It didn’t help that he couldn’t think of a single thing to say to Lord Horenwall when he saw him. My apologies, My Lord, but I knew Lady Elizabeth first? She loves me and so you should simply step aside and allow us to be? Do not worry about the embarrassment you will face when others catch wind of this, it will pass soon? Nothing he thought of would work.

I suppose I’ll have no choice but to think of something on the spot. I hope Lord Horenwall is a far more timid man than he lets on.

At that moment, he spotted a tall figure in the darkness. A fog was beginning to roll in, but as he drew nearer, William saw that it was a man, though his features were still obscured within the shroud.

“Lord Horenwall?” William called, his voice cutting through the quiet.

The man moved, a twitch of his hand. “So, you know who I am. I’m honored.”

William tensed even further. Judging by the snide tone, this would not go as easily as he’d hoped.

“How could I not?” William asked, drawing closer. He could make out blond hair now, and eyes narrowed to slits. “We do happen to share a point of contact.”

He was close enough to see when Lord Horenwall sneered. “Surely, you did not come here to boast about our reason for being here, Your Grace?”

William kept himself perfectly still. As of right now, he couldn’t tell how much of a threat Lord Horenwall was. Other than that his angry tone, he showed no signs of violent intention.

“No, My Lord,” William responded with a shake of his head. “Allow me to properly introduce myself first. My name is William Hervey, the Duke of Brandon.”

“I know about you, Your Grace,” Lord Horenwall spat. “Rumors have been milling around about you claiming the space of your father, how the grandson of a Viscount found his way up in the ranks.”

“You have been keeping your ear to the ground, My Lord,” William said, a little dryly.

“Even if I hadn’t, I would have learned of you.” Lord Horenwall’s hands fisted at this side. William watched him carefully. “But not for a second did I think that you would be the one responsible for taking my bride.”

“Shall we get to the reason we are here then, My Lord?” William asked.

His sneer was back with full force. “Say your piece, Your Grace. Let me hear what nonsense you will spew to me.”

That was an easy blow William let bounce off his back. He’d heard much worse from less reputable people. “I come in good faith, My Lord. Though you may find it quite unfair, Lady Elizabeth and I are in love with each other and we wish to be married. I ask that you kindly allow us to do just that.”

Lord Horenwall said nothing for a few moments, then he blurted out a mirthless laugh. “Is that it?”

“As I said, My Lord,” William stated calmly. “I come in good faith. After our meeting, I intend to approach Lord Gillet himself to ask for his blessing. This entire ordeal has already put a great deal of stress on Lady Elizabeth and the very last thing I want is to make things that more difficult for her.”

He said the words in the spur of the moment, having no previous intentions to go straight to Gillet House after this. William had been hoping it would have some effect on the Earl—but he got the one he hadn’t wanted.

Lord Horenwall barked a loud laugh, showing his slipping composure. He began to pace back and forth, shaking his head at William as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just said.

“I cannot believe this,” he muttered. “I am the one who has been slighted. I am the one who faces the utmost embarrassment by the ton. And yet you dare to approach me offering no solution to my plight?”

“What solution would you wish, My Lord?”

William hoped he would say money. Even though his father had not left him with much, William would do all that he could if it meant the Earl would leave them be. But Lord Horenwall was already shaking his head.

“I want Lady Elizabeth.”

His previous anger sparked William’s heartbeat. “Lady Elizabeth has made her choice, My Lord, and it is not you.”

But the Earl kept going, clearly not caring to hear what William had to say. “Did she truly think I wouldn’t find her? Had it not been for that man, Mr.—the Shadow, she would have evaded me but she should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.”

The Shadow? William frowned, the name ringing a bell. Then, it hit him. Nelson had spoken about meeting with the Shadow when last he’d seen him. And he had been the only one who’d known about Elizabeth being at his manor.