Artemis’s smile vanished. All business now. “Who is she, Foaly? To be honest, I am amazed that I don’t already know her.”

“The girl is Minerva Paradizo, twelve years old, born in Cagnes sur Mer, in the South of France. The man is her father, Gaspard Paradizo. Fifty-two. Cosmetic surgeon, of Brazilian descent. One more child, a boy, Beau, five years old. The mother left a year ago. Lives in Marseille with the ex-gardener.”

Artemis was puzzled. “Gaspard Paradizo is a cosmetic surgeon? Why did it take so long to find these two? There must have been records, pictures.”

“That’s just it. There were no pictures on the net. Not even a local paper snapshot. I’ve got the feeling that somebody has systematically wiped out every e-trace of this family they could find.”

“But nobody can hide from you, eh, Foaly?”

“That’s right. I ran a deep probe and came across a ghost image on a French TV archive page. Minerva Paradizo won a national spelling bee when she was four. Once I had the name, then it was easy to retrieve all the other wipes. Your girlfriend is quite something, Artemis. She has already completed high school, and is currently studying for two distance learning degrees. Quantum physics and psychology. I suspect that she also has a doctorate in chemistry, under an assumed name.”

“What about the other two men?” asked Holly, moving the conversation on before Foaly could get in another girlfriend crack.

“The Latin one is Juan Soto. Head of Soto Security. He seems to be a legitimate security operative. Not much expertise, hardly any training. Nothing to worry about.”

“And the sniper?”

“The crutch guy is Billy Kong. A real nasty piece of work. I’m sending the file to your helmet.” In seconds the mail alert dinged in Holly’s ear and she opened the file in her visor. A 3-D photo of Kong revolved slowly in the top-left corner of the visor, while his criminal record scrolled down before her eyes.

Artemis cleared his throat. “I don’t happen to have a helmet, Foaly.”

“Oh yes, little Master Lo-tech,” said Foaly, his voice dripping with condescension. “Shall I read it for you?”

“If your mighty brain can bear to use simple vocalization.”

“Okay. Billy Kong. Grew up in a circus, lost an eye in a fight with a tiger . . .”

Artemis sighed. “Please, Foaly, we don’t have time for jokes.”

“Sure,” retorted the centaur. “Like you’re in the library. Okay then, the truth. Born Jonah Lee, Malibu, early seventies. Family originally from Taiwan. Mother, Annie. One older brother, Eric, killed in a gang fight. The mother moved them both back to Hsin-chu, south of Taipei. Kong moved to the city and became a petty thief. He had to leave in the nineties when a row with an accomplice turned into a murder charge. Kong used a kitchen knife on his friend. There’s still a warrant out for him there, under the name Jonah Lee.”

Holly was surprised. Kong seemed harmless enough. He was a slight man with spiked, highlighted hair. He seemed more like a member of a boy band than a close-up man.

“Moved to Paris and changed his name,” continued Foaly. “Took up martial arts. He’s had facial surgery, but not enough to escape my computer.”

Artemis lowered his phone hand and talked to Butler. “Billy Kong?”

The bodyguard drew a sharp breath. “Ruthless man. He has a small well-trained crew. They hire themselves out as bodyguards to people who live dangerously. I heard he went legit and was working for a doctor in Europe.”

“Kong is on the train,” said Artemis. “He was the man with the fake crutch.”

Butler nodded thoughtfully. Kong was infamous in underworld circles. The man had no morals, and would happily perform any task, however distasteful, for the right price. Kong only had one rule: never quit until the job was done.

“If Billy Kong is involved, things just got a lot more dangerous. We need to rescue that demon as quickly as possible.”

“Agreed,” said Artemis, raising the phone. “Do we have an address, Foaly?”

“Gaspard Paradizo owns a chateau on the Vence side of Tourrettes sur Loup, twenty minutes from Nice.”

Artemis finished his cappuccino in a single gulp. “Very well. Holly, we shall meet you there.”

Artemis stood, straightening his suit jacket. “Butler, old friend, we need some surveillance equipment. Do you know anybody in Nice who might oblige?”

Butler flipped open a wafer-thin cell phone. “What do you think?”

