Page 39 of Unravel Me

Though she didn’t say a word, the way she shivered told him all he needed to know. He drew his lips over the rise of tight flesh, flicked his tongue against the crease where her leg met her bottom, and dipped one finger between her legs. Sweet heaven she was wet. So very ready, and he’d hardly touched her at all. This time, he couldn’t hold in his groan.

“Tell me,” he whispered as he drew his finger between her slick folds, “are you uncomfortable with me, like this?”

“No.” She drew a sharp breath as he stroked her again.

“It’s easy, isn’t it? To just let go. Stop thinking about everything. To be yourself with me?” Moving a half-step closer, he withdrew his hand and replaced his finger with his cock. With one gentle thrust he pushed himself through her slick flesh.

“Yes.” The word hissed between her teeth, and the muscles in her lower back tightened.

Holy hell—talk about erotic. He’d had no idea one flex could reduce him to caveman instinct. But the need to claim her, to possess her, overrode all thought. He pulled his hips back, pushed forward again, stroking her clitoris with the tip of his erection and pressing so close her bottom brushed his abdomen. Brad gritted his teeth and ground out, “You do like it, don’t you, Cassie?”

A quiet sound of pleasure drifted off her lips. “God, yes.”

“If you knew half of the things I want to do to you like this…” His own violent shudder stole his words. “You’ll enjoy them all, sweetheart. I guarantee it.” And he fully intended to satisfy several of them before he let her surrender to exhaustion.

“Please, Brad.” She gasped again as her lower body tensed. “Please let me move.”

His fingers clamped into her hips, holding her in place. “You stay right like you are.”

“You’re killing me.”

“Mm.” He stroked her again. “You’ll be just fine.” Withdrawing, he took himself in hand and aligned his erection with her opening. Burying just the tip inside her wet heat, he stilled and dropped his hand around her waist to reach between her legs. His fingertip pressed against her clitoris.

A moan tore off her parted lips. Around his circumference she became even slicker.

Her body’s sweet surrender was enough to snap what remained of his control. He gripped her hips and drove hard inside her. She let out a sharp cry. Brad smoothed a hand up her spine. “Did I hurt you?”

“No… Oh, God… I need to move.”

“No, you don’t.” He trailed his fingers around her ribs, cupped one breast. As he toyed with her hard little nipple, he slid his opposite hand down her tight belly, between her legs once more. “Trust me, Cassie. Surrender to me.”

Ignoring the fierce demand of his throbbing cock, he stayed still inside her and swirled his thumb around her clitoris until he felt the clench of her inner walls. The grip and release that told him she was on the edge. The hard rise and fall of her chest matched his own labored breathing. Good thing too—he wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Brad…” she called. “I… It’s too…”

“You’re fine, sweetheart.” Taking her hips in hand once more, he angled his backward and withdrew almost completely. “Just fine.” As the strangled words left his lips, he braced her in place and slammed home hard.

Cassie turned her face into the mattress and keened.

With a hoarse groan, he yielded to his need to chase release. Holding her in place, he glided in and out of her sweet sheath, all thoughts of gentleness cast aside. All that mattered was satisfying the burn, appeasing the mewls of pleasure she couldn’t contain. Those sounds sank beneath his skin. Ecstasy coursed down his spine. He sensed he was rushing down a dangerous path, barreling head-long for a crash he wouldn’t ever recover from. And yet, he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t define why, but he needed this. Needed her surrender.

Barely managing to form words between hard breaths, he choked out, “Now, Cassie.”

She moaned, but hung on, her breathing shallow, her entire body quaking.

Brad clenched his fingers into her hips so tight he knew she’d be bruised in the morning. “Damn it, Cassie. Now.”