He pressed forward the scant few inches that separated us, and I gasped.

He was so hot. And muscular.

And hard.

His shoulders were broad, his waist was tapered down to trim hips, and his hips led to a piece of his anatomy that I couldn’t miss.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen!” I heard from the announcer right before I heard a softly called, “Lynn?”

Lynn reluctantly pulled himself away, his eyes hot and possessive.

“Wait for me,” Lynn ordered, eyes hot. Then, turning, he addressed his date. “Mina.”

I pushed back even farther until I was once again in the bathroom with the door closing.

When it closed, I pressed my ear to the door, wondering if I could hear what was being said. But the announcer for the night was way too loud, and there was no way that was happening.

So I waited. And I waited. And I waited.

While I waited, I finished off my brownie, my flask of Kool-Aid, and then waited some more.

Finally, I worked up the courage to look outside, and I was more than relieved that Lynn wasn’t anywhere in sight.

I was even more relieved to find that there was an exit at the end of the hallway that I was in, meaning that I didn’t have to go all the way across the entire banquet to get to the front door.

When I pushed out into the dark night, it was to find myself in a completely different parking lot than the one that I’d parked in.

I looked down at my shoes and grimaced. “Let’s do this, feet.”


Be Happy. (Bitches hate that.)

-Coffee Cup


I’d made it to Terrell before I decided that I couldn’t make it any farther.

Even luckier, there was a Buc-ees, meaning that when I was done with my little nap, I could grab a bite to eat and get back on the road.

Stupidly, before I fell asleep, I got out of my Range Rover and walked to the back where I kept my spare clothes. Only, the only spare clothes that I had in the back since I hadn’t replenished them from the last time was a pair of short shorts that had this little string at the sides of the thighs that also turned them into bathing suit bottoms and a tight black tank.

Thinking that was better than wrinkling the dress any more than I already had, I slipped the shorts on under my dress, turned my back on the parking lot, and shucked my shirt.

Luckily, this late at night, there weren’t many people.

Even more lucky, I managed to get my tank top on fast, meaning the only person that really got an eyeful of anything was the woman walking her dog behind me. And all she saw was my naked back.

Once fully clothed, I hung the dress up in the back and slammed the hatch closed.

I ignored her and the sound of disgust and walked to my back passenger seat.

There, I grabbed a pillow I always kept back there for emergencies like these, my blanket that I was fairly sure had mud on it from the last time I’d used it for this purpose and went to sleep.

My mistake was not locking my cruiser after I was back in it. Because if I had, I wouldn’t have been so rudely awoken however long later.

The moment my head hit the pillow, I was out.

I slept deep, too.

I was one of those sleepers that did not wake up pretty. Nor did I understand all that much when I did wake up. It took me a solid minute and a half to realize that I wasn’t laying down anymore.

I’d sit up on the side of the bed and try to get my mind to focus before I could do much of anything.

And being rudely awakened? That was even worse.

Which was why, when this happened to me an undetermined amount of time later, I was confused.

The door to the Rover was yanked open and my legs fell out.

I gasped, jackknifed up, and whirled around only to be yanked out of the vehicle.

My head was spinning, and my heart was pounding double-time.

I gasped and whirled, trying to find purchase on where I was, but strong arms enclosed around me and a very pissed off person whispered in my ear.

“Don’t fuckin’ move,” Lynn hissed in my ear.

I immediately slumped forward, so relieved to hear his voice that my knees went weak.

“Wood,” I breathed.

I didn’t know why I called him that.

Maybe it was because of the pleasure I’d seen in his eyes when I’d called him that earlier. Maybe it was because I liked that no one else had ever called him that before.

I didn’t know.

What I did know was that my body was all of a sudden hot, and Lynn being pressed against me was making me even hotter.

“I told you to wait,” he growled against the back of my neck.