Page 33 of Mercy

“Stop it,” he snapped. “We talked about this. You just buck up and take it.”

“Six.” I flinched again.

“Does it hurt?”

“Yes, sir. Seven!” God, it hurt like hell.

“Does it hurt more or less than the cane?”

“Eight! Less, Matthew.”

“More or less than my belt?”

“Nine! More, Matthew. Ten!” I yelped again. He was hitting me harder now. Around stroke number eighteen, I finally burst into bitter tears of remorse.

“You would have been almost done now.”

“Nineteen!” I sobbed.

“You would have had just one more.”

“Twenty!” Jesus, that was a hard one. He was really getting severe. I wanted it though, had asked for it, in fact.

“Little Smarty Pants.”

I nearly forgot to count. He took me to twenty five, and the last ones were brutal. My butt was on fire.

He crouched beside me, lifted my chin and looked in my eyes.

“Did it turn you on as much as your dream?”

“No,” I pouted. “Not quite.”

He reached back and thrust his fingers up inside me. I was ridiculously wet. “I think you’re a liar.” He shoved them in deeper, wiggling them, making me moan and arch my back. “Next time, I’ll use the cane.”

He undid my hands, yanked me to my feet, and fondled my breasts while he kissed me hard.

“I’m glad that you dreamed about me while we were apart. I dreamed about you.” I looked up at him, completely enamored and sick with love. He stroked my cheek thoughtfully.

“Do you really like being a submissive, Lucy? I know you weren’t sure. Why did you run away from me?”

“I didn’t run away. I needed some time to think about things.”

“Have you had enough time now? Are you sure now? Are you sure you want to be with me?

I couldn’t take it if you left me again.”

“I won’t,” I promised. “I want to be here.”

He kissed me, nuzzling me affectionately. “Well, run upstairs, wash up, and I’ll fuck you again in bed. Go.”

He came up a short time afterward, showering after me. When he came out, I was sitting on his bed brushing my hair.

“Give me,” he said, sitting behind me. I handed him the hairbrush. He loved to play with my hair. The way he brushed it though...tragic.

“You have to...” I gestured hopelessly. “Brush it curl by curl.” He chuckled, dragging the brush through it.

“Or you’ll make it frizz!”

He ran the brush through it the other way then, teasing it up on end.

“Stop! Stop it,” I pleaded, giggling as he fought with me over the brush. We wrestled, and of course I ended up over his lap. He cracked my ass with the hairbrush, and I yelped and screeched as he tickled me in between smacks.

“Stop! Give it back to me. Ouch!”

I looked back at him, trapped under his hands.

“Give it to me. Please.”

With a smirk, he tossed it into the corner.

“I like the tousled look better.” He pulled me up in his lap and started to slide me down on his cock. He sighed as the head entered and went into me a little.

I pushed at him. “No.”

He groaned. “Why not?”

“I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Why not?”

I laughed, and looked at him reproachfully. “Matthew.”

He pouted, but pushed me off him to reach for a condom. “Why don’t you go on the pill already?”

“I told you why.”

“Can’t you get a diaphragm, or a...what the hell are those called? An IUD?”

“How about I just get a hysterectomy? Will that please my master?” He rolled on the condom with an arch look. “Sometimes you have a smart little mouth.

Makes me want to put something in it.”

He pulled me into his lap again and lowered me onto his cock, caressing my back, pulling down my hips. I felt so full of him, not just full of his cock, but full of his love, his affection and care.

“Oh Jesus, Lucy. Jesus Christ.” He cupped my ass in his hands, bruised and hot as it was. He pulled me closer and I ground against him, riding him, grinding my clit against him so swirls of arousal washed over me again and again. When I started getting close to coming, he picked me up and dropped me down on my back. He came over me, thrusting deep and hard inside me. I reveled in the feeling of his power, his mastery. His taut abs rubbed against my stomach and his chest hair tickled my breasts. I clung to him, drifted on the manly scent of him.

