William nodded, knowing very well that though Nelson spoke casually, he was as alert as William was. His shoulders were a bit tense and William didn’t miss when Nelson’s eyes darted back to the corner, as if checking to see if they were still being watched. Judging by the twitch of his lips, it appeared they were.

Keeping his head straight, William turned and began to weave his way through the tables towards the door, resisting the tempting urge to look in the corner. He didn’t give in to it until he’d reached the exit, not until he thought it was safe enough to take a quick glimpse of who it might be. All he could make out in that split second was a burly body, which didn’t make him feel any better.

The night air washed William in cold sweat as he stepped out into the street and began to make his way across it, leaving the noise and chaos behind. Nelson was uncharacteristically quiet, undoubtedly just as aware as William that they were not the only ones who’d left the tavern. Only a few seconds after their departure, William noticed that there was not one burly man trailing them, but three.

Nelson came to his side. “I hope you came prepared?” he asked, his tone light.

“I left my pistol at home,” William murmured. The dilapidated buildings blocking his carriage drew closer. He contemplated stopping, to keep from revealing Wesley and bringing the man into the mess William was about to walk into. On the other hand, he knew that being weaponless might prove to be his disadvantage if these men meant him harm, and Wesley might be able to even the odds.

“You become a Duke and suddenly, you forget all that you’ve learned.” Nelson shook his head disappointedly. “Perhaps we have enough time to—”

“Wait just a moment!”

Nelson sighed, “—to run.”

They didn’t have the chance to ignore the words bellowed out to them. Within a second, two men came to stand before them, blocking their only path to freedom. They weren’t very large but the sinister looks on their faces didn’t inspire much confidence in William.

Slowly, he turned, facing the man who’d spoken. Just as he’d suspected, it was the same man who’d led Elizabeth away that day, only this time, he looked far angrier. He crossed his large arms across his chest, spreading his legs wide as he glowered. “I take it ya’ remember me,” he said to William.

William nodded. The other two men came to stand to either side of them, reopening their path to freedom. But William wasn’t fooled by it. He knew that if he tried to make a run for it, they would have him within a second. And then, they would truly be at a disadvantage.

At the very least, Nelson should have a weapon on him—either a knife or a pistol. William hoped it was the latter, and that this man didn’t possess any.

“What is it?” William asked slowly, keeping his eyes on the man before him. Nelson was posed to act, though his hands were casually placed on his hips. “Do you have something you would like to say to me?”

The man huffed a laugh devoid of humor. “Then, ya’ do remember me. So, I assume ya’ remember the lass ye took from me that night.”

“Took?” William tilted his head to the side. “I believe that is the wrong choice of words considering she was begging you to let her go.”

“Who are you two talking about?” Nelson whispered. William almost elbowed him in the side.

The man looked sharply at Nelson, his eyes narrowing to slits, then back at William. “It doesn’t matter what she said. It wasn’t any of ya’ business what we were doin’ and I didn’t take very kindly to havin’ ya’ stepping in like that as if ya’ own this street. In fact,” he took one step closer, into a spot of moonlight that revealed his malevolent expression, “I don’t take kindly to the fact that ya’ come around here as if ye’re better than the rest of us, Your Lordship.”

“Ah,” Nelson sighed, moving his hand around to his waist. “I think that might have been my fault.”

William didn’t answer him. Nelson might have let those words slip, but William was the one who visited the place, dressing in his usual style. He hadn’t been as discreet as he should have been. Though, not for a second did he think it would lead to a situation like this.

The man sneered then jerked his chin at them. “Take everything he has.”

At the command, the other men lunged. William got into action, throwing his forearm up to block the blade that had nearly descended onto him. He punched the man in his stomach and stood his ground even as pain shot up his arm. The thief stumbled a bit at the blow but, with a snarl, was upon him again, swiping the blade in his hand back and forth. William kept darting backwards, narrowly missing the knife’s kiss until his back hit Nelson’s.