Page 57 of Between You and Me

“Yeah, I know it. Should I pick you up, or meet you there?”

“Meet me there.” Tess had a feeling if it didn’t go well, he’d need that escape. “I’ll make a reservation.”

“Okay. Um . . .” Logan paused. “What are we talking about? Anything serious?”

“I have a proposition for you,” she said. “And I guarantee it’s not what you think. In fact, you couldn’t guess if you tried.”

“Really. Now I’m intrigued.”

“Good, that means you’ll show up.”

He laughed. “Like I’d ever stand you up. See you at seven.”

She flopped back onto the bed, her heart racing and body wired with adrenaline. Asking Logan to be her sperm donor was kind of crazy. He’d probably say no. And, when he turned her down, there was a chance he’d stop talking to her altogether. Anything was possible. But . . . she bit down on her lip, a smile spreading on her face. But what if he said yes? It would be the answer to all her prayers. She could almost imagine what their baby would look like. Hope and nervous elation filled her.

* * *

Tess had managed not only to get a reservation at Sophie’s, but for her favorite table, half hidden in a back corner, away from the main sea of tables. Its location added an air of intimacy to the already cozy atmosphere. They were as private as a couple could be when dining out in public. But when their entrées arrived, she fidgeted with her fork, pushing around the food on her plate. Although the sesame/ginger tuna at Sophie’s Bistro was one of her favorite dishes in all of Aspen, she had no appetite.

She’d made it through small talk with Logan, asking him about his day, and answered his as well . . . but she wasn’t able to think about anything except her ovulation cycle, the whole process, and how the hell she could ask him to be her donor.

A few bites into his flatiron steak, he frowned slightly as he looked at her and asked, “You okay?”

“Me?” she asked, her voice lifting an octave. “Yeah. Great. Why?”

“You’re not eating. And all night you’ve seemed . . . nervous. Not like yourself.” Logan’s eyes narrowed on her. “What’s going on, Tess?” He reached for his club soda and drank.

Busted, she put her fork down. “You’re right. I’m not quite myself tonight. Sorry about that.”

“No need to be sorry, but just tell me what’s going on.” His shrewd, pale green eyes now locked on her, no mercy. “You said you had a proposition for me. Whatever it is obviously has you off your game. Talk to me. I’m listening.”

She nodded and took a long, cleansing breath, trying to stay cool even as her heart fluttered and took off like a racehorse. “I don’t know where to start.”

“Should I be worried?” he asked.

“No. God, no. I should.” A hint of a nervous smile flicked across her features.

He put down his fork and knife, sat very still, and gazed at her, waiting patiently. “Just blurt it out if you have to,” he finally coaxed.

“Okay.” She cleared her dry throat, stole a quick sip of water, and took another deep breath. “You know I want to have a baby.”

“Yes, I do.”

“You know I went to the clinic and met with the doctor, had an exam, all of that.”

“Yes, I do.” His steady gaze softened with concern. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”

Her heart did a fluttery thing at the look on his face. He was so kind. He cared. Genuinely cared. She wasn’t sure how or when that happened, but he did, she could tell, and it moved her. “I’m more than okay,” she assured him when she found her voice again. “I’m great. Perfect health. And my doctor thinks I shouldn’t have much trouble conceiving.”

“That’s fantastic.” Logan’s warm smile made her skin heat up. “I’m glad for you, Tess, really.”

“But there’s one major factor I don’t have in place yet,” she barreled on, making herself talk before she lost her nerve, which was a possibility. “I still need a sperm donor. I haven’t been able to decide on one yet.”