I had a feeling I didn’t want to know what kind of warning would be administered.

His sharp green eyes turned to me then, fire still lighting them inwardly with something that looked extremely close to excitement.

He reached blindly for something beside him, but I couldn’t break the eye contact. He had me thoroughly hooked.

“You’re coming home with me,” Lynn said as he pulled his white button-up shirt on over his shoulders. “We’ll discuss the rest later.”

He gestured for me to walk with a flick of his head, no words shared at all.

My eyes must’ve flashed in response because he started to chuckle as he led me to his bike.

“I’m not getting on that.” I started shaking my head.

“You are,” he countered.

When I went to pull away, he picked me up, tossed me over his shoulder, and started to walk toward his bike.

“One of you bring her shit,” he called out. “See you back at the house.”

I glared upside down at the two men, my hair falling around me in waves.

And, because I could, I flipped both of them off, focusing longer on Bruno who was looking at me with not a small amount of regret on his face.

Laric was just amused, so I gave him that.

This was kind of amusing, if it were to be happening to someone else that wasn’t me.

But when he sat me up and deposited me on his bike, I blamed the head rush for the reason I didn’t immediately try to jump off.

Then, when his big, muscular body was deposited between my thighs, I froze for an altogether different reason. One that had my vagina pulsing with need.

Then he started the bike.

And I forgot that I wanted to be nowhere near his bike.

Why? Because apparently a Harley Davidson, pressed up against a hot guy, was like being on a massive vibrator.

“Dear, sweet baby Jesus.” I prayed that I wouldn’t get off on a kidnapping.

Lynn, sensing that I was uneasy, said, “It’ll be okay.”

No, no, it wouldn’t.

And the orgasm I nearly had proved it.


I’ll have a café mocha vodka valium latte, please.

-Coffee Cup


“Ummm,” I heard said as I finally shut the bike down. “Where are we?”

I looked at the house that I’d just had built.

“It’s my lake house,” I answered as I swung my leg off the bike.

Her eyes were wide as she took it in.

“It’s big,” she said, her eyes taking in everything.

The front of the house wasn’t really all that special.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was still pretty. But the back was where it was at.

“Four thousand square feet or so,” I said. “Not too big. I don’t want to have to clean this motherfucker, so it isn’t as big as I wanted it to be.”

Her eyes took in the cedar beams that were holding up the rather large front porch. “I don’t even think I could fit my arms around those beams.”

She was right.

She probably couldn’t.

“You need help up?” I asked when she continued to sit on the bike.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m thirty-two years old. I think I can get off a bike.”

Yet still she didn’t move.

“Are you sure?” I teased.

She rolled her eyes and pushed herself up off the bike, her legs wobbly.

“I’ve never been on a bike before.” She licked her lips, her eyes going cagey as she looked away. It was the blush, though, that let me know just what, exactly, she was thinking about. “How long ago did you build this place?”

“It was finished about a month ago,” I answered. “I don’t really have anything in it yet because of all the bullshit that I’m having to do in Kilgore.”

“All the bullshit mayorly duties that you signed up for when you ran for mayor?” she countered.

I shrugged. “I knew what I was getting into. I just had no clue how much petty bullshit came with the job. I mean, it’s like the adults in the town can’t figure out how to make a simple decision. Either it’s right or it’s wrong. Don’t waste my time on the easy stuff to decide.”

I gestured with a chin lift for her to walk in front of me up the front walk, and she huffed out in exasperation.

“Wouldn’t a kidnapper be a little cagier about where he was taking me?” she asked. “You could’ve at least put a blindfold on me so that when I escaped, I wouldn’t know exactly where I was. And you were supposed to take my phone and my watch. Both of those have cell service.”

“Do you want me to take those things instead of trusting you?” I asked.

I wasn’t sure why I trusted her. Honestly, if anything, I should be taking away her cell phone and her watch. She’d seen me beat the crap out of a man. That could definitely play a factor in getting everything accomplished that I wanted done. However, I looked at her and somehow knew that she wouldn’t tell.