He tugged his phone out of his back pocket and pressed her number.

‘Raphael.’ Her voice was flat.

‘Izzy, I’m sorry.’


Right. ‘Can you pick me up from Heathrow tonight?’

‘You’re returning home?’

What she was really asking was, Are you coming home for good? ‘Of course I am.’ Except there was no of course about it. In reply to her question about if he was moving home he’d answered no and yes. Home was a new word for him. It wasn’t just a house with a bed in it any more. It was where his heart lay. Except his heart had been torn. London and Avignon. Izzy and his family. Would it have been greedy to want it all?


He tried another tack. ‘Grand’mère opened her eyes for a few minutes this afternoon.’ It should’ve been the first thing he told Izzy, but he’d been overwhelmed with his love of his city and had to say something about it before it consumed him. Telling Izzy his dilemma should be a priority, but he was afraid to put it out there until he knew for sure what he would do. ‘I was doing my talking thing, chatting about anything and everything, and looked over and there she was staring at me.’ His heart had gone into overdrive as he’d reached for her wrist to check her pulse.

‘Hey, that’s great news.’ Finally some enthusiasm. ‘Give her another hug from me.’

‘Already did.’

‘What time do you get in?’ Flat again.

He told her the fight number and arrival time. ‘I’ll see you later.’


Who knew if she’d turn up to collect him, but he had to believe she would. Tossing the phone on the bed, he quickly shoved his clothes into the bag, for once not folding anything. He had a flight to catch and missing it was not an option.

* * *

His phone pinged as he paced the terminal, waiting to board his flight.

Get it right, my boy.

Grand’mère. Nothing wrong with her brain after the coma.

His gut churned. What if Isabella turned her back on him? What if she’d decided he wasn’t worth the effort? Only one way to find out, and he had to endure two flights first.

Both flights were slower than a winter’s day. At Heathrow Customs it took for ever just to reach the grumpy-looking woman behind the desk.

His phone pinged as he handed over his passport. Izzy.

I’m here.

‘Excuse me, sir. I’m asking you to turn that off while you’re here.’ The grumpy official dragged out the questions like he was an illegal alien trying to get across the border. Finally his passport was approved and he was free to go.

Striding out into the arrivals hall he scanned the crowd, missed Izzy the first time. Then on a second sweep he saw her standing to one side, tired and sad. No human tornado tonight. His heart squeezed. ‘Izzy,’ he called as he crossed to stand in front of her. When he reached to hug her she stepped back.

‘Did you take the job?’

‘No. I didn’t.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me that’s what you were going into town for?’

Dropping his bag to the floor, he laid both hands on her shoulders. ‘Because I didn’t want to upset you when I had no idea if I’d take it or not. I wanted to be certain one way or the other before saying anything.’

She stared at him, her eyes wide and filled with a pain he’d never seen there before. ‘Really?’

‘Really. Really didn’t know. And really turned it down. I live in London, Izzy.’

She blinked, bit her lip.

‘I’ve come home to tell you I’m not moving away, that Avignon’s a part of me but not all of me. I’ve finally come to my senses and see that returning there was a dream, and now that the opportunity has arisen to live and work there, it all feels wrong. I won’t deny a part of my heart will always be there with my family, but...’ He drew a breath. This was the moment he had to put himself out there. ‘But really, my heart belongs with you. In London, in our house. I love you, Izzy.’

‘Rafe? You do?’ A tear snuck from the corner of her eye.

‘Yes. I love you, Isabella Nicholson, with everything I have.’

‘I love you, too,’ she whispered. Then louder, ‘I love you, Rafe, and it’s been so hard thinking you wouldn’t love me back.’

‘Oh, Izzy.’ He wrapped his arms around her familiar body and held on tight.

‘I can’t believe us.’

‘Right pair, aren’t we? Great friends, awesome lovers, and now for the future.’ He pulled back enough to gaze down into her eyes, and he knew he couldn’t wait until they got home. He dug into his pocket for the small box he’d put there hours ago, and dropped to one knee. ‘Isabella Nicholson, will you do the honour of marrying me?’

She gasped. ‘Raphael? Did I hear what I think I did?’

‘Please marry me, Izzy? I love you so much I can’t bear the thought of not being with you.’

She went quiet on him again, but he wasn’t worried. She wouldn’t have lied about loving him. Just being typical Izzy, making him wait. ‘Answer the question, will you, Izzy?’ he pleaded.

Then her sweet, fierce voice whispered, ‘I love you, Rafe, more than anything, but I am not asking you to give up your dreams for me.’

‘I’m not. Yes, I adore my family and being back in Avignon has been wonderful, but I mean it. My heart is with you in London.’

‘I can live anywhere if we’re together,’ she said. ‘Yes, Rafe, I will marry you. Till death do us part in about sixty years’ time.’

Phew. She was smiling right at him. Hadn’t realised he was holding his breath.

‘Are we seriously engaged?’

He slid Grand’mère’s engagement ring onto her finger. ‘As of now, yes.’

‘Mummy, what’s that man doing?’

‘Asking the pretty lady to marry him.’


Raphael looked across to the little boy staring at him. ‘Because I love this lady and want to be with her for the rest of my life.’

Loud cheers and lots of clapping drowned out anything else the child might have said. Raphael swung Izzy up in his arms and kissed her before he turned for the exit.

‘Hey, mister, you’ve forgotten your bag.’ A man ran after them, a silly grin on his face.

‘Thanks.’ He grinned back, happy as a man could get.

But at the car, his Isabella stood swinging the keys in her hand and looking slightly bemused. ‘I can’t promise you I’ll settle easily, though I know it’s you I want in my life more than a home in one place. If we move house every year I will be happy. And I certainly won’t object to moving across to Avignon to be a part of your family.’

‘You are my family, Izzy. I’ve got a home that as of now is ours. We both have jobs we love, though I’m going to look for something less time-consuming so I can have more time with you. There are our friends nearby we like to spend time with. We have everything that matters.’

A sob came across the rooftop of the car. ‘You say the nicest things when you’re not trying to annoy me.’

‘Love you, sweetheart.’


Months later

HARRY TAPPED HIS glass with a knife from the dining table. ‘Okay, everyone, please raise your glasses for a toast to the disgustingly happy couple.’

Isabella reached for Rafe’s hand, and entwined her fingers between his. ‘We did it.’ It had taken time to organise a dinner in their London home with their friends. Everyone was so busy and a baby had been born, but eventually they’d managed it. If only they could get married now, but divorces took time, and she had to be patient.

‘If you’re half as happy as Esther and I, then well done.’ Harry held his glass before him.

Raphael grinned. ‘I reckon.’

‘Cheers,’ everyone shouted, before drinking to them.

Isabella felt the tears burning lines down her face, and grinned. They were happy tears. ‘Thanks, everyone. I’m just glad we’ve joined you all in wedded bliss, or in our case, on the way to marriage.’ This was the bliss, the wedded component to follow when she was single again. ‘Less than nine months to go before the big day.’

At that, Raphael glanced at her, a question in his eye.

She nodded. They’d agreed about this before everyone got here.

His hand squeezed hers before he announced, ‘We’re going to join some of you in the parenting stakes too.’