“That’s kind of a small gun,” I found myself saying. “And that’s a lot of stuff to have in your pockets. That gun looks like you couldn’t even take down a fly.”

I mean, it was the cutest little baby gun that I’d ever seen.

“It’ll take down what I need it to,” he murmured, shoving everything back into place. “And you’re right. I don’t know what to tell you about your pockets, though. Maybe start shopping where they give you full pockets instead of those jokes that particular brand of apparel considers as ones.”

Amusement tinted my voice as I said, “It’s not just this particular brand. It’s all brands.”

He tilted his head toward the front door. “Come. I’ll take you to your car.”

“How do you know where my car is?” I asked. “Maybe I was dropped off.”

His eyes took me in, I was sure, wondering if he should give away his way of finding out my secrets.

“I run this town,” he said after a while. “There’s nothing that can happen here that I don’t know about. I may not have known that you were here before you walked up on us, but I would’ve found out eventually.”

I had a feeling he was right, and I didn’t want to know how he knew.

“Bruno, Laric,” I said as we passed. “I’d say it was a pleasure but… it wasn’t.”

Laric’s eyes went sparkly with humor as we passed. Bruno scowled. Hard.

I looked away and kept walking, a knot in my gut making me wonder just what in the hell I was thinking trying to find him.

How wrong I’d been.

“Bruno will take your gear.” Lynn murmured.

I nodded.

Getting back out to the front of the house, I took one last longing glance at the big house before climbing onto the bike.

I did this much more gracefully than last time.

Seconds later, what I thought was acceptable as a good mounting on my end wasn’t as good as I’d thought. He sat down, and his sexy ass pinched my thighs slightly.

I licked my lips as I found myself pressed up tightly to Lynn’s back when he finally moved into position.

When I went to move backward, trying to give him room, he stilled my hips.

“Easier to control everything when you’re closer like this,” he murmured softly.

My heart started to beat double-time because Mr. Prim and Proper Mayor’s hand was on my ass.

On. My. Ass.

What. The. Fuck?

“Umm, okay,” I said quietly. “I can stay.”

I mean, if he didn’t mind that I was all pressed up against him, then I sure the fuck wanted to stay.

Why? Because I was a glutton for punishment.

And again, like the ride last time, the entire time that I was pressed against his ass, things inside of me were jiggling and shaking that had never jiggled or shook before. By the time that we got to Crockett’s Corner, I was a freakin’ ball of nerves.

I had no doubt in my mind that my eyes were slightly glazed and my cheeks were hot.

Luckily, the evening sun still had quite a bit of heat left to it, giving me enough reason to have a flush to my cheeks.

When he shut the bike off, he held out his hand and waited until I’d taken it and gotten off before he followed suit.

I shakily handed him the helmet he’d had at his house back, and he placed it onto his seat before gesturing with his hand for me to precede him inside.

I did, my hand shaking like a leaf when I reached for the door handle.

It never made it to my hand because Lynn leaned past me and latched onto the door handle, his chest brushing my back and side as he did.

Opening it up for me, he waited until I’d gone inside with a muttered ‘thanks’ before following close at my heels.

Crockett, who’d been busy sitting behind the counter in a camp chair with her feet resting on the counter, all but fell forward at the sight of us.

Her eyes went from me to Lynn and back.

“Umm,” she said, her eyes wide. “Did you run into some trouble?”

I snickered. “You could say that.”

Kidnapping, men getting beat up, and reconnecting with who you thought was an old friend was considered ‘trouble,’ right?

“Are you here for your burger?” she asked. “I thought you were going to stay the night?”

I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

“I got what I needed already,” I lied. “Some great videos of some deer. I already posted it. Did you see?”

She nodded. “I thought you were going up there for something bigger, though? I read on your Instagram that you were looking for a mountain lion. A predator.”

I looked at the man over my shoulder and thought that Lynn could definitely pass for a predator. He was big, silent, dark and deadly.

Yeah, he could pass for a predator all right.