“Just twice?” She smirks when I nearly choke on the water and shake my head. She’s never made such a bold comment to me before and I didn’t see it coming.

“Are you flirting with me?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she shrugs, putting the empty bowl in the sink. “I’m not complaining.”

She has her back to me again as she washes the dishes and I wonder if it’s easier for her to talk to me this way.

“Why do you tell everyone I’m yours?”

“Because you are,” I say simply, but she doesn’t look at me. “Do you want me to stop?”

I don’t know if I could, and it wouldn’t make her any less mine.

“No.” Her voice is so soft I almost don’t catch it.

“No?” I repeat, not because I didn’t hear her, but because I want to hear it again.

She turns around and smiles at me and then shakes her head slightly.

“How long do those cook for?” I ask, nodding to the brownies.

“They’re no-bake, so they just go in the fridge.”

“So you were just yanking my chain on the raw eggs?” I kind of like that she was teasing me.

“Maybe.” She winks at me as she takes the pan and puts it in the cooler.

“If you’re finished with that, come with me. I want to show you something.”

I hold out my hand and for a half a second I think she might not take it. But my heart leaps in my throat when she does and I pull her close.

“Where are we going?” she asks as we walk out of the kitchen.

“To the stables.”

Chapter 3


This is a bad idea, I think to myself as I watch Van tend to the stall. He brought me out here to see Sweetpea, the new baby foal. I’m excited to see her but I keep thinking of all the dirty things Van and I could do out here in the barn all by ourselves.

I try and focus on Sweetpea and watch Van brush her. He’s always out here working with the animals. I remember the day the foal was born because I was wondering where Van was. He hadn't stopped by that night to get something to eat and in my silly mind I thought maybe he was out on a date or had snuck out with one of the other counselors. I’d been extra salty that night and Piper was quick to point it out. Then the next day I heard where he’d been and thought it was actually really sweet.

I pet the foal, a little jealous she’s going to know what love is her whole life. I look over at Van who’s petting the mama horse and he’s saying something to her I can’t hear. The horse leans its head into Van and he gives her a soft stroke along her cheek. I jerk my eyes away because my mind goes to him running those hands over my skin after I did something he liked. God, what is wrong with me?

I try and focus on the cute foal I’m petting. I know only a couple of people have gotten to see her since Van didn't want anyone bothering the new mom and her baby. He’s been protective over both of them and I feel special he brought me up here.


I look up from where I’m sitting to see Van standing up and looking down at me. He’s got a rope in his hands and I wonder how he makes dirty boots look so hot. His jeans, too, from working all day. It’s sexy, but everything about him is. He’s smooth and sweet but a little rough around the edges. I swear I catch a wicked glint in his eyes when he thinks no one is watching.

I can’t figure him out and he has me all over the place. Maybe it’s my mind conjuring up a sliver of hope that he thinks the same dirty things that are always in my head. That someone out there has these desires too. Not like Jack, though. His mind is always in the gutter and when I think about doing these fantasies with anyone, it’s only to be shared with one person. These dirty fantasies are my own little secret that I would want to share with Van. It makes it so much hotter that no one would know all the wicked things I let him do to me and maybe would even beg for.

“She is,” I agree, trying hard to focus on the foal.

I don’t know why but I reach up and touch the rope he’s holding in his hand. I run my finger along it, feeling the texture against my skin.

“She’s adorable, but I was talking about you.”

My fingers pause on the rope as my skin tingles. I know I’m already turning pink at the compliment and there’s no oven nearby to blame it on.