‘You do that while I fill in your details here.’ She paused, drew a breath. Now was not the time to be sulking over their relationship. ‘Would you like me to come with you?’

He hesitated, locking his eyes with hers, then nodded. ‘Yes. I would, very much. Merci beaucoup, Izzy.’

Raphael stood staring out the window, his shoulders tight, his back straight, as he talked to two different specialists about his patients. ‘Thanks, Jerome. I’ll call as soon as I know what’s what over there. Won’t be until tomorrow though, as I don’t touch down until somewhere around ten tonight.’

‘You wouldn’t have your passport number on your phone by any chance?’ Isabella asked as soon as he’d finished his calls.

Tap, tap. ‘Here. And here’s my bank card. Thanks, Izzy. You’re a champ.’ He was rubbing her neck as he watched over her shoulder as she finalised their bookings for one-way flights. ‘Sorry about this.’

‘Hey.’ She twisted around on the stool. ‘Don’t apologise.’ This could be good for them. Time together dealing with Grand’mère’s accident and learning what the consequences would be. Serious compared to fun. Real life. And she’d be able to see for herself how determined he was to return to Avignon in the future, because not even Raphael would be able to hide the longing if it was what he wanted.

Leaning over, he brushed his lips across her brow. ‘You’re sure you don’t mind coming?’

‘Absolutely. That’s what friends are for.’

He stared at her. ‘Of course.’ Then he turned away. ‘I’ll go and pack.’


‘OH, GRAND’MÈRE, LOOK at you,’ Rafe croaked around a throat full of tears the next day. ‘Is she going to be all right?’ he asked the hovering consultant.

Isabella reached for his hand, and held tight. She might be a nurse, but the sight of his grandmother’s colourless face and her long, dark grey hair a knotted mess on the white pillow had shocked her.

‘What to say? She’s in a coma. Sadly.’ The older man lifted a shoulder. ‘There’ve been no signs of her coming out of it yet.’

‘What about the fractures?’ Raphael and the consultant got into a discussion about injuries and treatment.

Izzy extracted her hand and leaned over the rail that had been put up around the bed in case Grand’mère managed to move and fall off the bed. She reached for one of the cold, thin and wrinkled hands on top of the sheet. ‘Hello, Grand’mère. It’s Isabella.’ Her heart sank. This accident could change Grand’mère’s life for ever. But that was getting ahead of things. ‘I haven’t seen you for years. Raphael and I were talking about coming to see you as soon as we both had the same days off from the ward, but seems you beat us to it, got us hurrying across.’

Not a blink. No movement. The hand lay limp in hers. She rubbed her thumb back and forth over the cold skin on the back of Grand’mère’s hand.

Rafe’s hand gripped her shoulder. ‘I’m staying here for a while. I don’t want to leave her on her own. Silly, I know, but I can’t help it.’

‘Rafe, it’s okay. You’re only feeling what most people do in these situations. Useless, and worried. Your doctor hat is no help to you in this case. In fact, it’s worse because you know all the things that can go wrong.’ He’d have a mental list scrolling through his mind non-stop.

‘Don’t pull any punches, will you?’ he grunted. ‘But you’re right. I’m a doctor with no role to play here.’

‘Yes, you do. Grand’mère will want you giving her cheek and telling her to hurry and wake up. That’s your job here. We can go back to the house for some sleep later.’ They’d got very little last night by the time they’d landed in Avignon and then sat up talking with his parents. Nor had they the previous night, trying out that bed in various ways. At least when she went to bed to sleep she did actually sleep now. Had been since the first night with Rafe. It gave her a sense of knowing she was doing the right thing by staying with him, and believing they could make a go of this.

‘Couldn’t get two more different nights if I tried.’ Seemed he could still read her mind even when distressed. Better remember that.

She glanced up at him. ‘Know which one I’d prefer.’

Some of the gloom had lifted and he sounded a little more relaxed. ‘Me too. Thanks for being here. It means everything. I don’t feel so alone.’

Raphael wasn’t alone. There was a large family in the city and surrounds. ‘Don’t get all sentimental on me, Rafe, or I’ll have to paint your bedroom orange when I get back to London.’ His least favourite colour by a long shot.

