Page 23 of Unravel Me

It was Brad’s turn to sit on the defensive. He smacked a hand on the bleached oak tabletop. “My client would never—”

“Never? He’s slithered through this whole damned thing. Can you guarantee Anna made these claims? Why wouldn’t she tell her mother? She just waltzes in to Daddy and drops this bomb without Jennifer knowing? I find that hard to believe, Brad. Particularly since Daddy-dearest was rarely ever home when they were married. He was too busy with his college intern in New York.”

Brad’s mouth snapped shut, giving Cassie a small measure of satisfaction. She straightened in her seat and smoothed the paper before her. “This isn’t something I take lightly, but you need to give me time to discuss it with Jennifer. I refuse to let you intimidate her into a modification of the proposed plan until it’s been thoroughly investigated.” She took a deep breath, and narrowed her gaze. “Furthermore, you need to inform your client that you have an obligation to report any accusation like this to appropriate authorities and insure he’s willing to put his daughter in the position of discussing this in detail.”

That ought to do it. If Anna had made a claim like this, any good father would make the hard, but necessary call. If Miles were just concocting stories, he might reconsider.

Brad nodded gravely. “I’m aware of my responsibility, Cassie. I’ve been doing family law a long time. I just received this about an hour before I flew out. Like I said, I genuinely thought you knew.”

She returned his nod. “Now, you’ve dropped a bomb on my client. I expect your immediate apology, and she and I will discuss this extensively before tomorrow morning.”

“So, I’m dismissed, am I?”

With a tight smile, Cassie answered, “Pretty much.” She folded the paper in half and tucked it inside her hardbound folder. “The next time you think of bulldozing through a meeting with one of my clients, think again. Or I will file ethics complaints.” She pressed the intercom button on the conference phone. “Stephanie?”

“Right here, Cassie.”

“Send Mrs. Cooper back in, please.”

“Will do.”

Brad remained silent as Jennifer entered and resumed her chair. Her agitated gaze skipped between Cassie and Brad, and her hands furiously twisted together atop the table.

“Mrs. Cooper.” Brad rose to lean across the table again. “I’m immensely sorry for upsetting you. I’ll allow you to discuss things with Ms. Blaire and we can reconvene before I return home.”

Jennifer gave him a nod, sniffling. “I brought those files you wanted on the properties we own together. Cassie said I should.”

“Those can wait,” Cassie said kindly.

“No, I’ll get them for her.” Brad flashed another winning smile at Jennifer, who, to Cassie’s chagrin, seemed to melt beneath it. His devilish dimple didn’t help. He flashed that damn thing like he knew it made women weak in the knees. Check that—he most certainly did know.

“Thank you.” Jennifer pushed away from the table and started for the door once more.

Cassie sighed as Brad walked out of the room on Jennifer’s heels. The quiet gave her a much-needed moment to pull her thoughts together. She stared at the legal library lining the far wall, sifting through the conflicted nature of her mind. The case, she quartered off to a portion of her mind where she could examine it with Jennifer, once Brad was out of the office.

Which left her with the chemistry that crackled between them. Even at odds, as they had been a moment ago, her body yearned for his touch. Challenging him, standing up to him, only fueled the desire that simmered in her bloodstream. Because she knew how glorious it felt to yield completely.

He wanted her. She wanted him. Opposite sides of the case were irrespective; this wouldn’t just disappear no matter how she wished it might. It could be so easy.

No, not easy, but exciting. A brief affair, secrets kept in the sunlight, shared in darkness. But Brad would never understand the terrifying prospect of spending another night with him. Beyond everything else riding on the line, he knew her now. She knew him. She couldn’t let go of her control when she had to face him professionally.