“Damn it,” William cursed under his breath. He should have known Nelson would have sold him out. That man would do anything for money.

“She’s mine, Your Grace,” Lord Horenwall kept going. He stalked up to William, jabbing a finger into his chest. “I will not let her ruin me. I’ve worked too hard to be where I am now and I will not let her ruin my chances! Now, you shall hand her over before I truly get upset.”

The finger poking into his chest only stoked the flames of fury within William. But he held himself back, only saying, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, My Lord.”

Lord Horenwall gritted his teeth, a growl sounding in the back of his throat. Then, the next moment, he swung his fist. William had been in enough fights to see it coming, but he didn’t have the time to do anything other than block it. Stunning the Earl for just a moment, William punched him square in the jaw.

It sent him staggering back a few steps, clutching the side of his face. William felt dark satisfaction at the blood that dripped from the Earl’s nose, even though he knew this was escalating far too quickly.

“There is no need for us to fight, My Lord,” William said, but the Earl was already coming after him. With a roar, he threw his body against William and sent them both crashing to the ground. William caught a glimpse of the Earl’s crazed eyes before he raised his forearms before his face to block the incoming barrage of punches. They each met their mark, but William bade his time, let the fury smolder within him until he could see his opening. Then he swung another fist at Earl’s chin and his satisfaction surged at the way his head snapped back.

The blow dazed the Earl, giving William the chance to push him off and get to his feet. He checked his side to make sure his pistol was still secure before he faced the man already getting to his feet. He didn’t bother to say anything, knowing very well that there was no chance of them being able to talk their way out of this.

The Earl raised his fists before his face, prancing back and forth on his feet as if he were fencing. William stayed grounded, watching the Earl’s shifting movements to ready himself for what he would do next.

Lord Horenwall, though William doubted that was the case, fought as if this was not his first time. He feinted left, and then swung right, nicking William’s jaw before he had the chance to dodge it. He kept coming, not giving William enough of an opening to parry. Each time he blocked one of the Earl’s blows, he was pushed back on his feet, barely keeping up. And then, one slipped through and collided in his midsection, knocking the wind from his lungs. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lord Horenwall drove his elbow into William’s back and sent him crashing to the ground. He didn’t stop after that, kicking William in the face, rolling him onto his back.

“Look at you,” Lord Horenwall spat. “This sort of pathetic man is who Lady Elizabeth wants? It was foolish of her to think there was a better match than me.”

William swung his leg around, tripping the Earl. Once he crashed to the ground, William was upon him, sailing fist after fist into his face until it was nothing but a bloody mess. “Be quiet,” William mumbled when he stopped at last, getting to his feet.

His entire body was in pain, but Lord Horenwall groaned on the ground as if he were dying. William brushed himself off, wiping at the line of blood trickling from the side of his mouth. With a sigh, he walked away, letting the adrenaline rush out of him.


The voice sent fear shooting through him like daggers. William swiveled on his heels in time to see Lord Horenwall on his feet, pointing a pistol at him. He, too, seemed surprised at the sound of the sudden voice before a small figure came crashing into him, knocking the pistol out of his hand.

“Elizabeth, no!” William shouted, but it was too late. Even as he reached for his pistol, leveling it at the Earl, Lord Horenwall had already grabbed her with a strong arm and positioned her in front of him.

“I’d think twice about shooting,” Lord Horenwall growled. Despite Elizabeth’s struggling, he didn’t budge.

William gritted his teeth, his heart racing. Slowly, he lowered the pistol to the ground and kicked it away. “Let her go, Lord Horenwall,” he said, as calmly as he could despite the rage curdling with him. “She takes no part in this.”

“She’s my wife!” Lord Horenwall spat. “I can do with her whatever I wish to! Isn’t that right, Lady Elizabeth?” With a disgusting grin, he ran a finger along her cheek.