I walked away on his words. Likely causing him to get even more pissed.

But whatever.

I really wanted to leave.

This party was horrible, and I still had to drive two hours home.

Which sucked even more because I didn’t feel like driving.

I felt like taking a nap.

Maybe I’d just pull over at a roadside rest stop and take a small nap there before driving home. That, and change out of this dress, because honest to God, it was really comfortable, but I felt like I was falling out all over the place.

My boobs especially.

I headed toward the dark corridor where the bathrooms were located.

Sadly, my day didn’t get any better as ol’ Dick followed me.

After doing my business, washing my hands, and contemplating making a run for it and coming to the conclusion that I might get away with it, I walked out of the bathroom.

Right into Dick.

“Oh, where ya going so fast?” Dick—had I mentioned how much I liked the nickname Lynn had given him?—asked, running his hands down my shoulders to the bend in my elbow.

I stepped back as far as I could, my back hitting the bathroom door.

“Don’t touch me,” I ordered.

“You would have fallen,” he soothed.

I was already rolling my eyes, having expected that comment.

“Actually, I wouldn’t have done anything had you not been crowding the doorway as I left,” I snapped. “Now kindly move.”

“I’ll move when I’m damn good and ready.” Dick’s entire demeanor changed. “What did you think you were accomplishing, embarrassing me like that out there?”

I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Dick…” I started, but he moved so suddenly that I was pushed back into the door behind me. It slid open, and I was literally on the way to falling straight on my ass when Dick was roughly pushed out of the way. Seconds later, I found myself in Lynn’s arms.

Holy shit, where had he come from?

“I think it’s time for you to go back to the table to your mother, since you’re acting like a child right now,” Lynn ordered quietly.

My heart was beating so hard that there was no way in hell that Lynn didn’t feel it against his skin.

But the surprising thing was, I could feel his beating just as hard.

“Lynn,” I breathed.

He squeezed me tight, and that was when I felt his hand on the bare skin of my back.

I shivered, causing his hand to move slightly to the left, underneath the fabric that covered my lower side, and squeezed me to him even tighter.

He was likely thinking I was scared because of Dick.

I wasn’t.

I was completely and utterly affected by the man at my side.

Which fuckin’ sucked because he had a date likely waiting for him at the table.

“I will not go back to the table until she apologizes.” Dick enunciated each word. Clipped, precise.

“She’s not apologizing to you, child,” Lynn said. “It was a joke. Learn to take it.”

“Kind of like when you spilled your drink down my back.” I glared at Dick. “It was a joke, right?”

Dick narrowed his eyes, his jaw clenched, and then he whirled around and left without another word.

I rolled my eyes and waited until he was completely out of the corridor before looking up. And up. And up.

With my head practically tilted all the way back on my neck, I glared at the man who had his arms around me.

I hadn’t been this close to his mouth before and certainly hadn’t had myself planted in his arms like I currently found myself. Which disconcerted me because I liked how it felt. A lot.

“I can take care of myself,” I told him, squirming now to get away.

He had a girlfriend. He had a date. No, no, no. I was not that person.

“Looks like you were doing really well at that,” he teased.

I stiffened in his arms, and I didn’t miss how good his hand felt on my lower body, nor how he hadn’t let me go or moved his hands to more appropriate places.

“Listen, Woody,” I said, trying to piss him off. “I don’t need, nor do I want, your help. I’ve been playing this game for a very long time, and you can’t come in here and push your nose into my business.”

His eyes went hot. “Don’t call me that.”

“Wood?” I whispered.

He tilted his head sideways slightly before saying, “I guess as long as when you say it I’m inside of you.”

I blinked at his words.

Inside of me?


“What?” I breathed.

“Your bad fucking attitude, paired with your penchant for not giving a fuck, really fuckin’ works for me.” He growled as he pressed closer. “Why are you here?”

I gritted my teeth as I was reminded about the woman that he’d come with.

The woman on his arm that wasn’t me.

The woman that was devastatingly beautiful.

“I’m here because I was forced to be,” I grumbled, this time succeeding in pulling away. But I didn’t delude myself into thinking that I got away on my own. He’d allowed me to go. “Why are you? And don’t you have a date to get back to?”