If only she’d relax fully around him. ‘Tomorrow I’m going to Napoli for lunch with my family, and I’d like to introduce you and Aimee to them. Will you come with me?’

Her eyes widened. ‘Yes, of course.’

‘They don’t know anything about this situation yet.’

‘Oh, man, you’ve got to deal with that sooner rather than later.’

‘You’re right. I just haven’t been able to find the right moment so far.’ He wanted to snatch Elene to him, hold her close so he didn’t give in to the temptation to shake her until she smiled at him again, until she looked pleased to be meeting his family, till she stepped up beside him so they were united in whatever happened tomorrow. But he couldn’t show uncertainty to this woman. He had to be strong. It was all he had. While he believed his parents would accept Aimee—and Elene—without reserve, that thread of doubt lurking in the back of his mind was a leftover from the days of Sandy’s treachery and how she’d brought disrepute on his family, however briefly. Hurting them again would not be happening on his watch. ‘I’ll phone them now.’

‘I’ll wash my dress.’

As in the dress she’d worn to dinner last night? Was that the only dress she’d brought? A woman who enjoyed fashion had one outfit to wear somewhere special? Come to think of it, she’d worn the same two sets of shorts and blouses every day, one set on the washing line, one covering her mouthwatering body.

He’d remedy that as a way of showing her he was sorry for being such an oaf, of saying thanks for all she was doing for his daughter, and for him. It had cost her emotionally to bring Aimee to him. There was no doubt how much she loved Aimee so she had to be worried sick about the outcome. He needed slapping around the ears. He’d only been thinking about what was happening to him, and how to get her to fit in with his life.

‘Say goodnight to Papà.’ Elene held Aimee out to him.

Taking his girl into his arms, he stared down at her and wondered how he’d believed his life was perfect before. He’d been so far off the mark, it was unreal. Then his gaze shifted to Elene. She was a part of this new picture. Now that they were in Italy, not Wellington, and he wasn’t having a fling with anyone, it was almost impossible to deny he wanted to know her better. Kissing Elene would make this day into something special. Instead he kissed Aimee’s forehead and hugged her lightly, before handing her back to her mother. ‘Goodnight, little one.’ Then to Elene, he said, ‘After I’ve talked to my father I’ll cook dinner.’

‘I’m not hungry,’ she called over her shoulder as she disappeared into her bedroom.

‘We’ll see about that.’ Carbonara was a favourite of hers, and he was a dab hand at putting it together. He picked up the phone slowly, staring around the casual lounge room. Baby shoes lay in the middle of the floor, a discarded tiny singlet in a crumpled mess on the couch. The scent of summer roses that was Elene mingled with the tang of the Sangiovese. He’d never taste that particular wine again without being reminded of her. From down the hall came baby giggles and adult chuckles, and inside he melted a little bit more.

His house had never felt so—so enjoyable. A family home, not a huge house that echoed when he made a sound. He’d spent most of his life inside these walls with his grandparents and parents and brothers, as a child and an adult, enjoying laughter and in-depth conversations about anything and everything. Since returning from his year in New Zealand he’d lived here on his own, and not once had he felt alone, yet now, with Elene and Aimee here, he understood he’d been lonely. There were a lot of wonderful memories in each of the rooms—family ones, time with playmates and later with teenage friends. Even an occasional girlfriend came into that collection, but over the last few days a sense of missing out on what was most important had begun sneaking up, making him look beyond the comfort and effortlessness of his solitary life. Making him want to get involved with special people to share everything.

Down the hall Aimee shrieked, bringing him out of his stupor. He had a phone call to make. Or he could go say another goodnight to his daughter. He’d still have to make that call, tell his parents what was going on, but—Dropping the phone back on the table, he headed for the bedroom which nowadays looked like a nursery and not a sterile area waiting to be messed up. He preferred it with toys and clothes covering all the surfaces. ‘Hey, little one. Got another goodnight kiss for Papà?’

‘Your phone call was over quick.’ Elene lifted Aimee up to him from the change table where she’d been buttoning up the all-in-one pyjamas covered in teddy bears.

‘I haven’t made it yet.’ He ignored the surprise on Elene’s face. The small, warm, wriggling body in his arms brought a large smile to his face. Tickling Aimee’s tummy, he laughed. ‘It’s bedtime, my girl.’

‘I think you’re waking her up, not quietening her for sleep.’ Elene didn’t sound hassled, just accepting.

More accepting of him? That had to be good for whatever came next. ‘I’ll tuck her in shortly.’ When he’d had his fill. ‘She’s cute, isn’t she?’ He heard the pride in his own voice. He was in big trouble. Or on notice that he had to resolve all the difficulties between him and Elene so he didn’t miss out on time with Aimee. And Elene. His grin faded. Elene. He wanted lots of time with her. His eyes drifted from Aimee to Elene, scoping out that compact, curvy figure, those full lips, the orange-tipped toes.

