She needed calm and collected.

That just wasn’t me.

Not right now, and certainly not normally.

But I would gather the willpower somewhere.



Go to Google.

Type Wizard of Oz.

Touch the red slipper.

Then the tornado.

You’re welcome.


While Lynn was gone at his appointment at the prison, I utilized his sauna, swimming pool, and bathtub.

All were amazing, but the bathtub was definitely the bigger hit of the three.

Then, once I was done and thoroughly bored, I went and laid back down in his big bed.

When I heard the front door of his home open and close, quietly, I’d repositioned myself.


Because I wanted him to see just how wet he made me.

I’d been thinking about him non-stop all morning. And I wanted him. Badly.

I heard his feet hit the staircase, heard him walk into the room, and then stop at the end of the bed.

He didn’t move for several long seconds, and I closed my eyes and waited for him to crawl into bed. For him to make the first move.

But he didn’t.

In fact, he all but left me there, in need, and walked back out of the room almost as fast as he’d come.

But not before I’d seen the flash of need and want on his face before he turned away from me.

I heard his footsteps head into the direction of the office that I’d snooped in earlier, the door opened, and then closed just as quietly.

Getting up out of bed, I walked to the en-suite bathroom and flipped the light on.

The first thing I saw was my wild hair.

I didn’t have any products to put into it, so it was a little messier than normal—and frizzy wasn’t very becoming, at least in my opinion.

I wet my hands with some water and scrunched the curls, hoping that would help.

Then, when that was done and droplets of water had stained the white dress shirt I was wearing, I then had to wait a little bit longer for those to dry.

So, I decided to snoop in his bathroom.

There was nothing there.

Well, nothing exciting anyway.

No condoms. No pill bottles. Nothing but boring bulk-bought toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and soap.

There wasn’t even a razor.

But, thankfully, I hadn’t needed that.

That was another one of my splurges—laser hair removal.

I only had to shave now every four to five days. And since I’d shaved yesterday, that meant that I was still silky smooth.

That, and I’d gotten my Brazilian wax on Friday, meaning that would be great for at least the next few weeks.

Once the water droplets on the shirt I was wearing were somewhat dry, I once again brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush that I’d found in the cabinets, and then went in search of my man.

He was, indeed, in his office.

I could hear the low hum of his voice as he spoke huskily on the other side.

A phone call.

“…we spoke. I believe that they’re all going to fall in line, yes,” Lynn’s dark timbered voice declared.

I pushed open the door, very aware of how hard my nipples were at having only heard his voice and stepped over the threshold.

His eyes were on me the instant I crossed into his office.

He was standing next to the window that had a spectacular view of the lake.

He had no headset on, and the sound of another man’s voice on the other end of the line confirmed my assumptions.

He was, indeed, on a phone call.

His eyes swept down and up the length of my body, taking in the way his shirt fit—the length was great, but the chest was a bit too tight thanks to my breasts—over my body.

I had the first four buttons undone, meaning that not only did it make the chest area fit a little better, but it also meant that he could see some real cleavage.

The shirt hit me at mid-thigh, and once again, the bottom buttons weren’t done up so that meant that if I moved just right, he could see quite a bit of the goods.

I walked over to his couch, bent over so he likely had a clear view of my ass and other things, and then fixed the pillows on his couch so that they were where I wanted them.

Then I sat down, in his direct line of sight, and pulled my knees up to my chest.

Wrapping my arms around them, I waited for him to get done with his call.

“Yes.” Lynn’s voice had gotten deeper. Rougher. “I expect they’ll all agree and have their answers to me by the end of the day. I gave them until tomorrow morning to…”

He trailed off when I leaned back into his couch even farther and opened my legs, placing both of my feet on the coffee table in front of me.

He swallowed. “Gave them until morning to get back to me.”

I vaguely heard the man on the other end of the line talking back to him, but since Lynn was watching me so thoroughly, I chose to swirl my hand around my entrance.