I had a feeling that a man like Lynn did sex really well. His entire attention and focus would be on me as he filled me to bursting. He would make it good for me because Lynn would never strive for anything less than perfection.

Despite the burning stretch of my pussy widening for his cock, I still throbbed for him.

I wanted more.

I wanted it all.

I wanted him so far and deep inside of me that I couldn’t articulate a clear thought.

“Fuck me,” I breathed, unable to stop myself. “I need you deeper.”

I needed him. I needed… everything that came with him.

He laughed against the back of my neck.

“Honey, I’m too big to just drive myself in deep,” he said.

His voice was a delicious drawl that sent a shiver down my spine.

I could tell, just by feel, that he was big.

But I had no idea just how big until he started to fill me more, and more. And more.

By the time that he came to a stop, I still wasn’t sure that I had all of him.

But it didn’t matter, because he pulled back, slowly, and filled me all over again.

This time, the glide was smoother, and no hitches hindered his way.

I was so wet for him that I could feel it on my thighs, and he apparently could feel the same damn thing.

“Never had someone so wet for me before,” he growled, shoving forward a bit deeper than before, hitting the entrance to my womb and causing me to squeak in surprise.

He laughed. “That’s why I can’t take you hard just yet. You’re not ready.”

I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready for him. Not with how big I could feel he was.

I was so focused on the feel of him, the way that he was making me burn from the inside out, that I didn’t pay attention to the people outside around us.

Not until flashing blue and red lights caught my attention.

But did the man that was fucking me over his middle console stop what he was doing because of the police car that was outside our car? No.

He slowed down, however, fucking me slower so as not to rock the car. But he didn’t stop.

In fact, he only added more.

How did he add more?

That came by way of his thumb playing over the entrance to my ass.

“Wood, no!” I cried out.

I mean, holy shit, the man was placing his thumb over my asshole. My ever-only-been-an-exit asshole.

“Not yet, no,” he agreed as he continued to circle his thumb around my back entrance. “But one day. When I’ve sufficiently gotten you ready, you will.”

I will.

Not yet. But I would.

My pussy clenched down on his cock at the mere idea of him being inside of me there, and he laughed.

“I can feel that you like that idea,” he growled, dipping that digit in despite my clenching to keep him out. “This is something that would feel better if you relaxed.”

The blue and red lights were now filling up the car, and I realized that they were coming from behind us and not in front of us.

On the feeder road that ran behind the parking lot.

Other than that, there was nothing else I could tell.

Were they here because of us? Were they…

He pushed his thumb all the way into my ass and then followed that up by filling me much further than he ever had before.

I exploded. Right then and there, I exploded so hard and fast that I screamed.

Lynn grunted in surprise, either at the suddenness of my orgasm that clamped down at him, or my scream, I didn’t know.

But for very long seconds, he sat frozen inside of me, just feeling.

When I came to, it was to find his thumb still inside of my ass, and his cock pulsing inside of me as if he was all but dying to move.

“Why’d you stop?” I whispered, surprised at how husky my voice sounded.

“Because I didn’t want to bring attention to a rocking vehicle that just had a scream come out of it.” He growled, pulling out slightly and shoving back in.

There was no rocking this time, but there was definitely deep penetration.

Much deeper than before.

I’d apparently loosened up enough that I could take all of him, because I could feel the front of his hard, muscular thighs pressing against the backs of mine.

I was also very much aware of how badly my legs were starting to hurt.

“My legs…” I whispered to Lynn.

He laughed. “Sometimes things have to hurt to feel good, honey.”

I wasn’t sure that I understood, but then he really started to fuck me, each pounding thrust hurting just a little bit more than the one before it.

The lights from behind us were still there, but I closed my eyes as a feeling started to creep over me. Total abandonment.

I let him fuck me, let him make the decisions, and let myself only feel.