Thump. A small fist caught him a blow on the chin.

‘Hey, minx, careful.’ Mattia blew bubbles on Aimee’s cheek until she laughed and then he placed her in the sleeping sack and kissed her forehead. ‘See you in the morning.’

Elene appeared on the other side of the cot and leaned over to do the same, except she said, ‘Night, night, gorgeous. Love you.’

Together they left the room, Elene turning off the light and he closing the door softly. Walking side by side down the hall felt right, which only made it all the more awkward when what he’d like to have with Elene and what he’d get were very different things.

‘Sorry, I haven’t started on dinner,’ he managed around the sudden lump of annoyance at her for putting him in this situation—even when it wasn’t her fault. ‘And I have my parents to deal with first.’

‘You’re hungry?’ Green eyes met his. ‘I can prepare something.’

He’d been going to do that for her. ‘You’ve got a dress to wash.’

‘I don’t think toasted sandwiches will take all night.’

He stared at her. Toasted sandwiches? People came to Italy in their droves to eat pasta and pizza, not sandwiches. From deep inside a bubble built up, pushed upward, exploded across his tongue. Laughter filled the air. ‘You’re amazing.’ Then he spun away and with something resembling a spring in his step headed for that damned phone and the call he’d been putting off. Elene was doing strange things to him. No doubt about it. One moment he was annoyed, the next, happy. Bizarre.

* * *

‘You’re amazing.’ Those two words bounced around Elene’s skull as she pressed the dress into warm, soapy water. Why had Mattia said that? They were poles apart in most aspects of their lives.

You think Mattia’s wonderful about certain things, like his care for his patients. Oh, please. It’s his body and looks and kindness and fun that’ve got your knickers in a twist. Patients have nothing to do with it.

He probably meant she was amazing because she’d offered to save him the effort of cooking when she’d said she wasn’t interested in food. Tell that to her starving stomach. It had been the thought of sitting down at the same table with Mattia while fancying him that put her off wanting to eat.

In the kitchen she could hear Mattia’s carefully modulated voice through the wall, but not what he was saying. He’d shut himself in his office, presumably so she wouldn’t be privy to what he told his family about her unexpected arrival on his doorstep. Her heart squeezed for him. How did he tell those nearest and de

arest that there was another member of the family that no one had known about? It wouldn’t be easy, even when they seemed close.

Tomorrow he was introducing them to her. Would she get an interrogation? Be hauled over hot coals for bringing Aimee over without warning? Her mouth dried while her pulse quickened. Looking around the kitchen, she focused on normality, regained her composure. She would not be afraid of their reaction. She had right on her side. She was looking out for Aimee, after all.

Why did you make me promise to bring Aimee here unannounced, Danielle? What was wrong with phoning to tell Mattia he was a father? Did you want us to catch up, maybe get together for Aimee’s sake? As usual, there were no answers descending upon her. Not so usual, despair didn’t follow. Strange.

Opening the fridge, she debated what to fill the sandwiches with. Not that there was a lot of choice, the contents being more suited for a pasta sauce. So—tomatoes, ham, cheese.

An arm whipped around her and lifted out a water bottle.

She sucked in a breath, got a wave of male smell. Snatching up packets of food, she twisted around and elbowed the fridge door shut and came to a halt, inches from Mattia. Being this close, so in his sphere, had her blood fizzing. He was bigger than she’d remembered, making her feel petite. Fragile almost. Breathing had become a problem. ‘Excuse me.’ She needed air, fast.

‘Certainly.’ But he didn’t move. Not a centimetre.

Raising her head, her breath clogged her sluggish lungs. His gaze was fixed on her, his mouth barely open, those lips teasing and tempting. Too tempting. Careful what you wish for. A kiss from Mattia. And afterwards? When they still had a long way to go, sorting out Aimee’s future? She knew from last time how long it took to get over his kisses—and he hadn’t actually kissed her. He’d only have to crook his finger and she’d do whatever he wanted. ‘Move. Now.’

‘Certainly,’ he repeated, only this time he did as she demanded.

Relief warred with regret. Regret that she’d never get to try out those lips, feel that mouth covering hers. Relief that he’d never make love to her and find her lacking. Because this man was experienced. Without a doubt. He’d played the field in Wellington, and there’d never been a bad word spoken about him. While she had had one long-term relationship with a man who’d put her down, no matter how much she gave of herself when making love. Letting Mattia find out her failings wasn’t happening. How humiliating would that be? But—If only. Those pecs were made for touching, caressing, kissing, licking.