Page 52 of Unravel Me

Cassie leaned on the banister. “She’s already been traumatized by all this. Jennifer won’t allow it.”

She could almost see the wheels turning in his head as he lifted his gaze to hers. “Jennifer won’t have a choice if it’s reported. We both know I have to report it.”

Cassie raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t exploded yet—this had to be a good sign. Maybe there was hope they could work effectively as opposing counsel and set work aside when they came home. Came home? Cassie checked the thought, shook it off with a hard swallow. When they finished with work for the next few days.

To her further surprise, Brad shrugged. “Would she interview Anna at home, with a video camera set somewhere Anna won’t see it? That’s a place to start, though it doesn’t eliminate the possibility she’s been coached.”

Stunned he was being so agreeable, Cassie gritted her teeth to keep her mouth from dropping open. She recovered in the next heartbeat and gave in to a wide teasing grin. “You’re being surprisingly logical. Thank you, counselor. I’ll take your thoughts under advisement.”

Brad smirked. “You’re welcome. Now, let’s find breakfast. I started the Cherokee. We’ll have to take it if we’re going to get over the mound of snow the plow piled at the base of your drive.”

Damn, he was being so thoughtful. It had been a long time since someone had given her such consideration. Warmth lit inside her, separate and apart from the heat of arousal that lingered beneath the surface of her skin.

“Brad, will you kiss me?” she asked quietly.

He pushed off the doorframe, his grin morphing into dark intensity. Stepping over his briefcase, he reached a hand out for hers. “Any time you want.”

Oh, God. Her heart tripped into double-time. She descended the stairs, and he guided her into his embrace, wrapping heavenly arms around her. She tipped her head back and rose to the balls of her feet, meeting the bow of his head. Slowly, gently he captured her mouth. His lips played against hers, teasing them apart without the unspoken demand she’d become accustomed too. This was softer, as if he shared the same wish that the kiss could go on forever.

His tongue tangled with hers, his teeth caught her lower lip and lazily tugged. Desire fringed his rich flavor, but he held that passion in check, seemingly content with this simple, yet oh so intimate, embrace. Her fingers slipped into the hair at the nape of his neck, playing through the thick short lengths, savoring everything he gave.

With a protesting grunt, Brad eased the spellbinding kiss to a close. “We better get going,” he murmured as he feathered his lips across her cheek to her temple. “What are you hungry for?”

You. She knew better than to voice the instantaneous answer—he wouldn’t grant that now. Cassie breathed in deeply and took a half-step back, bracing herself in the protective loop of his arms. “Pancakes?”

“As you wish.” His grin returned in a flash of good spirits, and he released his enveloping hold. He grabbed his briefcase with ease.

Amazed by this gracious, tender side of him, Cassie plucked her coat off the nearby rack, slid her arms in, and opened the front door. “Banana pancakes?” she asked with no small degree of hope shining through.

He chuckled as he stepped out onto the porch. “Sweetheart, you could ask for pickled ostrich, and I’d find it for you this morning.”

But why? She hadn’t done anything but get dressed. Nothing that would warrant this unexpected chivalry.

Brad started down the walkway—which she observed he’d cleared of snow yesterday as well. “Let’s drop by my hotel, and I’ll jump in the shower real quick. Then we’ll find banana pancakes.”

She followed, mulling possible explanations for his odd behavior. In the end though, no matter what rationales she tried, she couldn’t justify any. He was simply in a good mood. A damned good mood. If luck were in her favor, his good spirits would make him forget her punishment wasn’t finished yet.

Chapter Twenty

Cassie glanced up from her laptop as Brad walked past her open office door, directing Stephanie to finish typing Cassie’s tardy Judgment entry, while simultaneously barking into his phone at an intern in New York about a client who hadn’t appeared for a deposition. It flat out amazed her how much authority he could wield with the mere inflection of his voice. No doubt whoever held the other end of the line was cringing in their chair, although Brad had done little more than use a stern tone.