‘Where are you headed now?’ Raphael stood beside her as she peered left, then right.

‘Thought I might go introduce myself to the rest of the gang on the ward.’ So much for heading outside. She turned in the direction of the lift bank, walked away.


She stopped, turned back slowly. ‘Yes?’

‘This is going to work out for you.’ His smile was fleeting, as if not quite believing what he’d said, or not accepting she’d meant it about stopping moving around.

‘I hope so.’

Doubtful he heard her quiet reply as he strode away, hands at his sides, back ramrod straight, head up. In Raphael coping mode. What was he coping with? Her decision to live in London? Did he want her here? Or gone by sunrise? He’d suggested she move across the world. Had he changed his mind now it was real? Who knew? She certainly didn’t. She needed to get over herself. His mind was more likely to be on his patients, particularly the woman with secondary cancers.

Yet there was a nagging sensation going on at the back of her head saying there was more to this. Isabella slumped against the wall, out of the way of people charging in both directions like they were on missions she was not party to. What was happening to her and Raphael? To their easy, accepting friendship? Never before had she felt awkward with him, yet right now she had no idea what he was thinking or wanting, and that’d happened a few times over the past couple of days.

Her phone rang as she reached the nurses’ station on the maternity ward. ‘Hello, this is Isabella Nicholson.’

‘Jacki Jones, Isabella. I’m ringing to ask a favour.’

Isabella glanced around, saw a woman talking into a phone not more than two metres away. Holding the phone against her chest, she called, ‘Jacki? I’m Isabella.’

The head nurse spun around on her chair. ‘Oh, hi.’ She shoved the phone on its stand and stood to meet her. ‘Talk about timely.’

‘I’ve finished the safety course and thought I’d drop by to introduce myself.’

‘I was ringing to see if you’d mind starting earlier than first agreed. Tomorrow? We’re down on staff and it’s bedlam in here.’ She had a strong Welsh accent, making Isabella smile. She also seemed to be holding her breath.

Glad of Raphael’s warning, the answer came easily. ‘Not a problem. Whichever shift you need me on.’

‘Thank you.’ Jacki’s relief was loud and clear. ‘Raphael said you probably wouldn’t mind, but I still worried you’d say no. It’s a bit desperate up here at the moment.’

‘Do you want me to put in a few hours this afternoon? I’m signed off on the course and all set to go.’

‘Thank you again, but we’ll manage today. I know it’s only been a couple of days since you arrived in town. Go home and make the most of your time off. You’ll be busy enough tomorrow.’

Since her head was starting to pound, she agreed. ‘You’re probably right.’

A nurse stuck her head around a corner. ‘Jacki, I need you in here with Rosalie.’ She sounded desperate.

‘Coming,’ Jacki said calmly. ‘A very prem birth, twelve weeks early,’ she told Isabella before heading away. ‘Raphael’s on his way and everything’s under control.’

And I’m in the way. Totally get it.

‘I’ll see you at seven tomorrow.’

‘Thanks again, Isabella. I really appreciate it,’ Jacki called over her shoulder.

Waiting for the lift again, Isabella texted Carly.

Want a coffee when you knock off?

Not expecting an immediate answer, since Carly was working, she headed for the main entrance and the fresh air. Talking with Carly and hearing more about the man she’d fallen in love with would put everything into perspective, and she’d be able to see Raphael as she’d always done. The best friend ever, who had her back, and had once told her they could rely on each other for anything any time.

Ping. A text landed in her phone.

Three-thirty at the café left of the hospital. Casper’s.

Oh, yay. Awesome. Isabella’s step picked up as she walked outside. Now what? Nearly an hour to fill in. She’d go for a walk along the Thames and soak up the atmosphere. Stop worrying about everything. Seemed lately she made problems out of anything. Especially her and Raphael. Like she was looking for trouble, when nothing had changed. But it had. She was different. She’d made a serious decision to move here.

You did it in a blink when Raphael made the suggestion.

Raphael. Everything came back to him. She needed to get to the bottom of these niggling concerns, and the sooner, the better. Needed to relax and be happy, more like.

The sun was weak but it didn’t matter, the air so much better than the overheated hospital rooms and corridors. The sky was blue with a smattering of fluffy clouds, while boats of all shapes and sizes were making their way purposefully up and down the flowing waters of the Thames. Already there were lots of tourists on the pathways and bridges, cameras busy, selfies being snapped, excitement high, voices loud and excited. This was London. She recalled the first time she’d come here and feeling exactly the same. Hugging herself, she smiled widely at the scene before her and relaxed. The thumping in her head began quietening down.

Strolling along amongst the tourists, hearing a babble of languages and laughter, she let the city take over and push aside everything bothering her, and went with the flow of people all around her. For the first time since landing at Heathrow she didn’t feel like falling asleep on her feet despite only a short time ago wanting to crawl into bed, and the tightness in her belly that had been plaguing her had taken a hike.

Isabella lost track of time and had to scramble to get back to the café before Carly gave up on her and headed away. If she hadn’t already. Staring around the crowded café she couldn’t see her friend.

> ‘Isabella, Izzy, here.’

Relief and excitement had her charging through the spaces between the tables to where Carly stood waving from a table.

Laughing, she reached Carly and was instantly wrapped in a tight hug with a baby bump in the middle. ‘It’s been a long time.’

‘Hello, you,’ Carly murmured against her.

‘Blimey, this is amazing. I’ve missed you guys so much.’

‘Know what you mean.’ Carly stepped back and sank onto a chair, her hand doing a loop of her belly. ‘There’s so much to talk about. First, go grab yourself a coffee. I had to get my mint tea when I got here so we could have this table.’

When Isabella returned, with an overfilled mug and a bottle of water, Carly was texting, but put her phone aside at once, her face all soft. ‘Adem.’

‘Look at you. All loved up. I’m so happy for you.’ They should’ve been celebrating with wine, but with a baby in the mix this was the next best thing, as was the talk and laughter as they caught up on day-to-day news. Then Isabella said, ‘Tell me all about Adem. When am I going to meet him?’

‘Not telling all.’ Carly chuckled. ‘Izzy, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more.’

‘As is obvious from your face.’ As her friend talked nonstop about her man and the baby they’d made, a mix of happiness for her and an unknown longing for herself rolled through her. ‘I am so happy for you. Look at you. You’re sparkling.’

‘Isn’t it great?’ Then Carly’s perpetual smile dipped. ‘How are you now? Completely over that jerk?’

‘Have been since the day I caught him out with one of his floozies.’ Again, there were things that this close friend didn’t have to know. She’d told Raphael in the end, because he was too perceptive for his own good, and she hadn’t wanted it hanging between them. Didn’t mean Carly needed to learn how stupid she’d been.