Van frees my hands but doesn't let them go. His thumb rubs over the place where the ropes dug into my wrists and I love the feel of his mark on my skin. Too bad I can’t enjoy it with Jack standing there clutching his pearls. He’s ruining a moment that to others might not look so sweet but is actually really intimate. Van and I shared something from deep inside of us and to me it was only meant for the two of us to witness.

I hide behind Van and rest my forehead on his back as I try to get my emotions under control. The high of the orgasm is fading and though I’m not embarrassed, I also know I don’t want Jack or anyone else to see Van and me like this.

“Get the fuck out!” Van shouts at Jack, then mumbles a curse when one of the horses makes a sound in the next stall over.

I’m not used to hearing Van’s voice so cold, but right now every line of his body is stiff. I run my hands up his back, trying to soothe him, but it’s no use.

“You okay, Tia?” Jack asks, ignoring Van.

Van tries to move toward Jack, and I know this won’t play out well. I dig my fingers into Van’s shirt with one hand while I put my other around his waist. He doesn't fight my hold but we both know he could if I wasn’t silently asking him not to.

“Don’t talk to her,” Van spits out, and I know it shouldn't be sweet but it is. I know Van doesn’t mean for that to sound adorable but I love how protective he is.

“I’m telling Honey and Ford,” Jack says, like a five-year-old.

Van is a grown man and I don’t think he cares if Jack tattles.

“You do that and be sure and call my mom Honey while you’re at it; see where that gets you. I’ll be more than happy to match the black eye my dad gives you afterwards.”

“Fuck you, man,” Jack throws back.

My arm on Van tightens but he makes no move to go for Jack. I see Jack take a step back and he almost trips over a bucket of feed in the process. He’s all talk and no action, but that doesn’t surprise me.

“I’m not telling you to get the fuck out of here again. You’re pissing me off and upsetting not only my girl but the horses.” This time Van’s tone is calm but the warning rings clear.

The horse in the next stall starts to settle and I think they feed off his energy. Now that I’ve been this close to Van and really felt his hands on my skin, there’s an underlying dominance that’s undeniable. He only brings it to the surface when he needs to but it’s simmering all the time. How did I miss it before? Maybe I didn’t and that’s why I’ve been drawn to him from the very start. I see something in him I need.

I watch as Jack turns and nearly runs out of the barn.

“I can’t stand him,” Van mutters to himself as he turns to look down at me. “I’m sorry, darling girl. I shouldn't have let him see you like that.” His hands go back to my wrist and he traces the indentation of the rope.

“It’s fine,” I try to reassure both Van and myself.

I’m not sure how I feel about Jack running his mouth to everyone about Van and me, and I wonder what Honey will think. I love Mrs. Cyprus and I’m the only one she lets call her Honey, mostly because her husband lets me do it. I always thought she gave me a little more attention than some of the other girls and she once told me I was like the daughter she never had. I wonder how she’d feel about Van and me. I know she overheard him say I was his and she smirked when I smacked his hand away from me. I think she thought he was playing me too and now I worry I’ve somehow let her down.

“You don’t look fine,” he says, his eyes searching my face.

I don’t know what I feel and my emotions are all over the place. I want this so badly, but what if we just got caught up in this moment?

“I see that pretty little mind of yours working,” he says, and it is. “I’ve been watching you, Tia, and I know you.”

“I just—” I begin to say, but he cuts me off by kissing me. I close my eyes and for a moment I get lost in him. In us.

“I know, darling girl,” he says softly, kissing my forehead. “Go back to the kitchen and I’ll be there in a minute,” he tells me. “You need to let this settle inside you for a bit.” He slides his hand down my neck and places it over my heart. “Besides, I’ve gotta handle something.”