“If that’s the case then it’s far too late for you to be worrying. The damage has already been done.”

Elizabeth cut him a soft glare. “You are not helping in the slightest.”

“Good,” he said, pleased. He put an arm behind his head. “It was not my intention to.”

Elizabeth scoffed and proceeded to get out of bed. William was crossed between keeping her by his side and enjoying the sight of her backside as she turned away from him. He settled for the latter, feeling those familiar tendrils of arousal course through his body.

Last night, it had taken all the strength in his body to keep from going any further. He’d wanted so badly to take her and make her his, to let himself be tempted by not only her nakedness, but the way she’d opened up to him about her scars. He’d felt closer to her than he ever had before and had wanted to feel the same way with their bodies. It was a miracle he’d been able to step away.

Now, that same temptation rushed through him as she sighed and put her hand on her hips. A part of him wondered if she would be embarrassed by what had happened, if she would grow flustered and try to run away like she’d done last time. But no redness shadowed her cheeks, no tears in her eyes or shaking of her hands. She seemed quite concerned, actually, still ruminating on how she would make it to her bedchamber without having any of the servants know. William felt his heart expand at the sight, knowing how comfortable she finally was with him.

He felt the exact same way, but he couldn't show it to her until he told her the truth of why he’d left.

“If you’d like,” William said, watching as she looked over her shoulder at the sound of his voice, “if you’d like, I could bring all the servants to one place as if I’d like to speak with them. Then you could sneak back on your own.”

Elizabeth whirled to face him, brows raised. “Would you do that?”

I’d do just about anything for you.

“If you wish,” he confirmed with a grin.

Elizabeth’s face filled with joy before her shoulders sagged and she shook her head. “No, there is no use going through all that trouble for me. I was brave enough to come all the way here in the first place, so I should be brave enough to return there knowing that others might assume what has happened.”

William got out of the bed and went to her side. Without hesitation, he planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve always admired your bravery. You’re a stronger person than I.”

Elizabeth huffed a laugh, rolling her eyes at him. But she didn’t move away from him. “Where shall we have breakfast this morning?”

William thought about it for a moment. “In my study,” he said finally. “There is something I’d like to show you anyhow.”

“Hm? What’s that?”

William kissed her again, right on the slight crease between her brows. “When the time comes, you shall know, Beth. Now, you should hurry along.”

Elizabeth sighed softly, nodding her head before stepping away. She made her way up to the door, and right before she slipped through, she gave him one last look. Though it was brief, William recognized what it meant.

She wished to make sure that it hadn’t all been a dream, that he hadn't changed his mind again.

She left before he could tell her that nothing in this world would cause him to make the same mistake twice.

About forty-five minutes later, William arrived at his study to find Elizabeth already standing outside the door, alongside Harold. As usual, the butler stood with his back straight and his arms clasped behind him, his gaze trained unseeingly over Elizabeth’s shoulder.

“What is this?” William asked, drawing nearer.

Elizabeth turned to face him. “I was just asking Harold to have a physician come back later in the morning to take a look at your wounds.”

“There are no wounds to look at,” William sighed.

“You were nicked by a knife,” she pressed. “We shouldn’t ignore things like that no matter how small and inconsequential they might be. Do you not agree, Harold?”

Harold nodded once. “Yes, My Lady.”

William blinked in surprise. Harold was as loyal as an old dog, so even though he’d expressed his concern for William last night himself, William hadn’t expected him to join forces with Elizabeth. William stared at Harold, but his butler’s face was as unmoving as always.

“There you have it, William,” Elizabeth said, satisfied. “Harold has spoken. I take it, you have no more objections?”

“I do,” he said, dragging his eyes away from Harold to the small lady standing before the door of his study. “But I have a feeling that it will make no difference if I bother to voice them.”