‘Ha. When you’ve finished there you could come over here and do up the family house. Despite everything going on, I couldn’t help but notice how tired and dated it is, and instantly I was thinking you would turn this into something special.’

Except I live in London. Not Avignon.

‘What? Because I painted one hall, I’m a decorator extraordinaire now?’ Was this where his thoughts were heading? Was he already considering moving back now that his grandmother might need him? Where would that leave her? Back in London where she had stated categorically her intention of living permanently, or moving to France on yet another attempt to stop and settle down? Whoa. Slow down. Just like the long-term future plans, she hadn’t started on settling into her flat yet.

And don’t forget you wanted to know what his thoughts were on moving.

‘I’ve never seen her looking so frail and old, Izzy. It’s a reality check. She’s getting older by the week.’

Nothing to say to that, so Isabella reached for his hand again and held him.

‘Even once she’s out of the coma, it’s going to take time and patience for her to get back on her feet. I’m not sure how well she’ll cope either. Her bones are fragile, and healing takes so much longer at eighty-five.’

He wasn’t even considering she might not regain consciousness. Isabella liked his determined positivity. ‘Nor is she known for her patience.’

‘True. But what worries me most is that her confidence will have been knocked badly. I’ve seen it happen often enough in the elderly to expect it, but this is Grand’mère. You know what I mean?’

‘Yes, Rafe, I do. She’s special to you, and this is the last thing you want for her.’ He’d have pictured her always being there in his life, even when that wasn’t possible. ‘I’m struggling with the idea of her not getting around, bossing everyone she meets, while listening to people when they needed an ear to bend.’

‘It’ll be a role reversal. Strange, but only a few weeks ago she was telling me that if anything happened to her she did not want to go into a rest home. Apparently those are for old people.’

‘I’m surprised she was even thinking about it. Like she’d had a premonition.’ Grand’mère was a person who knew exactly what she wanted and did everything to make it happen. ‘Did she say where she’d like to go?’

‘She’ll stay downstairs as previous generations have, and if necessary we can employ full-time care, though that won’t be fun for the nurses.’

‘I see.’

They pulled up chairs and sat with his grandmother for another hour when Raphael suddenly stood up and stretched. ‘Let’s go for a walk through the city.’

‘Some fresh air would be good.’ She tapped the back of his grandmother’s hand. ‘We’ll come back soon.’

Inside the wall the city was busy with locals and tourists crowding the streets and cafés. Isabella wandered beside Raphael, taking in the sights and scents, looking at the ancient stone walls. ‘It’s wonderful.’

‘Coffee?’ Raphael indicated a vacant table on the side of the street.

‘Please. Then can we stroll through the market? I want to smell the spices.’

‘I remember how you spent hours in there, buying spices that I bet you never used.’ Rafe smiled and pulled out a chair for her before h

eading over to place their order. Then he took his phone out of his pocket and punched some numbers before wandering to the side of the café. Who was he talking to?

Isabella tried not to watch him, instead looking around at the people taking their time to walk the street, laughing, talking, pointing at buildings. Yes, she remembered that feeling of wonder the first time she visited Avignon. It was still there, making her happy when she should be worrying about Grand’mère, but there was nothing she could do for her, so might as well make the most of time spent in the city.

When Raphael finally returned he held two cups of coffee in one hand. ‘I need to stay here for a few days at least, maybe more than this week.’ He cleared his throat. ‘I’ve just talked to my colleagues and they’re more than happy to cover for me for as long as I need.’

Talked to them before her? She supposed it made sense to get his priorities right. But still. ‘You have to do what you feel is right for Grand’mère. After all, she’s always been there for you.’

‘I’m glad you understand.’

That stung. ‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Her voice was sharper than she intended.

‘Izzy. Sorry. I don’t want to upset you. I know you have to go back tomorrow, and I’ll miss you. You’re a great support.’

‘You say the nicest things when you’re trying to dig yourself out of a hole, Raphael Dubois.’

‘Did it work?’

As quickly as that they were back on even ground. The tension that had begun tightening her belly backed off. ‘You know it did.’ Being here, seeing Grand’mère, had created a new depth of understanding, sharing, helping one another. Rafe needed her to be strong and there for him. Not crashing at the first hurdle. If she got too lonely she’d get over herself, or come back here on her days off.