Lynn, not so much.

I narrowed my eyes on Bruno. “I’m not sure how you know me as an adult. Maybe I’m not that same stupid kid anymore.”

Bruno winced. “Ines…”

“Don’t call me that,” I said through a completely even tone, then turned to Lynn. “You have no television, wi-fi, or signal. I need something to do or I’m going to start walking my happy ass out of here.”

Lynn’s lips twitched. “I have a television in the living room. And there’s no wi-fi because I haven’t set it up yet. All the equipment is there, I just need to have the company out to hook it up.”

I nodded. “Where is this ‘equipment’ at?”

He gestured to the corner of his office, a corner that I hadn’t seen until now.

Dismissing all of them, I started to open boxes.

There was silence behind me as I began setting things up.

I’d done this a half dozen times in a half dozen different places, and each of those times I’d had to do it myself because my impatience knew no bounds. Why the equipment arrived before the scheduled appointment, I didn’t know. But I always ended up saving myself a hundred-dollar set-up fee.

Which I did for Lynn in about ten minutes, too.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I hooked up to the wi-fi and grinned.

Without another word, I walked out and didn’t look back.

It wasn’t even an hour later that Lynn emerged from his office with the two men at his back.

Lynn walked toward me. Bruno and Laric went to the bar at my back.

I continued to play edit the video on my phone.

Lynn stopped close enough that he could see what I was doing.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sounding intrigued.

“Editing a video,” I said. “I need a shorter clip for my Instagram account. Too long and people lose interest.”

“You took that today?” he asked.

I turned the phone’s screen so that he could see it. “Yeah.”

He watched, his mouth forming into a grin when the baby deer stood up on wobbly legs.

“Cute,” he said. “People really watch that? That’s how you make money?”

I shrugged. “Mainly I make money off of the advertising between my Instagram and YouTube account. Pretty much, sponsors pay me to put an ad or sponsor a product. I have a lifetime supply of these boots.”

He looked at my boots, his mouth turning up at the corner.

“I can see how that would be important to you,” he teased.

The way his lips formed the words, paired with the low huskiness of his voice, had me squirming in my seat.

“Are you ready to go home?”

The surprise must’ve registered on my face because he chuckled, making my nipples peak at the sound of it.

Jesus, was there anything the man could do that wasn’t sexy as hell?

“I’m ready.” I stood up, my hand fisted tightly around my phone.

His eyes took me in. “Don’t betray me, Six.”

I looked up into his downcast eyes, something close to defiance steeling my spine at his words.

“I don’t know what you think I would do or say,” I admitted quietly. “I don’t even talk to anybody but Wyett. And didn’t you say that you would feed me?”

Lynn’s lips twitched at the corner. “I did.”

“Then you can do that on the way to dropping me off at my car since you ruined my camping.” I shoved my phone into my front pocket.

His eyes went to the phone that was sticking halfway out.

“You should put that in your back pocket,” he said, eyes missing nothing.

“No,” I said. “What they should do is give women full pockets instead of this bullshit. I mean, I have room for full pockets.”

His eyes turned to look at my pants. He took in the way my hands only went halfway into the shittiest pockets in the world.

“Can you get your whole hand in your pocket?” I wondered.

He shoved his hand into his pocket. All the way up to his wrist.

“I don’t understand why a woman’s pocket is any different from a man’s. I mean, I seriously could use the space that it would provide. Now all I can do is carry half my phone, Chapstick, and maybe a set of car keys if I take all the extra key chains off. How fair is that?” I looked at him. “I’ll bet you can fit half the world in those pockets.”

As if to prove that he didn’t actually carry around half the world, he dumped his pockets, showing me everything that he carried in there before pulling away.

I looked at the sheer amount of shit he’d pulled out of his pockets. Two cell phones, both the same size as mine. A wallet. A set of keys that had more than the normal amount of keys on them. A small gun that was the size of a tri-fold wallet. A larger gun as big as two of my hands. The brass knuckles that he’d used to beat that guy with earlier. Chapstick, a cigar, and finally a pocketful of random bullets and a toothpick.