Page 46 of Unravel Me

Chapter Seventeen

Cassie curled her fingers into Brad’s thick, blond hair and pulled in a deep breath, willing her body to follow his demands. But with his cock firmly tucked inside her, the agitating waters of her hot tub swirling around her over-sensitized skin, and his hands massaging her breasts, she realized she was fighting a losing battle. She couldn’t sit still much longer, much less focus on the mundane conversation she’d started to keep from disobeying and surging into release.

“You’re on your way to…a…partnership…” She trailed off with a hiss as he shifted his weight and nudged the top of her womb. How in the world was she supposed to sit still? He couldn’t be immune to this, despite his outward calm.

“Yes.” He plucked a wine glass of the edge of the hot tub and lifted it to her lips. “Drink, beautiful.”

God, he even made sipping wine intensely erotic. And damn him if he didn’t act like they were still in her kitchen, aimlessly chatting with three feet of table separating them. Cassie sipped slowly, rolled the wine around on her tongue, then swallowed. She had to get her mind off how incredible he felt before she took matters into her own hands and satisfied the building need to climax. She’d lost track of how long they’d been joined together, but it seemed like she’d been on the edge for hours.

“I need two hundred hours.” He set the glass back on the edge and dipped his hands beneath the surface to set them on her waist. Fingers gripping loosely, he pivoted her hips in a slow side-to-side twist that left her gasping. “It’s all I’ve ever worked for.”

So that explained his pit bull approach to casework. The revelation certainly didn’t bode well for her coming out on top of this case either. He’d fight until the bitter end.

The thoughts were chased away as Brad slid his hands up her ribs, cupped her breasts, and gave them a gentle squeeze. “Long hours don’t leave much time for enjoyment.”

How well she could relate to that. She focused on the sound of his voice, avoiding the tickle of his breath against her damp skin. A never-ending tremor inched down her spine, and she closed her eyes, riding it out. When it ebbed out through her toes, she swallowed thickly and licked her lips to moisten them. “So true.”

“Tell me, Cassie. Do you enjoy this?” The light in Brad’s eyes darkened to deep indigo as he scooped up a handful of water and rained it over her breasts.

“Yes,” she managed breathlessly.

As he flicked a droplet of water off her nipple, he managed to tweak it just so. Cassie gasped, and her hips thrust forward of her own volition. She pulled in another deep breath. “Please, I can’t sit still. I need to…move.”

“Mm. Yes. Yes, you do.” His voice assumed a gravel-like quality, and he ducked his hands beneath the water to slide them beneath her bottom. Lifting her up by torturous degrees, he tipped her body forward so his thick erection stroked her deep within. Her breasts grazed his muscular chest.

Cassie gripped his shoulders, dug her nails into his skin. Ecstasy spiked to an intolerable high. “I can’t… I need…” With a quiet moan, she rocked her hips against him.

In an instant, those strong fingers fastened harshly on her hipbones and stopped her pleasured undulation. “You can.” Bending forward, he used the tip of his tongue to lick a droplet of water off her shoulder. “You will. Until I say otherwise.”

But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t stop the clenching of her inner walls, couldn’t temper the fierce rush of indescribable pleasure. God help her, she was trying. She wanted to hold back, wanted to please him in that most basic way. But her body wanted nothing more to do with waiting.

Despite the biting pressure on her hips, she rocked against him again. “I can’t.”

“You can.” He released his hold on her. “Now scoot up higher.”

It was torture to comply, but she followed his directive. Once more she grabbed at rational thought and pulled conversation back to a manageable topic. “Why were you so slow to respond to my emails? I thought you were the anti-Christ.”

His low chuckle scraped pleasantly across her skin. “It’s part of my strategy. Make opposing counsel wait long enough and they concede more easily.” Fingertips fanned over her bottom, gently caressing back and forth, back and forth.