Page 34 of Unravel Me

No…her husband hadn’t run her over, Brad realized. The man had failed to pay attention. He had her needs all backward. Brad gave the clamp’s fastener another twist, straightened, and dusted his hands on his jeans. Another realization struck as he stared down at the generator. Sounded like Cassie needed to win this case. Which didn’t bode well.

“Eh, sorry for rambling. It’s Cassie’s business. I shouldn’t be running my mouth. Here.” Clinton reached in front of Brad and tapped a bright yellow switch. “This kicks it on. Let’s go kill the power and give her a go. Then we’ll grab that wood, and I’ll get lost.”

Brad chuckled. Yeah, he’d like the guy to go, but his random conversation was providing one hell of an insight to Cassie. He fell into step behind Clinton, curious what other tidbits the man might disclose.

Cassie’s insides turned to mush as Clinton’s pickup truck backed out of her driveway. The last hour should have relaxed her. Instead, it only keyed her up. She was trembling from head to foot, and no matter how hard she ordered her hand to release the front door knob and turn around, she couldn’t convince her body to move.

She could feel Brad standing behind her on the bottom step of the stairs. Feel his eyes roving over her backside, and she knew if she turned around, that jovial grin he’d bid Clinton goodbye with would have vanished. The companionable light in his eyes would be dark and dangerous. Hungry for all she had to give.

His kiss would demand everything.


The soft fall of his voice was exciting and terrifying at the same time. She closed her eyes, tightened her fingers around the doorknob. I could lose everything.

One quiet footstep moved him behind her. A chill radiated through her shoulder, where his fingertips brushed her skin as he pushed her hair aside. Another tremor raced down her spine as his breath whispered across the side of her throat.

“What are you so afraid of?”

Warm lips closed over her collarbone. In a feather-light caress, he drew the back of his hand down her upper arm. His body heat soaked into her backside, though he had yet to fully touch her.

Slowly, he slipped his arms around her waist and drew her back against his chest. Every hard inch of his magnificent body aligned with hers in perfect splendor. His thighs framed hers. His strong arms kept her from sinking to her knees. Against her shoulder blade, she felt the, steady beat of his heart. The length of his erection nestled between her buttocks, opening a gaping cavern of want inside her womb. She combated the need to angle her hips, push back against him, and guide the fingertips he splayed across her abdomen lower, to the achy spot between her legs.

“Don’t run away from me,” he murmured as he dusted kisses across her shoulder. “Why are you scared of this?”

She swallowed thickly. Forced her eyes to open. “Why can’t you just leave me be?” Though she tried for a hard edge to her words, to her shame, her voice came out weak, lacking the conviction she so desperately wanted.

Brad gave a slow roll of his hips that tucked his swollen shaft more tightly against her. A quiet groan rumbled in her throat, and she let her head fall back against his chest, her strength now a thing of the past. He skated one hand up her ribs and covered her breast with his warm palm. “Is that what you really want?”

Not in a hundred years. She wanted this. But the idea of letting go of everything now that he knew the real Cassie, not the put together, always-in-control woman she was supposed to be, terrified her. She summoned a lie instead. “We could be disbarred,” she whispered.

“Not if we’re careful.” His fingers gave her breast a gentle squeeze, and he dipped the hand at her waist a hairsbreadth lower. “I’ll go if that’s what you want. I’ll walk out that door, and tomorrow we’ll be right back where we were today.”

Again his lips skimmed across her shoulder, lingering where her tank top left her bare. “Me wanting to bend you over your desk. You fighting to avoid me. Both of us yearning for this.” He thrust between her buttocks again slowly, dragging out the contact, making her burn for him in ways she’d never burned for any man. “Is that what you want?”