“To answer your question, My Lord, I have found Lady Elizabeth.”

“Where?” James demanded.

“She is staying with the Duke of Brandon,” Mr. Wilson stated without remorse, his voice cold and to the point. “It appears she’s run away from home to be with him. I’m afraid your suspicions were correct.”

Rage seized James at once, even as he narrowed his eyes at the man before him. He didn’t remember ever telling Mr. Wilson about his suspicions, but to learn that she truly had done such a thing made him see nothing but red. He curled his hand to a fist, his jaws grinding together as he tried his best to tamper the fury that rose within.

She dares to humiliate me like this? She dares to threaten my reputation by running away with another gentleman?

James drew in a slow breath, but it didn’t serve to calm him as much as he’d hoped. He didn’t think anything would do so, not until all who had wronged him paid for what they’d done.

“What else do you know?” he asked Mr. Wilson, who watched him with steady eyes. It still unnerved him to see how much this man had changed, as if he’d been acting all this time.

“I’m afraid it is not much, My Lord,” Mr. Wilson said with a casual wave of his hand. “You see, in order to fulfill the many requests I receive on a daily basis, I have established somewhat of a network. And in order for this network to remain in place, each layer should not be tampered with.”

“Speak more clearly,” James growled.

Mr. Wilson’s smirk widened. “There is a man I have recruited into my ranks. He is but a fledging, though he’d done quite well for himself as a criminal before I took notice of him. As it were, he happened to have vital information that sped up our search of Lady Elizabeth far more than we’d anticipated.”

Mr. Wilson reached into his briefcase and brought out two large slips of paper. Rising slightly, he slid them across the desk and then reclaimed his seat. James glanced down at the papers that had been spread out before him without touching them. “What is this?”

“A few sketches I had made. I value precision and clarity above all in my line of work, My Lord, so I had a good image made of Lady Elizabeth’s whereabouts, as well as the man she happened to be staying with.”

Intrigued now, James reached for the papers. Both revealed a pencil sketch—one of a looming manor and the other of a man with a chiseled face and dark eyes. He didn’t recognize anything in either one of the pictures, and judging how much space surrounded the manor, James guessed this Duke did not reside in the heart of London.

But that wasn’t to say he didn’t recognize the title. He always made sure to keep abreast of current news, and the passing of the previous Duke had washed London with gossip, bolstered by the fact that the reclusive son would take his place. This must be the son.

For a moment, James was far too surprised to say anything. He hadn’t expected this much information. When he found his words, he asked, curiously, “Why didn’t you simply go there to see it yourself?”

Mr. Wilson shook his head slowly, no jerking head movement. “I am known to different people by different names, My Lord. It is always good to remain unseen whenever I can.”

That only deepened James’ confusion.

So, does that mean his name is not Mr. Wilson? Just who is this man?

Mr. Wilson sat smiling on the other end of the desk as if he could read James’ mind and was enjoying every bit of his bewilderment. “So, My Lord,” Mr. Wilson went on. “I take it this is all the information you wanted, and you are no longer in need of my services?”

The way he asked the question had James’ guard rising. He didn’t like that in the slightest. As the seconds wore on, it felt as if he was losing the control here, even though he was the one in power.

“It appears you have something else in mind,” James asked slowly, watching him.

Mr. Wilson nodded. “Lady Elizabeth is your betrothed, is she not? And here she is, with another gentleman. I do not need to ask how much this upsets you because I can already see the rage just under the surface. And, as it were, My Lord, there are other services I am willing to provide.”

“Other services?” There was no longer a phantom battle of wills. There was no longer any confusion. In that moment, James accepted the fact that the man he’d first met had been a façade and his true colors were coming to the fore. This man, known by many names, was a dangerous one and that was all James needed to know.