“You say that as if you aren’t happy to enjoy yourself with your old friend,” Nelson said with a shake of his head.
William only raised a single brow, which was answer enough.
Nelson sighed. “All right, if you insist on being that way, then so be it. Listen up, because I shan’t say this twice.” He leaned closer, now bringing his booming voice down to a whisper. “There is a man that I have begun corresponding with. Apparently, he is quite popular in London for his services, though not within the crowds that you might find yourself in.”
“Is he now? And you did not know of him before?”
“I did not!” Nelson exclaimed, showing his own surprise at that fact. “But this man, William, isn’t like me. He is rather...eclectic, should I say? And I do not believe he likes to get blood on his hands, so to speak.”
“Is this where you come in?”
“It surely is!” William didn’t know whether to laugh or to shake his head at how proud Nelson appeared in that moment. “I truly think this might be it for me, William. I truly do. This man...he isn’t like any other in London, I tell you. He has an entire network of people within reach and I only need to work my way up to the top. Then, I’ll be far richer than you could ever hope to be.”
William knew better than to discourage Nelson from this plan. He’d made it a point of not interfering in Nelson’s life, to maintain a level of distance between them that ensured he wouldn’t find himself entangled in another one of Nelson’s schemes. But this time, he couldn’t help himself. “This man,” he asked slowly, watching the pure excitement on his friend’s face. “Do you happen to know his name?”
Nelson’s smile slipped a little, but it was back a second later. “I don’t have to know his real name. He goes by a different one, the one that has spread his popularity far and wide.”
“Is that so?”
Nelson’s grin was almost like a child as he leaned forward to share the secret. “The Shadow,” he whispered.
Taken aback, William snorted without thinking. “The Shadow, you say? Quite creative, this man.”
“Laugh all you like, William, but there is nothing funny about the sort of riches, nor the sort of influence that this man possesses. I’m only grateful that he recognized my talent and sought me out to join his ranks.”
“How did he recognize you?”
“Because he’s the Shadow, of course!”
William only shook his head. It was entertaining enough to hear, he supposed. Nelson had quite a knack for attracting trouble and this Shadow character was certainly someone he should not be getting caught up with. If he was even real. William wouldn’t be surprised if Nelson had only been hoodwinked, which wouldn’t be the first time.
“I hope you understand what you’re getting yourself into, Nelson,” William said as he finished the rest of his stew. He hadn’t realized just how hungry he’d been. “Because I certainly do not.”
“Not to worry, my friend.” Nelson was back to shouting, signaling to the barmaid to bring him another pint. “Soon, we won’t have to meet like this, in such a rowdy tavern. When I’ve found my way to the top, we’ll be meeting in the most prestigious gentleman clubs in London.”
William raised his tankard. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Nelson eagerly touched William’s tankard with his own and then took a slow sip. His eyes slid to the side for a moment before he said, “By the way, William, have you been here recently?”
Frowning, William nodded. “I have. Why do you ask?”
“Simply because ever since we’ve entered, the man in the opposite corner to us has been glaring at us. And considering I’ve never seen him before...” Nelson trailed off, his eyes lifting to the dark ceiling. “Perhaps I might have stolen one of his favorite whores? You know the ladies of the night can never resist my charm.”
William barely heard a word he said. He could feel the eyes now, the tension creeping up his spine. He resisted the urge to look over his shoulder and seek out the source of the glare. Holding on to his composure, he lifted his tankard to his lips.
If it is who I think it is, I should not remain here long.
“Nelson,” William said. “I am afraid I will have to part ways with you now.”
“Returning home to your lovely Beth?” Nelson teased.
William forced a smile onto his face, even though his anxiety grew at the mention of Beth’s name. In a place like this, it was unlikely that anyone of value would know who she was, or even connect the name to the missing lady in the papers, but with the eyes boring into William’s back, he wanted to be safe.
He slid out of the chair and stood, unsurprised to find Nelson rising with him. “Very well, then,” Nelson said in a rather amicable manner. “I shall leave with you. The Shadow has asked that I meet with him tonight and it is always a good impression when you’re early.”