She didn’t get to finish the sentence when, behind her, the parlor door opened. Elizabeth froze. She couldn’t run, because she would have no chance to get out of sight, so she simply stood there, listening to the hearty laughter than spilled out into the hallway.

“One night, I tell you!” came a booming voice. “One voice and you’ll forget all about—”

Elizabeth cringed, sensing that the sentence had been cut short because she’d been spotted. She pretended to study the simple, yet ornate vase that sat atop a side table next to her.

“Beth!” William gasped behind her.

Elizabeth turned, feigning surprise at the sight of him. “Oh, William, I did not hear your approach,” she lied.

She knew he could sense that it was a lie as well. His face was unmoving, far too unexpressive for her to ascertain what he was thinking. But his eyes were narrowed slightly, his jaw tight. Before she attempted to study it a bit further, a man stepped in front of William.

He had a rather wide frame, tall and hairy enough to resemble a bear. He had rather large eyes as well, and a pert nose that oddly complemented the wide mouth currently stretched into a curious grin. He was dressed plainly, though not unattractively, in a white muslin shirt and cravat, his beige waistcoat matching his dark brown trousers and black boots.

“Well now, William,” the man said, running his gaze up and down Elizabeth. “You did not tell me you had a guest.”

“Because I did not think it was worth mentioning,” William responded dryly.

The man shook his head, not taking his eyes off Elizabeth for a second. She felt exposed all of a sudden and it took all her strength not to shy away from his gaze. It was rather unusual for a gentleman to stare so openly at a lady, and considering the way in which this man spoke, so loud and exaggerated, she doubted he was a part of the gentry. Even so, Elizabeth knew she’d just found herself in a precarious position because, gentry or no, this man could very well reveal her location to others.

He looked back at William, jerking his head towards Elizabeth. “Do you not plan on introducing us?” he asked.

William sighed softly. “I’d hope I wouldn’t have to, but I suppose I no longer have a choice. Nelson, allow me to introduce you to my guest, Lady Elizabeth Parsons. Lady Elizabeth, this man before you is Mr. Nelson Brawn.”

“Lady Elizabeth.” Mr. Brawn’s eyes sparkled as he dipped into a deep bow, swinging his hand out with a flourish. His hand shot out and caught hers, raising it his lips. Elizabeth felt a tremor of disgust rush through her when his lips brushed the back of her gloved hand.

In an instant, William was standing before her, knocking Mr. Brawn’s hand away. He positioned himself between them, growling, “Don’t touch her.”

Mr. Brawn’s grin didn’t diminish in the slightest as he straightened. With the same hand William had just knocked aside, Mr. Brawn patted William on the shoulder. “Fine, fine. I shan’t bother the lovely lady. Though I must ask,” he tilted his head to the side, raising his brows at Elizabeth, “are you the daughter of a Duke, Lady Elizabeth?”

“That,” William cut in before Elizabeth could think of a single thing to say, “is none of your business.”

“Mighty protective of her, aren’t you? I wonder why that is?” It seemed as if nothing William said or did bothered this man. His grin was constant, the bounce in his steps underscoring his happy mood. “Very well. I must take my leave anyhow. It is a pity I could not stay for much longer. I would have greatly enjoyed finishing that decanter of aged whiskey in your parlor.”

“The next time you think to visit, Nelson,” William said, his tone much wearier than it had been before, “please send word beforehand.” The constant shifts in dynamics between the two men was fast confusing Elizabeth. She couldn’t tell if they were friends or not.

“Did I forget to do that this time? Not to worry. It will not happen again. I know you are quite busy now that things are different for you. Now,” Nelson clapped his hands loudly, “where is that butler of yours?”

“Right here, Mr. Brawn.”

Elizabeth’s heart leapt to her throat, whirling around to see Harold standing right behind her. She hadn’t heard him approach at all. He seemed to have come down the hallway adjacent to them, which would explain why Nelson had not seen him, either. Had he been waiting to be called?

Mr. Brawn did not seem surprised by Harold’s sudden appearance at all. If anything, he seemed amused by it. He laughed heartily, his booming voice echoing down the hallway. “As impressive as ever, my good man! Come, escort me out before William freezes me to the spot with his cold glare.”