.”

She couldn’t remember anything about rebellion anymore. She tensed her bottom, thinking how warm and strong her husband felt as he invaded her backside. She shouldn’t want this. She didn’t want this, but…she did.

As she pondered this strange form of “punishment,” he wrapped his hands in her hair and jerked her head back. She gave a little yelp and his grip loosened, but still, his rough action unleashed something inside her, some hot, fast drumbeat of primeval desire.

“You may pull my hair again if you’d like,” she whispered, too embarrassed to say such a thing aloud.

He did pull it again, and this time, he leaned down to bite her ear, not hard enough to injure her, but hard enough for it to hurt. She moaned like a wild, trapped creature as he trailed sharp bites down her neck and caressed her in the roughest, most provocative manner. He gripped her pussy and encouraged her when she jerked her sensitive button forward against his palm. When she thought he might make her come then and there, he stopped and played with her nipples, sliding his hands between her breasts and the bed to twist the sensitive points.

“Oh, my. Warren!” she gasped. It hurt so badly she cringed, but it was the delicious type of hurt he was so good at. Meanwhile, he drove in and out of her bottom, pressing deeper each time so her muscles gripped the rock-solid intrusion. These firm, deep thrusts didn’t hurt in the least, not anymore. In fact, they were coming to feel quite good.

“Please touch me again,” she begged. “Please touch me there.”

“Where?” he asked. “Use the word for me.”

“Touch my pussy, please.” Her entire middle felt hot and heavy, and desperate for more. He slid his hand down between her folds and found her favorite place, and manipulated it as he slid in and out of her.

“Yes, yes, please,” she blathered over and over. “Yes, yes, yes.” He rode her so firmly that her toes lifted from the floor and her hips bounced against the edge of the bed, but she didn’t care. She was so close to completion. If he’d only keep… touching… her… there….

She reached her peak with a wailing cry. He turned her face and kissed her as she panted for air, her body wracked by wave after wave of pleasure. Now he was the one reaching for his climax, groaning, straining, driving against her. His body tautened and he went still, buried mercilessly deep. Then he bucked, muttering an oath and lifting her toes quite away from the floor before he sighed and collapsed atop her.

Josephine sucked in air, lying limp upon the bed. She had gathered up clumps of sheets again, but this time she buried her face in th

em with a feeling of floating. Her body still pulsed around his rigid length. Warren laid his head beside hers and stroked her hair.

“My good girl,” he said after a while. “My very naughty good girl.”

She let out a ragged breath. “How can I be good and naughty at once?”

“Don’t worry about that. Are you in a better temper?”

She wasn’t sure if she was in a better temper. She was still too shocked by what he’d done—and the fact that she’d very much enjoyed it. She felt exposed and wicked, and yet satisfied. She felt very close to him in an intimate way. “Will you want to do that again?” she asked.

“Right now?” He laughed and caught her chin when she tried to hide her face. “It wasn’t so bad, was it?”