“Jesus, Lucy, I just want to fuck you sometimes. I want to fuck you forever. I want my cock in you every hour of the day.”

“I’m confused,” I teased. “Do you like to fuck me or not?” He licked my neck and pulled me closer. “I love to fuck you. Frizzy hair and all. Does it feel good when I fuck you?”

“Matthew, if you knew what you felt like, how you feel when you’re inside me. God, if you could feel it...”

He laughed. “I can feel it.” I moaned as he drove into me. “I can feel how much you love it,” he said. “I love the noises you make, like you love to be fucked.” He pulled my hands up hard over my head and held them there. “Are you going to come for me, Lucy? Come hard and loud for me?” He bit my nipples while he held my hands tight. I struggled against him, just to feel that he had me held safely, that I couldn’t get away.

“I’ve got you, baby. I’m going to fuck you so hard now.” He pushed my thighs wider apart, practically bruising them with his hands. He pounded into me roughly and my sore ass cheeks slid up and down on the bed. I was trapped, captured, consumed by his passion. “My God, Lucy, I love you so much.”

I shuddered with pleasure. How long had I dreamed of him saying those words to me?

“I love you too, Matthew,” I sighed, completely transported by his hard, punishing thrusts.

When I came, he came at the same time. It was like we were one, one creature, one being. I came with my legs kicking, my pussy clenching around him, his teeth buried in my neck.

* * *

The next morning he woke me by parting my thighs and starting to eat me out. He licked and stroked my pussy with his tongue, sucked at my clit, parting me wider and wider to taste me.

“Turn over,” he rasped. I flipped over, still not fully awake. He came over my back, the tip of his cock pressed against me, and drove all the way in, warm, pulsing flesh.

“Matthew! No!”

“I’ll pull out.”


“I’ll pull out. Trust me.”

“Please!” I knew he was clean, we’d been tested long ago, but a baby would end my career.

“Please, Matthew. Please don’t! If you don’t want to use a condom, fuck my ass.” He stopped and pulled out of me with a groan, lying beside me on his back.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I just can’t let you. If I get pregnant—”

“No, it’s okay. You’re right to make me. I’m just being a dick.” He leaned over to get a condom from the bedside table, along with some lube, which he used to ease his finger into my bottom. “I think I will fuck your ass though, now that you mention it.” He pulled me up on my knees and spread my legs wide. I trembled as he parted me and pressed the tip of his cock to my asshole. I buried my head in my hands and willed myself to relax for him. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, that he would make me come. I willed myself to accept him, and slowly, he made his way in. “Good girl,” he breathed. “Jesus, what a good girl you are.”

When he was fully seated inside me, he fucked me while I clawed at the bed, overwhelmed as always by the sensation of being plumbed by his massive tool.

“You like the feel of my big fat cock shoved in your ass?”

“Yes! Please, fuck me. I love it!” My hands scrabbled at the sheets.

“You’re a little whore.”

I whimpered in agreement.

“Are you mine, Lucy?”

“Yes. Yes, I’m yours.”

His hands clenched in my hair and he breathed on my neck. “Mine. You’re mine.” His hands roved over me and I felt his ownership deep inside, deeper even than he fucked me. Deeper than the blue of his eyes. He touched me in all the places that thrilled me, tapping my clit, pinching my nipples, until I was shuddering to come. “Oh, please, Matthew!” I howled as his cock jerked in and out of my ass, fast, slow, shallow and deep.

“You want to come?”

“Please, I want to come with your cock in my ass.”

He made a growl of assent and we came together, and I basked in all my favorite pleasures.

The clutch of his hands, the strength of his thrusts, his breath rasping against my ear. Afterward he held me a long time, and he asked me again, “Are you mine?” The answer, of course, was “Yes, I am.”

“Am I your dominant boyfriend?”

“I don’t know. Are you?”