I tossed a set of photos down onto the table in front of him.

He took a glance at them, then flicked his eyes to me.

“What do you want us to do, and when’s the earliest we can get out?” he asked.

There was no inflection in his voice at all. But I could tell he was affected by the way the veins now stood out on his neck. The way that his voice was now gruffer.

Hunt leaned over and looked at the photos, his face going white.

“Son of a bitch,” he hissed, sitting back and trying not to look at the photos again, but like a train wreck, they just kept drawing his eye.

I moved them around the table and allowed them all to see.

“That’s fucked up,” Zach said. “She dead?”

‘She’ being a small girl that’d been used and abused by quite a few different men.

“No,” I answered.

Zach was the one to blanch this time.

With his extensive medical background, he would know this child’s long-term impairments.

“Is the guy dead that did that to her?” Troup asked.

I was finding that I liked Troup.

“Not yet,” I said. “But this is just one of the reasons that I want y’all out. I need a team I can trust. One that’s experienced. One that has the knowledge to deal with this, and one that won’t be affected in the least when I give them a kill order that they’re not comfortable with. Now, I’m not going to say I have immunity here, so that’s something we’re going to have to be cognizant of. I’m not God. So we still need to cover our tracks. There’s still every possibility you’ll get caught and wind up here all over again. So that means that when you get out, you need to keep your nose clean. You need to follow my directions. And you need to control your tempers.”

Sin snorted. “As long as nothing happens to someone I love, I’ll do what needs done.”

I nodded once. “Good enough.”

Because I was the exact same.

Standing up, I walked over to a box on the wall that had the things that they would need upon release.

Pulling the first cut out, I walked it over and tossed it in Patrick’s direction.

I followed suit until each one of them had their cut in their hands.

I waited until each of them got a good look at them before I said, “If you agree, you will be known as the Souls Chapel Revenants Motorcycle Club. I have four men on the outside that, though not in this particular part of the business, will still provide some cover when we need it. These cuts are yours. Wear it when you walk out of those doors.” I paused. “You’ll be released one per week. I’m setting you up with a large cash advance for services rendered. Each of you need to find a house in the area if you don’t already have one, set up affairs, and move yourself to the area. Motorcycles are a must for this cover to work. If you don’t know how to ride one, learn.” I paused on my way out the door. “I expect each and every one of your answers by tomorrow morning at the latest. If you don’t want in, that’s fine. I could still use you on the inside at this prison. But that also means that you’re not getting out.” I was halfway out the door when another thought hit me. “You can have revenge if you haven’t already gotten it. All you have to do is say yes.”

With that, I actually did walk out of the door and didn’t look back.

• • •

Neither Bruno nor Laric was at my house when I got back home forty-eight minutes later.

I was thankful.

I was also thankful that, when I got upstairs, two hours after leaving her there, Six was still very much in my bed.

Her face was buried in my pillow, and her wild hair was in a crazy tangle, the strands going every way but the right way.

Her mouth was slightly open, and her body was straddling my half of the comforter.

Her chest was rising and falling at a slow, even rate, and the bottom half of her ass was peeking out from the sheet.

Her very naked, very obviously needy, bottom half.

I could see a hint of wetness glistening on her pussy, and I swallowed hard, wondering if I should take advantage of the position she was in.

All it would take was me getting naked, crawling up between her legs, and sliding inside.

All. It. Would. Take.

She was that wet.

I licked my lips and clenched my hands, then forced myself to unclench them before I walked away.

That was the very last fucking thing that I wanted to do, but last night had been our first time. She was sore. She didn’t need me fucking her when I wanted her this badly.