Page 11 of Unravel Me

Brad bit back oaths as his body threatened to follow hers into orgasm. He’d wanted to watch her release, but in a hundred years he hadn’t imagined it would be so forceful. Had he known, he’d have thought better of the idea.

He breathed through flared nostrils, bowed his head, and beat his willful body into submission. When the throbbing in his cock ebbed, he withdrew his finger from her wet flesh and made quick work of his trousers. As he angled his arm to toss them aside, he remembered condoms. Muttering another oath, he fished out his wallet, plucked out the packet within, and ripped it open. His breath came racing out in a hiss as he drew the condom over his jutting erection, the pressure of his own hand enough to send pleasure burning down his spine once more.

Damn—she’d really done a number on him. His shoulders shook as he waited for the rush of ecstasy to fade before he turned to her once more. One glimpse of the sated softness in her expression had his gut cinched into knots. She really was beautiful. More so than he’d even initially considered. Natural, not the high-maintenance, modern, city women he was accustomed to. He couldn’t even tell if she wore makeup or not.

And God, he was dying to kiss her again.

Following sheer instinct, he moved over her long lean body and lowered his mouth to hers. Gone was the feral abandon she’d given him earlier, replaced now by a sweet languor that allowed him to savor her rich flavor. He breathed in the intoxicating aroma of her jasmine perfume, and in a rare self-treat, allowed her to sink into his full awareness.

The feel of her satiny skin beneath his comforted a different ache, one he couldn’t recall encountering before. The way her arms looped around his neck, holding him in place, was a perfection of its own. But all that closeness only cranked the burgeoning need in his veins up another degree. His cock twitched against her inner thigh.

Brad lifted to his elbows, took himself in one hand, and aligned his erection with her wet center. With a prolonged thrust, he slid deep within her heated flesh. He closed his eyes on a hoarse groan.

“Mm,” she murmured as she lifted her hips, taking him even deeper.

“God, you feel good,” he whispered through a closing throat. He shifted his hips, pulled back a fraction. “So damned good.” Unable to resist the call of her heat, he withdrew and eased into her slick sheath again.

She answered his thrust with a lazy undulation of her hips. Though her movements lacked her earlier abandon, the catch of her breath and the spark in her voluminous gaze told him it wasn’t for lack of interest. She was merely enjoying herself. Taking time to savor the new sensation.

And oh, how he wanted to let her. But that was out of the question right now. Later he’d let her have all the time she wanted. He was unraveling by the second, and he’d be damned if he pounded his way to bliss before she was ready to join him. He bent his head, closed his lips around her nipple, and slipped his hand between their bodies to stroke her clitoris.

Her body’s eager response shouldn’t have surprised him. But the instantaneous clench of her womb around his cock caught him off guard. He stilled, a heartbeat away from spilling himself, sucking in one gasp of air after another.

Gradually, he regained enough of his senses to retract his hips and push in deep again. She met his thrust with a hard press of her own hips. He didn’t scold her for pushing him on. He’d deal with that later also. At the moment, it felt too damned gratifying. He was so ready he’d swear he would explode through the top of his head.

He pulled his fingers free, braced his weight on his hands, and increased his tempo. Driving harder, shortening his thrust. Delighting in the jagged gasps that tumbled off her lips.

Ecstasy built in the base of his spine, spread slowly through his abdomen. He felt her flesh grip. Recognized the tightening of her legs against his thighs. Almost there. Almost to the same point of—her womb crimped around him again, and a whimper bubbled free.

“Now, sweetheart…” he gritted out through clenched teeth. Aw, hell, he couldn’t hang on. “Fuck… Now.”

With one hard drive, he thrust in high to stroke her sweet spot. Her nails scored into his shoulders as release claimed her once again. The quiet cry that slipped from her lips slammed him into oblivion. Distantly, he recognized the sound of his hoarse shout. Felt the strength leave his arms. He sank into her, lost to perfect pleasure.