It made a wet sound as I did, and I knew that he could likely hear it just as well as I did, despite the man droning on and on about something that I could no longer focus on.

His eyes on me were making me so wet.

He leaned forward onto his desk, placing both closed fists onto the deep mahogany, and seemed to freeze.

I spread my thighs even wider, exposing myself to him in more ways than one, and circled my clit.

I moaned.

Jesus, that felt good.

I was wet, hot and swollen.

All for him.

With the way he’d fucked me last night, I should really be at least tempered somewhat today.

But if anything, I was wanting him even more than I had before.

Knowing what I had and was missing? That was torture.

I brought my wet fingers up to meet my other hand, and together I unbuttoned the last remaining buttons of his shirt, fully exposing my body to him.

“Yes,” Lynn growled.

I wasn’t sure whether he was talking to me or not, but I took that as encouragement and stood up.

He tensed, then moved and pressed a button on the screen that did something that I couldn’t see, then stood up straight.

The droning continued, but I was so focused on the man in front of me, that I should’ve paid attention to what was on the screen.

I didn’t.

Instead, I walked around the desk and slid into the small spot between where he was standing and the desk, then hopped up onto the dark wood.

My bare ass met the cool wood, and I shivered, my nipples tightening even more.

His eyes took me in, hot and heavy.

They trailed down the length of my body, and his full lips formed a small smile before he broke into speaking again.

“I agree,” Lynn said.

While he was talking, I reached for the zipper of his suit pants.

Then, as an afterthought, I unbuttoned him as well.

His hard cock filled up the front of his pants well, and there was no way that I would be getting that monster out of the small space that the zipper being down allotted.

He wasn’t wearing a belt today, which meant that the moment that his pants were undone, they sagged nicely, giving me enough room to work.

What came next was me loosening his tie enough to unbutton his shirt until I reached the bottom, and his chest was fully exposed.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his chest, feeling the vibration there as he continued to speak to whoever he was speaking to.

I’d lost track of the words as I explored his body with my tongue and lips.

When I reached his nipple, I ran the tip of my tongue around the light tan edges, narrowing my circles until I reached the very tip.

Once I had it pebbled, I bit down lightly with my lips curved over my teeth, causing him to jolt.

He did not, however, miss a step in his speech.

Something about timing and expectations.

I wasn’t sure.

What I was sure of, was that I could now see the black of his boxers, and I was about to get my first good look at his cock.

His very erect cock that was tucked down the length of his left leg.

I pushed his pants and underwear down a bit farther, grinning when the fabric clung to his perfect, pert ass.

Not many men had asses like Lynn. I had to say, any woman would be envious of how high and tight it was.

It was obviously enough to hold his pants up while I had them unbuttoned.

Grinning to myself, I exposed the very base of his cock, and nearly groaned.

The base was thick.

Very, very thick.

And there was a pulsing vein that had me mesmerized.

The more of his length I exposed by pushing his underwear down, the more excited I got.

I knew without a doubt that I was making a mess on his desk.

I didn’t care.

And I had a feeling he wouldn’t, either.

What I did care about was the fact that I was getting closer to the head of his cock.

“…Will be there to check in with you next week sometime,” Lynn’s even voice came. “Yes.”

The underwear finally slipped down past his tip, and his cock sprung free, very hard, very erect, and very thick in front of me.

Oh, man.

His cock.

There were no words.

It was everything that a woman would ever dream of in a cock.

I wrapped my hand around it and pumped, my eyes widening at the drop of precome that dotted the very tip on my first try.

I leaned forward and gathered that wetness onto my tongue, causing him to jerk and to hiss.

“…no, I’m fine. Continue,” Lynn hissed through gritted teeth.

The man on the other end of the line did, indeed, continue.

And so did I.

Fisting his cock with two hands, I backed him up and went down onto my knees.