“Sounds like this is nothing new for you,” Trouper said. “I’ll help. I have a few buddies that owe me favors. I want to get back to showing my face around the area anyway.” He paused. “While I’m doing that, I’m going to find a house and my woman.”

“I have to go deal with my wife, too.” Hunt.

All eyes turned to him.

“You’re married?” Sin asked.

“Sort of.” Hunt stood up and walked out of the room without explaining a single thing.

They all turned to look at me.

“If he wants you to know, he’ll tell you,” I shrugged.

Zach snorted but didn’t comment.

“Class dismissed.” I stood up and went searching for my wayward woman.

I heard the clomp of boots as they followed behind me, but ignored them as I went into the kitchen where I assumed she would be.

But she wasn’t there.

Frowning, I walked through the house searching for her, only she was nowhere to be found.

Pulling out my phone, I called her.

“Hello?” she answered on the first ring.

“Where the hell are you?” I asked.

“I’m going to feed my cats and spend some time with them,” she said. “They’re lonely.”

“Bring them back here,” I blurted.

The words were out of my mouth before I’d even thought to pull them back.

“What?” she asked.

“Bring them here,” I suggested.

I didn’t mind her cats. They were independent felines that weren’t completely awful to be around. Honestly, half the time I didn’t even know they were there. And the other half when I did notice them, it wasn’t because they were in my face, but because they were on the way to the food bowl.

“I can’t bring them there,” she argued.

“You can,” I said. “You’ve been practically living here for six weeks now. You only go home to get more clothes and play with your cats. Bring them here.” I paused. “In fact, never mind. I’ll be over there in a minute.”

With that I hung up, walked out to my SUV, stopped by Lowes and picked up some boxes, then went to her house.

When I arrived, she was standing in her yard looking at me like I’d grown a second head.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

I got out of my SUV, popped open the back hatch, and pulled out the boxes.

Her eyes widened like saucers.

“The cats don’t really need all that much,” she said as she stared hard. “I can get it all into my car.”

I walked toward her with the boxes.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “I’m sure that’s the case.”

“Then why the boxes?” I asked.

“I’ve permanently moved to the house in Souls Chapel. I have a ton of space. You’re renting. And I don’t want you to stay here.” I shrugged. “I want you with me.”

She stared at me as if she couldn’t quite comprehend what I was saying.

“But, we barely know each other,” she finally settled on, waving her hands. “You haven’t even dealt with me during a period yet. That four days you were busy with your duties to the city, and we didn’t even stay in the same bed at night. This is a really terrible idea.”

I grinned and walked past her into the house.

“This is only to get the essentials right now anyway,” I said. “Since I’m the one wanting you to move in, I won’t completely make you get rid of your place. We’ll keep it.” I paused. “Actually, if you’re not opposed to it, we can let one of the boys whose freshly out of the pen stay in it. That’ll keep him from having to look for a place.”

“I thought you gave them the choice to stay at your place,” she said, following behind me close on my heels. “That means they have time.”

“I gave them the option, yes,” I agreed. “But none of them will take me up on it. Hell, even Laric and Bruno didn’t take me up on it, and neither one of them have a place. Bruno’s living out of a small trailer at the campground, and Laric’s renting a one-bedroom studio apartment above a hair salon. Neither one of them wanted to stay with me while they were getting on their feet.”

“Has Bruno been in jail?” she asked suddenly.

“Bruno’s a very private person, honey,” I said. “He’ll open up one day, but I’m not going to tell you everything that happened to him.”

She harrumphed behind me, causing me to smile.

The door to Six’s place opened and closed behind us, and she whirled around to see that Bruno and Laric had made their way inside, along with Sin.

They were all staring around Six’s place as if they hadn’t expected it to look the way it did.

Honestly, for such an out there person as she was with her personal style, she wasn’t flashy or different when it came to the decorating of her home. It was all neutral browns and grays. The furniture was nice, but not too nice. There were no personal effects or knick knacks. It more reminded me of one of those homes that you buy that’s already furnished, but the person before them tried to keep it neutral as to not make the new occupant have to change much if they didn’t want to.