Elizabeth didn’t miss the way William hung his head at those last words. It was what made it that much easier to say her next words. “Because I love him, Father. I never stopped loving him. I know my actions were careless and that it was what led to this ordeal, but if I had to, I would do everything all over again if it means we will be together.”

Her boldness was taking her father by surprise. Elizabeth hoped he could see the lady she’d once been, could understand just how serious she was about this. She was not the same fearful and reserved girl who had hid herself away in the countryside. She’d bloomed into the woman she always was meant to be.

“Lord Gillet,” came William’s voice. Lord Gillet looked over at William as he stepped closer. “It has been quite some time since we’ve last seen each other. I know I have not left you with a pleasant impression of me, but I’m afraid there is nothing I can do about that. The actions I took all those years ago…I regret them. If I could go back in time and stop myself from leaving Elizabeth, I would.”

The bruises along his jaw were beginning to deepen in color, the shadows dancing from the nearby candlelight making him seem like anything but a Duke. Elizabeth’s heart clenched to see him like this, even as it soared at the words he spoke.

“But,” William continued, not breaking eye contact with Lord Gillet. “I will gladly spend the rest of my life atoning for the wrongs I have committed, if I get to spend it with her. I have loved Elizabeth ever since I was in my youth, and all those years apart never dimmed the love I had for her. She showed me how much of a coward I had become, while she’d been brave enough to go in search of me despite all the odds. I want her to see just how much I need her in my life, because without her, I become nothing.”

William went around the bed, coming to stand next to her father. Elizabeth’s eyes widened in surprise when William bowed deeply. “I ask, My Lord, that you take pity on us and give us your blessing for our marriage. Elizabeth has already accepted my hand, but I know she would not be happy if she did not have her father by her side. I, too, My Lord, would like to receive your support of our union.”

William’s words hung in the air. Elizabeth held her breath staring at her father. He was turned towards William, who straightened, so she couldn’t see anything but his jaw. The pain sprouted in its intensity but she held back her hisses of pain, not wanting to interrupt whatever response her father had.

Finally, Lord Gillet let out a long breath. “I find it difficult denying such a sincere request, Your Grace. Elizabeth’s happiness had always been my first priority, and if that means she must marry you, then there is little I can say in objection.”

Elizabeth didn’t dare to let out her pent-up breath. “Does that mean…?”

Lord Gillet looked at her with a smile. “Yes, I give you two my blessings. I can hardly force you to marry a man who injured you so badly, can I?”

“Oh, Father, thank you so much!” If she could, Elizabeth would have leaped out of bed and thrown her arms around him. Instead, it was up to William to show her true gratitude.

He stuck his hand out to Lord Gillet, grinning from ear to ear. “I promise you, you will not regret your decision, My Lord.”

“Make sure to keep your promise to Elizabeth, and that will not happen,” Lord Gillet said, accepting William’s outstretched hand.

Elated beyond words, Elizabeth could only grin herself. The physician arrived at that moment and everyone grew serious again as he began to take a look at Elizabeth’s injury. All except her. She continued to grin, not taking her eyes off William as the physician fussed over her wounds, telling her that the bruises would heal within weeks but her broken leg would leave her bedridden for months to come. Nothing could wipe the happy smile off her face.

Despite all that had happened, it was truly the best day of her life. Elizabeth couldn’t wait for another, more beautiful day, to take its place.


Six Months Later

Her wedding gown was beautiful. Elizabeth’s heart expanded at the sight of it, the wind blowing in through the windows in her bedchamber rustling her nightgown around her legs. Before her stood both Patience and Minnie, holding up either side of the magnificent wedding gown that Elizabeth was slated to wear.

Standing by the door were two other maids of Gillet House, waiting for their time to assist. Elizabeth’s eyes darted to all of them, filled with excitement.