Tourrettes sur Loup

Tourrettes sur Loup is a small artisans’ village perched on the lower slopes of the Alps Maritime. The Paradizo chateau was farther up the slopes, on a flattened peak below the snow line.

The chateau was originally nineteenth century but had undergone extensive renovation. The walls were solid stone, the windows were reflective and probably bulletproof, and there were cameras everywhere. The road leading to the chateau was typical of the region; narrow and tightly looped. There was an observation tower on the building’s southern corner, which afforded any sentry a three hundred and sixty degree view of any avenue of approach. Several men patrolled the grounds close to the main building, and the gardens were dotted with grassy dunes, but did not provide a shred of cover.

Artemis and Butler were concealed in a line of bushes on the adjacent slope. Butler studied the chateau through high-powered binoculars.

“You certainly can pick them,” noted the bodyguard. “I think I saw this place in a Bond movie once.”

“No problem for you, surely?”

Butler frowned. “I’m a bodyguard, Artemis. A human bulletproof vest. Breaking into fortified castles is not my speciality.”

“You have rescued me from more secure locations than this one.”

“True,” agreed the bodyguard. “But I had intel, an inside man. Or I was desperate. If I had to walk away from here, it wouldn’t trouble me unduly, so long as you were walking away with me.”

Artemis patted his arm.“We can’t walk away, old friend.”

Butler sighed. “I suppose not.” He handed Artemis the binoculars. “Now, start at the western corner and sweep east.”

Artemis raised the binoculars to his eyes, then adjusted the focus. “I see two-man patrols.”

“Soto’s private security company. No weapons showing, but they have bulges below their jackets. Basic training, I imagine. But with more than twenty of them on and around the premises it would be very difficult to overpower them all. And even if I did, the local police would be here in minutes.”

Artemis moved the binoculars a few degrees. “I see a little boy wearing a cowboy hat, driving a toy car.”

“Paradizo’s son, Beau, presumably. Nobody pays much attention to him. Move on.”

“Sensors in the eaves?”

“I’ve actually researched that particular model. The very latest sealed security pods. Close circuit, infrared, motion sensors, night vision. The works. I’ve been meaning to upgrade Fowl Manor.”

There were small speakers on spikes dotted around the chateau.

“A sound system?”

Butler snorted. “I wish. Those are waffle boxes. They transmit interference. Our directional microphones are useless here. I doubt if even Foaly could pick up anything inside that building.”

Holly shimmered into visibility beside them. “You’re right. Foaly’s pulled one of our shrouded satellites out of orbit to get a look at this place, but it’s going to be several hours before the chateau is inside its footprint.”

Butler took his hand off his gun butt. “Holly, I wish you wouldn’t appear like that. I’m a bodyguard. I get jumpy.”

Holly smiled, punching him on the leg. “I know, big man. That’s why I do it. Think of me as on-the-job training.”

Artemis barely glanced up from the binoculars. “We need to find out what’s happening in there. If only we could get a man inside.”

Holly frowned. “I can’t go into a human dwelling without permission. You know the rules. If a fairy ent

ers a human dwelling without an invitation, they lose their magic, and that’s after a few hours of painful vomiting and cramps.”

After the battles at Taillte, Frond, the king of the fairy People, had tried to keep mischievous fairies away from human dwellings by imposing magical geasa, or rules, on fairies. He had used his warlocks to construct a powerful spell to impose his will. Anyone attempting to break these rules would become deathly ill, and lose their magic.

“What about Butler? You could lend him a sheet of Foaly’s cam-foil. He’d be as good as invisible.”

Holly shook her head. “There’s a laser pyramid all over the grounds. Even with cam-foil, Butler would break the beams.”

“Mulch, then? He’s a criminal, long past the allergic reaction stage. Cramps and vomiting wouldn’t affect him.”

Holly scanned the grounds with her X-ray filter. “This place is built on solid rock, and the walls are three feet thick. Mulch could never burrow in there unnoticed.” Her X-ray vision fell on the skeleton of a small boy driving his little electric car. She raised her visor to see Beau Paradizo zigzagging through the guards unmolested.

“Mulch couldn’t get in there,” she said, smiling. “But I think I know someone who could.”



The Lower Elements