“There,” he said when she was posed to his liking. “Stay exactly like that throughout your birching. Try to take it like a very good girl.”

She murmured something that sounded negative in tone, but that didn’t stop him from lifting his arm and delivering the first, rather mild stroke.

Aurelia collapsed onto her stomach with a great wail of pain. Her hands flew behind her. “Oh, that hurts! It hurts far too much.”

He tsked and raised her up, forcing her into position again.

“I know it hurts, Aurelia. I remember exactly what it feels like. It might not surprise you to learn that I was birched quite frequently as a child.”

“Well, I have never been birched and I don’t believe I deserve to be.”

She was already close to tears. The birch was indeed a daunting implement, as each stroke imparted a fiery explosion of pain. If she could have felt a stroke from one of his tutor’s stout birches, or his father’s...

“I am going to continue now,” he said. But as soon as he raised his arm, she broke her position, shying away and reaching back to cover her bottom.

He put down the birch.

“You must not reach back, or collapse away from the blows, do you understand me?” he scolded. “You must be still until the end of your spanking.”

“I can’t be still. It hurts! I am still hurting from the first stroke.”

He sighed and sat on the bed beside her, and lifted her into his arms. After a moment she released some of the tension stiffening her limbs. He stroked her hair and held her close against his heart.

“Aurelia, my love. I know the things I do to you seem frightening and strange.”

“And painful,” she protested. “And unfair.”

“Fairness is not at issue here. Your cooperation is. You are not permitted to resist me, as you know.”

“I can’t help it.” She turned her face against his chest. “Please, don’t do this to me. Don’t make me endure it only for your pleasure.”

“You will take this birching,” he said. “But if you wish, I’ll make it easier for you to submit. Come with me.”

He stood her up and marched her over to a lavishly padded and upholstered chaise. He had never spanked a woman here but had imagined, many times, its suitability as a punishment bench.

“Kneel down,” he said, making her face the padded back. When she was in position, he went across the room and retrieved the sturdy silk ribbon that cinched closed the waist of her dressing gown. He carried it back to his wide-eyed wife and told her to hold out her hands. When she did, he contrived to thread the ribbon through the back legs of the chair and tie her hands wrist to wrist. When he pulled the bonds taut, she had no choice but to remain bent over the padded chair back. He finished his handiwork with a neat little bow.

She moaned as he stood back to survey her pose. She squirmed, gloriously naked, at his mercy. As he suspected, the seat back was the perfect height to support her hips, and the bonds holding her wrists would prevent her from reaching back to shield her posterior, as well as prevent her from leaving the chaise until he was quite finished with her.

“Perhaps someday you will not need your hands bound, but at the moment I think it best. Now you will have no choice but to submit to your birching, my naughty little miss.”

“Please, let me go,” she begged.

“Let you go? I’ve half a mind to keep you there forever. You’ve no idea the pretty picture you appear.” He circled her, like a predator sizing up its prey. “Your full hips and buttocks are thrust in the air, waiting to be spanked.” He punctuated the last word with a crisp smack to her behind, then strolled around the front of her. “Your buxom breasts are available to me here in the front, to pinch or tease.” He demonstrated just that as she squirmed on her knees and tugged at the ribbon holding her wrists. “And then there is your wiggling, and your anxious chirping sounds. My lovely grasshopper.” He forced her head up and sidled closer so his cock reared before her face. It was so tempting to thrust into her half-opened mouth.

“But we’ve a birching to see to, haven’t we? Something about lack of gratitude,” he reminded himself out loud. “No more delays.”

He took up the birch and flicked her bottom with it. She cried out as if tortured, but he didn’t let that divert him from his task. It was much, much easier now that she was properly battened down. Another blow, and another, and then quick, smart flicks to bedevil her. He put a hand on her back to still her when she thrashed her legs about and wailed in protest, but there was not much she could do to avert her fate. After eight stingers, her bottom was red and angry with birch marks. He paused, stroking the punished cheeks.

“It’s not so very bad, is it?”

She lifted her head to look at him. “It’s terrible. It stings like a thousand spankings. Please, let me go.”

“Not yet.”

He moved back around to her front and pinched her nipples, reveling in her gasp. “Kiss me with your mouth.” He took his cock in his fist and eased the head toward her. “Kiss it as you did the other day.”

When she gazed up at him in teary-eyed mutiny, he shrugged and took up a place beside the chaise again.

“No, I’ll do it,” she screamed, but she was too late. He drew back the birch rod and landed two more stinging blows.

“When you don’t obey my requests, I assume you wish your punishment to continue.”

“You are awful,” she cried.

He birched her again, thinking how very stubborn she was.

“I’m sorry. Please. I’ll do as you asked. Please, my lord. I—I’ll do it, if only you’ll stop.”

He returned to his stance in front of her, his cock harder and hotter than ever. “Show me then. Kiss me. Lick around the crown. That’s how we begin.”

With a whimper, she complied. He threw his head back, overcome by the teasing sensation of her tentative kisses and the hesitant explorations of her tongue. He supposed a very warm bottom was motivation to do just about anything. After a while, he said, “Open your mouth,” and she obeyed, staring up at him in dread.

“It won’t be awful, my love,” he said soothingly. “This is the first skill a courtesan learns, so I’m certain you can master it too. I’m going to move my cock in and out of your mouth. Your job is to suck and caress it as if you were tasting something very, very good. But no biting,” he added as an afterthought. “Absolutely no teeth.”

She gave him a tragically beleaguered look, but any protests were muffled by the introduction of his very thick and aching rod into her tiny, prim mouth. It really was slow going. This skill wasn’t developed overnight, especially when the lady in question obviously had severe misgivings about what she was doing. He wasn’t sure if her tears were born of shame, strain, or lack of oxygen.

“Are you breathing?” he asked. “It’s important to breathe, Aurelia. If you must, take air through your nose.”

After a few forays into her hot, wet mouth he withdrew and stroked back a bit of her hair. “You’re doing very well. I know you don’t enjoy this...yet...but I assure you I enjoy it very much.” Having let her rest, he widened her lips with his thumbs and eased back into her mouth. She swallowed around the tip of him, a delicious suction that almost brought him off. “There are many ribald names for this act,” he said to distract himself a while longer. “But I suppose the most official one is oral copulation. It may interest you to know that it can also be done to a woman for her pleasure.”

Her expression spoke of disbelief. In his gratitude, perhaps he would show her what she obviously didn’t understand. Yes, he was certain he would. Why not? But first he gripped his cock and worked it as he pressed shallowly in and out of her mouth. This was a pathetic display of fellatio, but she was submitting to him in a way he never imagined she would. Each evening, each wicked night, he would make her practice until she was skilled enough to bring him to completion. In the meantime...

He stood back from her and pumped himself to reach his pe

ak. His seed erupted, spurting upward and then pooling down and over the back of his hand. She watched this display, thinking God knew what. That she was trapped in the marriage from hell to a madman, perhaps? He laughed under his breath and went to the basin to wash away the evidence of his climax. That finished, he returned to untie her wrists.

When she was free she jerked away from him. He caught her and stopped her. “Slowly, my dear. Kneel up slowly and take your time.”

She wiped a hand over her lip. “I need to wash out my mouth.”

“Because my cock was in it? I promise you, I keep every part of my body fastidiously clean. But you may certainly do it later, after I’m done with you.”

She regarded him in dismay. “There’s more to do? But you have already...” She gestured vaguely toward his softening cock.