Because later, if things went badly, William feared he would lose everything.

William tried his best to keep their spirits upbeat and Elizabeth was right there with him. But in the back of her mind, she couldn’t get rid of those anxious thoughts. And as the day went on into night, she began to wonder if it would be far better if Lord Horenwall didn’t show at all.

She stood at the base of the staircase, her chest tightening as William gave her one last farewell look before walking out the door. All throughout dinner, he hadn’t mentioned what would happen next. He’d only gone on about his business in Bedfordshire, telling her that as stressful as it all was, he believed he could get his affairs in order soon. He’d been excited almost but it hadn’t been able to rid Elizabeth of the apprehension coursing through her. That same apprehension shot towards the ceiling at the sight of him leaving.

“Harold,” Elizabeth called, rushing to the windows by the doors. She peered through, watching as William climbed into the carriage, which soon took off.

“Yes, My Lady?” Harold had been standing by the entire time, a quiet shadow. Now, he was beside her.

“Prepare a carriage for me.”

“I believe His Grace will not appreciate having you follow him, My Lady,” Harold stated, his voice utterly monotonous.

She faced him, tucking her worry aside. “Don’t worry, Harold. I am not that rash. I only intend on returning to my father’s home, because I believe it might make things easier for William. The longer I am here, the more difficult this situation becomes.”

Harold said nothing for a few moments, and then he nodded slowly. “Very well, My Lady. One shall be prepared for you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, Harold.” Elizabeth turned, not wanting him to look at her any longer. “Could you also send Minnie to my bedchamber? I need her help in preparing.”

“Yes, My Lady.”

Elizabeth calmly made her way up the staircase, feeling as if Harold was watching her every move. She didn’t turn to see if that was the case. She kept her hands fisted at her side, her heart hammering against her chest as she made her way to her bedchamber. Once she was there, she wasted no time going to the armoire and pulling out the items she would need for her late night trip.

“My Lady?” came Minnie’s voice as she entered the room. Her confusion was written across her features. “Has something happened?”

“Yes, I’m afraid something has happened.” Elizabeth had already laid out a cloak and shawl on the bed. She didn’t care to change out of her gown. “I shall be leaving the manor for a short while. Please, help me get ready as quickly as possible.”

The lack of a proper explanation only deepened Minnie’s confusion but she said nothing, only did as she was told. Elizabeth promised herself that she would tell Minnie everything once she’d returned. But for now, she had to do what she must.

It didn’t take long for her to don her cloak and change into more suitable shoes. Elizabeth was unsurprised to find Harold standing by the entrance once more, waiting for her. Upon her approach, he bowed and said, “The carriage is ready.”

“Thank you, Harold.” And because she felt she needed to, she faced him and smiled. “I truly appreciate all that you have done for me, Harold. Please, continue to take care of William the way you always have.”

“I shall, My Lady.” He bowed again. “Please, travel safely.”

Elizabeth nodded and left the manor. The night air was powerless against her cloak, but she had to tug her shawl closer around her body as she made her way to the carriage. The coachman stood on hand to help her in. Without pausing, Elizabeth murmured only a few, yet clear words to him as she stepped into the carriage.

“Take me to Battersea Fields.”

Chapter 22

As if the universe had sensed what was about to happen, it was a moonless night, thick clouds barring what little light William could rely on. The shine of the stars was all that aided him on his trek from the main road, deeper into Battersea Fields. He didn’t know where exactly he should go. He didn’t even know if Lord Horenwall would truly arrive. But he didn’t like the thought of sitting around waiting, so he kept walking.

The only thing that was putting him at ease was knowing Elizabeth would not be around to witness anything that happened tonight. William knew very well that a gentleman’s slighted ego could drive him to do terrible things. He hoped that wouldn’t be the same for Lord Horenwall, that he would not have to rely on the pistol he’d thought to bring along with him. Even though he’d set the stage for a duel, he hoped it would not amount to that.