“My Lady?” came Minnie’s voice, pulling Elizabeth from her thoughts. She glanced up in the mirror, catching Minnie’s curious and worried eyes. “Is something the matter? Are you not pleased with the style I have given you?”

Elizabeth noticed suddenly that Minnie’s hands were no longer in her hair. Her silver-blonde strands hung down to her shoulders, a few tufts tucked around the side of her head and pinned to the back. It was not the most fashionable style, but considering Elizabeth would not be leaving the manor for anyone to see her, she enjoyed it.

“No, not at all!” she said quickly, smiling. “It is quite lovely! It has been so long since I’ve worn my hair down like this, so thank you. You’ve even managed to make my face appear much softer than it truly is.”

Minnie blushed so furiously that Elizabeth realized she might have overdone it on the compliments, even though she meant every word. “T-thank you, My Lady. I’m happy it pleases you so.”

“It truly does.” Elizabeth rose and went to stand in the center of the room as Minnie fetched another one of William’s stepmother’s old gowns. Once more, she wondered how long ago the Duchess had passed away, considering these gowns were not too out of fashion. A summer breeze wafted through the open balcony doors, fluttering Elizabeth’s chemise around her body. “Will you sit with me while I have my breakfast, Minnie?” Elizabeth asked.

Minnie looked at Elizabeth in alarm. Elizabeth gave her a gentle smile, hoping that would alleviate whatever wariness she might have.

“I do not like to eat alone,” she explained. “I have a lady’s maid—her name is Patience—who would always sit by my side whenever I had my meals. And it would be nice, don’t you think, to get to know each other a little better? I’m sure you are filled with questions.”

“I-I wouldn’t dare to ask them, My Lady.”

Elizabeth laughed as the grass-green morning gown settled around her shoulders. “But you do not deny my statement. Does that mean you are as curious as I think you are?”

Minnie said nothing but her deep blush was all the answer Elizabeth needed. She was in a particularly good mood today, happy that in the evening she would see William again. She wanted to distract herself from thoughts of him.

Now dressed, Elizabeth began to make her way out onto the balcony. “Come and sit with me, Minnie,” she cajoled softly and was pleased to see the lady’s maid join her side. A small round table and two chairs stood near the balcony doors and Elizabeth chose the one that faced the expanse of land stretched out before her.

“There is no need to be so tense, Minnie,” Elizabeth told her after a while.

Minnie nodded her head, licking her lips in a nervous manner. “I cannot help myself, My Lady. In my years of being a lady’s maid, I have never been treated with such kindness.”

“Truly?” Elizabeth asked, blinking in surprise. “I did not think I was doing anything particularly odd.”

“I suppose that is just an attestation of your character,” Minnie murmured.

Elizabeth smiled. “That is quite nice of you to say. Though, I do not think it is entirely true. For one, it appears His Grace is not very fond of me.”

“He is not?”

Elizabeth’s smile widened at the intrigue in Minnie’s voice. It was clear the maid was growing more comfortable. “Let me ask you something, Minnie, and perhaps you’ll be able to help me.

“Of course, My Lady!” Minnie sat up a bit straighter, anticipating.

Elizabeth licked her lips, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden. She felt at ease in Minnie’s company, already seeing a possible friend in her. But talking about her feelings for William to a relative stranger felt odd, considering those feelings were constantly being rejected by him.

“I would like to grow a bit closer to His Grace,” Elizabeth said after a while. “But it feels as if no matter what I do, he only wishes to push me away. Now, I am out of options.”

“Well…” Minnie looked a bit hesitant to say her next words. “Perhaps that is precisely why you find your efforts failing. Men are usually the ones who like to court ladies, so if that role is taken from them, they might feel a bit put out.”

Was that so? Elizabeth hadn’t considered that thought. Ever since she arrived, she’d been so bold with her feelings, forcing her intentions upon him and not accepting his denials. A part of her relished her determination, but perhaps that was the reason for all these rejections? Because she’d been far too persistent and it was only tiring him?

Elizabeth leaned closer, filled with interest. “Then what do you propose that I do?”

“Had I been in your position, My Lady, I would simply withdraw my efforts a bit. I would not want to become tiresome.”