The counselors look to one another and I can see the light of excitement in their eyes.

“Don’t worry, there are no strings attached. Just tell me he said it and I’ll not only give you a week off but you can watch me kick his ass too.”

A few people begin to laugh and it enrages Jack. When I take a step closer to him the coward backs away.

I look at Sadie and Vanessa and open my palms out at my sides. “I have nothing to hide and I can promise you whatever he said is complete bullshit.” I look around the growing crowd until I spot some of the women counselors huddled nearby. “Just like how he told everyone he messed around with April and Jocylyn.” Their eyes widen as they turn their glare on Jack. “And that he hooked up with Sadie and Kris.”

“Are you serious?” Sadie asks as she steps forward.

“I believe his exact words were ‘she’s got a great mouth.’”

“You little worm, I never touched you!”

When the women all turn their eyes and their wrath onto Jack I take a step back and smile. Nothing I could do to him would be half as awful as what these ladies can do. And to be honest, he deserves it. I should have stopped it the second I heard it but I thought maybe there was some small truth to his conquests. Now I see by the women circling him that it was all just bullshit.

He stammers over his injury as the voices around him grow louder and I walk away. I feel as though I’ve set off a bomb but Jack will get what he deserves. I’ll also make a point to talk to my parents about his removal just as soon as I check on Tia and make sure she’s okay.

I’ve got plans for us that involve a lot of alone time in my cabin and I’m ready to get started on them now.

Chapter 7


My eyes widen when I listen to Sadie tell me how Van punched Jack in the face. She’s so animated, her hands flying everywhere as she acts part of it out. She’s standing on the other side of the counter giving me the scoop and I kind of wish I was there to see it. Jack had a punch to the face coming but I just hope Van doesn't get in trouble over it. Jack is the type that would go crying to the cops or Van’s mom or dad.

“He told everyone about Jack running his mouth too. That little shit took off running to hide from all the girls.” Sadie rolls her eyes so hard it looks painful. “Jack is hot but he is such a douche cannon. He doesn’t even have to open his mouth and you know that.”

He reeks of pompous jerk and I think being cute went straight to his head. The girls around Camp Hardwood aren’t buying what he’s been trying to sell so I guess everything he said was all talk. I’m not usually the one to be told all the gossip but this is big news. I’m a little surprised Sadie is standing here telling me this, but it’s probably because it has to do with me. The girls in camp are sweet to me because I make treats for everyone, but now that I think about it, Piper is the only one I really talk to beyond normal superficial stuff. I overhear them gossip but it’s never to me, and I don’t know if that should hurt my feelings or not.

“You should’ve heard what he said he saw you and Van doing.” That’s all it takes and my face lights up with a flash. “I mean, even if it’s true, who wouldn’t do those things with Van?” Sadie wiggles her eyebrows. “Guess I just never thought of him as a dominant, but now that I think about it…” She taps her finger against her lips.

“Please don’t think about it.”

I don’t say that because I’m embarrassed about what Van and I did but because I don’t want anyone thinking of my Van in any way that’s sexual. He’s mine and only I get that part of him. It’s special and reserved for only me. It’s why no one has noticed it before, even though that part of him has been lurking below the surface his whole life. It’s a part of who he is and the same thing I crave. I might have let my mind do too much wandering today and I’ve been coming up with lots of ideas about the two of us. It’s why we’re meant to be.

“I mean, I’ve read it in books. My mom thinks she has them hidden in the garage in an old box.” Sadie smirks. “Finding that box was the jackpot to understanding my lady business.” I snort as she leans closer. “So you and Van. That’s real?” She gives me a wink. “I mean, he’s been telling people that you’re a thing, but I didn’t pay it much attention. I thought maybe you were, like, saving it for marriage or something so I’ve been trying to be respectful about what I say around you.” Her eyes search my face and I can tell she’s trying to be nice.