“I remember those days.”

“Hey Eli, it’s time to go to work,” Charles called. “The bride said I was to be up there, waiting for her, at six o’clock sharp.”

“Then we should be headed that way.” Elijah started around the fire pit toward Charles, tugging at his scarf. Whoever had come up with the idea to wear this get-up and have a wedding in freezing weather must be crazy. Or in love. That was Charles. And he was so in love that he would agree to anything.

Miranda and Penny had already disappeared. He assumed they had joined Grace. The chairs had filled up while he had been greeting his family. The wedding wasn’t a large one but a number of important people in the city were attending. He recognized some of the staff from the hospital as well. Each was bundled up as they waited for the ceremony to begin. They would be as relieved as him to get inside the tent for the reception dinner.

Minutes later Elijah took his position beside Charles at the front of the ceremony area near the arch of bright red poinsettias with greenery and lights. Snow drifted down as the harpist began to play a Christmas carol.

Who in their right mind got married outside in the middle of winter in New York? Elijah tried not to make a show of stomping his feet but they were freezing. This couldn’t be over soon enough for him.