He’d told her in a quiet, let’s-forget-last-night voice, ‘We’re going to Via Toledo in the city before heading to the family house.’

‘Right. I’ll be quick,’ she’d answered, not knowing what Via Toledo was about, but seeing any part of Napoli was a bonus. She’d never been there; the airport didn’t count.

Now she asked into the uncomfortable silence that had fallen as Sorrento dropped behind them, ‘What’s on Via Toledo?’


‘Mattia.’ She hadn’t meant to snap but they were in a car together, going to visit his relatives, and tension was increasing inside her with every passing minute. She took a deep breath. They needed to be getting along, not scrapping. ‘What kind of shops?’

‘All kinds. Especially clothing and shoes, and all the things women love.’

‘You spilt red wine on your white skirt?’

He didn’t even laugh. ‘You need some clothes. I’m taking you shopping.’

‘Oh, no, you don’t.’ First he kept testing her to see what she was trying to get out of him, and then he’d decided to buy her a new wardrobe. A test or a gift she was supposed to accept with gratitude? Forget being the peacemaker. ‘If I want clothes I’ll buy them.’

‘It’s my way of saying thank you for bringing Aimee across to meet me.’

She gasped. Never had she expected him to say that. Never. ‘Low blow.’

The car lurched sideways as Mattia aimed for the verge, where he hauled on the brake and twisted in his seat to face her. ‘I meant it.’

‘All you had to do was say thank you.’

Those dark eyes were fierce. ‘I’m a man of few words, especially the important ones.’

She had noticed. ‘Yet you said them the moment I got mad at you.’

A wry expression came across his face. ‘I reacted without thinking. Something you tend to cause me to do too often.’

She affected Mr Always in Control? Not likely. ‘Save it—’ Gulp. There really was a hint of remorse in his gaze. Reaching out, she touched his hand. ‘Take me to Via Toledo. I’d love some new clothes.’ It wasn’t like her to get around with so few choices. ‘But I’ll pay for them.’

A reluctant smile lifted that delightful mouth. ‘Let me buy one outfit.’

Would it be selfish to say yes? That look said not. ‘All right.’ A pair of shorts and a blouse wouldn’t be excessive.

Except she hadn’t factored in the high-end fashion shop Mattia took her to. As for getting away with a casual outfit, forget it. The dress the assistant held out for her to try on after Mattia told her to find something that wasn’t elaborate or formal but could be worn just about anywhere took Elene’s breath away. And probably cost more than a week’s salary back home. ‘I can’t take that.’

‘You haven’t tried it on yet.’ Mattia grinned and jiggled his daughter in his arms. ‘Move, woman. We haven’t got all day.’

Slipping into the slinky red thigh-length dress, Elene stared at the image in the mirror before her and watched the shape of her figure come to life as the assistant closed the zip. Who was this stranger?

‘Wow...’ she croaked.

‘Wow, indeed,’ came that deep, sexy voice she knew she’d miss when she left Sorrento.

She flicked around. ‘Mattia?’

‘The assistant opened the curtain.’ His gaze roved over her. ‘Thank goodness.’

‘Try these on.’ The woman was back, brandishing a pair of red stilettos with fine straps, the shade a perfect match for the dress.

‘Ah, no, thank you. I’ve got shoes.’ Nothing quite like these. But she had to be sensible. Didn’t she? Not that she often was when it came to fabulous shoes and dresses.

‘One dress doesn’t make an outfit,’ Mattia drawled.

He was impossible when he was winning. But for once she couldn’t find it in her to argue. He was being kind, and arguing would be petty. Besides, she had to have those shoes. And the dress. Reaching for the shoes, she sank onto the couch and rubbed the soft leather with a fingertip, before slipping her feet inside. Bliss. So, so comfortable straight up. Standing, she twirled before the mirror, her gaze fixed on the shoes. ‘They’re beautiful,’ she said in wonder. Never before had she known such perfect footwear.

‘They’re yours,’ Mattia grunted, his eyes fixed on them too. Then slowly his gaze travelled up her legs to pause on her thighs, where the hem of the dress cut a line. His eyes widened, darkened. With lust? For her?

Elene felt her stomach drop and that spot at the top of her legs moistened. Turning away, she couldn’t help but glance in the mirror for another look at him. There was something magic about Mattia, something that woke her up in ways she’d thought would never happen again. In ways she didn’t want because they only led to trouble and hurt.

If Mattia made to kiss her again would she run away? Or stay to kiss him back with all she had?

Grabbing the edge of the curtain, she went to pull it shut.

‘Don’t take the dress off,’ Mattia said.

‘I’m not wearing it and risking dribble stains.’ Aimee had been rubbing her mouth a lot since waking up and the resultant mess wouldn’t be a good look on the soft, clinging fabric.

‘My shirt can handle those. But if you really don’t want to wear something new and exciting then that’s your call.’

Put like that, how could she not? Her hands slid over her waist and down her hips, Mattia’s eyes following, making her blush. When she didn’t do blushing. ‘Right, then, thank you. Shouldn’t we get going?’

Mattia blinked and looked around. ‘I won’t be a moment,’ he said as he headed to the discreet counter in the far corner of the shop.

Elene took one more look at herself in the mirror and si

ghed. Wearing something so lovely made her feel very feminine, and boosted her confidence to face whatever the lunch with Mattia’s family brought. Was that why Mattia had splashed out? To help her? She hoped so, and was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt there was no other ulterior motive. He’d said he’d be on her side with his family, and she had to believe him without question. Today was about Aimee. And her. And Mattia.

Back on the road, Mattia again cranked up her wariness. ‘Who paid for your airfares to come here? And you’ve taken time off work for this trip, and I’m sure there are a lot of day-to-day expenses around raising Aimee. I’d like to help with those.’

Since he wasn’t accusing her of trying to get money out of him, she could relax. ‘Danielle left me everything she had for Aimee’s welfare, and expressly demanded I use her money to visit you.’

‘I see.’ He left it at that.

Not that Elene believed for one second the discussion was over. Only on hold. But she’d go along with him. Today already held enough hurdles.


WITH HIS HAND on Elene’s waist, Mattia ushered her inside his parents’ home. ‘Relax, no one’s going to bite.’ Not her anyway. If anyone was getting an interrogation it would be him.

‘Easy for you to say,’ she muttered, her hands clenched at her sides.

He should’ve let her carry Aimee to boost her confidence, but this was his daughter he was bringing home for the first time and he wasn’t going to hide behind Elene. ‘It’s me who’ll be in the hot seat.’