“Would you like to try?” He reached to untie her wrists. “It’s not something you master in a day, but you might begin learning the rudiments.”

“Are there…a great many rudiments to learn?”

He glanced down at her with another soft laugh. “Not so many, at the end of it. And it doesn’t take much skill when a man’s in a condition like this.” He indicated his engorged staff. “I’m very aroused, as you see.”

Josephine thought she must at least try to learn some of these rudiments, since he seemed in a dire state.

“And do I tie you to the bedstead too?” she asked.

She could not understand his expression at all then. He blinked at her and shrugged, and chuckled once, and gave a dashing grin.

“Of course you tie me to the bedstead, darling. Whyever not?”

*** *** ***

Warren loved a good lark. All his friends knew that about him, and being bound to a bed by his mostly-innocent-but-also-somewhat-debauched wife certainly qualified as a lark.

“Tie it tight enough that I can’t get away,” he suggested, as she carefully fastened the stocking about his wrists.

“Will you try to get away?” she asked.

He licked one of her full, lush breasts when it came close enough to his mouth. “You wanted to get away, didn’t you?”

She sat back on her knees, her knot completed, and smiled. “That’s because I had no idea what you were up to. But I imagine you’ve done this before.”

Not like this, he wanted to say. Never like this.

She had not tied him tight enough. He could escape his bonds if he tried, but he didn’t want to try. As much as he liked to be the one doing the tying and tormenting, there was something deliciously depraved about lying here under her power. She knelt beside him, gazing with wary attention at his swollen manhood. Even that aroused him. His cock gave a bouncing jump.

Her eyes went wide. “You can move it?”

“It’s part of my body, kitten, not some inanimate thing. Of course I can move it. You can too. Touch it. Stroke it gently. That’s a good way to begin.”

She bit her lip, an enticing sign of concentration as she reached to caress a finger up his length. He’d taken her three times last night—more times than he should have—but there had been none of this, no playful teasing and exploration, especially from her side. He noticed now how small and delicate her fingers were. He wanted to guide her hand, to show her the proper pace and pressure to please him, but he couldn’t. He tensed and untensed his arms.

“You won’t hurt me,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid.”

The little liar. He would spank her for plenty of made-up things over the course of their marriage, but some time he’d have to spank her for all the times she claimed she wasn’t afraid when she so obviously was.

“Sit between my legs,” he said. “Find a comfortable position and pleasure me from there.”

She did, staring at his cock and balls as if she expected them to rise up and attack her. This was the time he ought to have begun wishing for one of Pearl’s whores to be here, to fall on him and worship him, and mouth him sloppily, and suck him to a paralyzing peak. But he didn’t. He only tensed his arms again and moved his hips in a gesture of need.

“You must tell me precisely what to do,” she said. “I haven’t the slightest idea how to go about this. I wasn’t paying attention to specifics while you were doing it to me.”

He gritted his teeth against laughter and comical frustration. “It’s all right, I’ll tell you everything to do.”

“Yes, that would be lovely.”

My God, it would be lovely to shove his cock into her pretty little mouth and lodge it in the back of her throat. That would be magnificent indeed. “First get your mouth nice and wet,” he said. “The wetter, the better. That’s the first rudiment, I’d say, to use plenty of moisture. Once your mouth is nice and wet I want you to kiss and suck the tip.”

He had to wait in his bonds while she went to fetch a sip of water from the pitcher on the nightstand. He deserved this, probably. “Teachers,” indeed. A hardened, sadistic lecher like him didn’t deserve to bask in her innocence. She returned to her place between his legs and leaned down, her thick auburn hair tickling his stomach and thighs.

“If I do something wrong, let me know,” she said.

“I will. Just think of it as a sweet you’re sucking on.”

She wet her lips once more—ah, so luscious—and then she licked very slowly and delicately around the head of his cock. Pleasure shot down his shaft, mixing with the heat of her closeness. “Yes,” he said in a rasp. “Continue like that for a bit.”

She had no idea what she was doing to him, he was certain. No idea of the teasing torment. Otherwise, she would not be so blithely cruel. He clenched his hands with the effort to keep them in her loose bonds. He wanted to grasp her head in his palms and drive between her hot, wet lips. She opened her mouth and sucked him in sweet little pulls. “No teeth,” he managed to say past the haze of hot sensation. “Rudiment number two.”

She obediently used only her lips and tongue. She had less than a quarter of his length in her mouth, but it felt like heaven.

“If you can take more of me…” he suggested. “Don’t be shy.”

She took a little more, but not much. Even so, it pushed him to the limits of his control. If she continued with these hapless, innocent ministrations, this would be over in less than a minute. “You don’t only have to lick my cock,” he said. “You can caress me other places as well, to draw out the pleasure. You remember, the way I did to you?”

She leaned back and looked up at him with a shy smile. Damn, if his cock didn’t jump again. She spread her hands open on either side of his navel. Her fingertips traced over the tensing ridges of his muscles. “You look so…interesting here. And you feel so strong. Mmm.”

It took all his strength to lie still and let her handle him. What in God’s name had ever possessed him to let a woman tie him up? He was going to shame himself in a moment and spurt all over her face. She bent and kissed him on the stomach, and then he felt her tongue run along the furrow of a muscle. He gripped the headboard so hard the bed shook. Please. It was on the tip of his tongue. When had he ever begged for sex, begged for pleasure without just taking it?

Once she’d taken her time teasing him to madness by licking his torso, she sat up again, looking pleased and lusciously rumpled. As he gazed at her, lights exploded in his brain. Oh, no. Pain. Excruciating pain. She’d just given his balls a hell of a whack. “Oh, God. No,” he gasped. “No slapping in this, Josephine. Rudiment number three. Never slap a man’s balls.”

She looked at him indignantly. “You slapped me between the legs. Several times.”

“It’s different with men.” He took deep breaths, processing the throbbing pain. “You must trust me on this. Men do not respond the same way women do. No more hitting that area of my body. Ever.” Deep breaths. Eventually it would stop hurting. At least now he could hold off a bit longer.

“Are you all right?” she asked guiltily.

“I’m fine.” He closed his eyes and laid his head back. “Make it feel better, darling. Stroke me and kiss me in your sweet way.” She did, reaching up now and again to massage his clenching muscles. After a while, she kissed up his torso and opened her teeth against his nipples. She didn’t bite him very hard, the way he’d done to her, but he made appreciative sounds while trying to hump her leg.

“Do all married couples do this on their honeymoon?” she asked.

“Oh yes, everyone,” he lied.

As much as he would have liked this decadent misery to go on forever, he was fast reaching the limits of his control. He sucked in a breath as she teased the head of his cock with her tongue.

“Stop. Untie me. Quickly, love.” She obeyed him with a worried look. “No, you haven’t done anything wrong. I only want to finish things in a more traditional way.”

As soon as his hands were free, he tumbled her beneath him. How sweet and brave she was, and how utterly game for anything. He would have to be careful not to push her too far. She flinched when he pressed his cock to her opening.

“Does it still hurt?”

“It’s only a little tender,” she said. “It’s all right.”

“I’m going to try something.” He rolled off the bed and crossed to a chest, and rummaged in the topmost drawer for what he wanted. He used this slick, aromatic oil for all sorts of purposes, most often the introduction of his large organ into very tight female spaces. He applied it to his cock, then carried it to the bed and drizzled a good bit of it between Josephine’s legs. “This will soothe you and make it easier,” he said. “But if it still hurts, you must tell me so.”

She gazed up at him, half kittenish, half afraid. “What if it only hurts a little?”