Where did that leave her? ‘I’ll go settle into the office, Kevin.’

Andy poked his head around the door. ‘We’re on, guys.’

Brenna sank onto the chair behind Kevin’s desk and opened the first set of notes from the medical board. Proposals for dealing with the increase in diabetes. Scintillating stuff, and nothing to do with her day job, but she read everything that arrived in her file from the board. Who knew when she might quit the rescue service?

* * *

The week crawled past. Brenna had a mild cold and a pounding headache so she stayed on Kevin’s desk, giving him more time doing what he liked best. It had nothing to do with avoiding working with Hunter, of course. He dropped in to chat about mundane things a couple of times a day, and she joined everyone in the tearoom whenever they were there. Slowly, she began to feel comfortable with him again, and by Thursday afternoon she was more than ready to get back into the flying seat beside him. Not that she’d resolved where they stood, or what she wanted from him, but she was happier. ‘The desk is yours next week,’ she told Kevin over coffee as they waited for the minutes to click down to eighteen hundred and home time. Three days off, then she’d be on nights.

No more calls came in and the night shift arrived. Everyone leapt up, eager to get away. With her bag over her shoulder, Brenna headed out to her car.

‘Brenna,’ Hunter called as he followed.

When she turned around, he was looking at her thoughtfully, which had her foot tapping impatiently.

‘Are you doing anything on Saturday?’

‘Not a lot for once,’ she answered warily.

‘I’m going to a wedding.’

‘That’s nice.’ Where was this going?

He came closer and she could see the awkwardness in his face. ‘This is very short notice, but I need a partner. Would you come with me? Please?’

What the hell? ‘Sorry?’ Had Hunter asked her to go on a date?

‘Sorry you can’t? Or sorry you won’t?’

‘Sorry I don’t know if I heard you right. You want to take me to a wedding? Whose?’ Not that she needed to know. She wasn’t going. That would be too personal and remind her of what they’d both once wanted.

‘Dave’s brother, Toby, is marrying his childhood sweetheart. They got back together last year after working at opposite ends of the country for four years.’



‘You don’t need me there. You know Dave’s family as well as your own. It’s not like you’ll be stuck at the table furthest to the back with all the second and third aunts.’

‘You’re right. I’ll be stuck with the groom’s family. Right beside Dave’s sister, because Dave thinks we’d hit it off together.’

Brenna’s stomach dropped. Dave wanted Hunter and his sister to get together? She remembered Molly with braces on her teeth and long mud-brown hair in ponytails. Guess she’d grown up some. ‘You’re not interested?’ She held her breath.

‘No.’ He was watching her way too closely. ‘Molly is cute and lovely but not my type, even if I was looking for someone.’

He wasn’t in the market for a partner. That was good news. She could forget that kiss entirely. Her lungs began working again, although unevenly. ‘So tell Dave.’

‘I have, without being too blunt. It’s tricky since we’re so close and Molly’s his kid sister.’

‘In other words, you are trying to find another way to deliver the blow by taking someone else to the wedding. But why me? Dave will see through that in a flash.’

‘Maybe. But it’s worth a try. So, yes or no?’ Hunter shrugged too nonchalantly.

Brenna hesitated. It would be fun catching up with Dave and meeting his wife and kids, but could she spend hours with Hunter and not start wondering how they might get back together? ‘No.’ Even as she uttered the word disappointment filled her.

‘I’ll have to pull the wild card. I helped you out last weekend.’

‘Low blow, Ford.’

‘Needs must.’

She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her mouth. ‘You’re that desperate?’

‘Could be.’

‘I like it. What time?’ Damn, giving in came too easily. Hopefully attending a wedding wouldn’t be as close and personal as a candlelit dinner date for two. Not that she’d been asked on one of those.

‘Kick-off is at five so I’ll pick you up a little after four.’ Hunter returned her smile.

‘You always were full of yourself when you won.’ She couldn’t be mad at him when there was a bubble of excitement building inside her. Against all the warnings she’d given herself since their last kiss, she wanted to go out with Hunter, to have time together that didn’t involve BPs, airways or heart rates. Though heart rates might come into it if it was a hot date. ‘I can still retract my agreement.’

‘Don’t even think about it,’ he tossed in her direction as he headed for his vehicle. ‘Did I mention I’m moving into my house on Sunday?’ He knew he hadn’t.

That soon? She wasn’t reacting. Not even moving her lips. His plans for settling into his new home had nothing to do with her. Anyway, she was having lunch with her sisters. She pinged her locks and ignored that well-honed body leaning against the four-wheel drive.

What would she wear? A mental appraisal of what was in her wardrobe and she grinned. Tomorrow she’d go shopping for a dress and shoes. Slapping the steering wheel, she laughed. This might be fun after all. It had been ages since she’d had an occasion to get all glammed up. It had been even longer since she’d gone out with a hot man.

Though she was not supposed to get excited about that. No more kisses, remember? But she could have fun.


HUNTER SWALLOWED HARD as he stared at the woman standing before him. Brenna looked more stunning than any of his memories recalled. Her svelte figure filled the sleek red dress to perfection. His eyes travelled down her shapely legs to the colour-matched high heels that brought her head a little closer to his shoulder and he felt a tightening in his groin.

There was a time when they’d—

Don’t go there.

Dragging his gaze upwards, he stared at the wild curls that were her signature. They’d been coaxed into a soft style framing her face and highlighting her eyes.

‘Bren, you get more beautiful by the day,’ he whispered.

Was this why he’d asked her to accompany him? Because he’d wanted something good back from the past? Something to help him through the mire of their current situation? Needing a woman to deflect Molly had been an excuse. He knew it, Dave knew it, which meant Jess did. Hopefully Brenna didn’t. It might create a stumbling block when they were trying to move past the bog that was their history.

She blinked, squirmed in those unreal shoes and finally laughed softly. ‘You scrub up all right yourself.’

He took her arm to lead her out to his four-wheel drive, paused while she locked up. ‘Where’s Poppy?’

‘In her run. Where’s Dylan?’

‘In the back of my vehicle. Along with Dave’s two. It’s a bit of a squeeze. I had to put one child on the jump seat, in the appropriate car seat, of course.’

Her eyes widened, whether in disappointment or relief that they weren’t going to be alone he couldn’t decide. Then she said, ‘Hang on, I’ll get Poppy and clip her in the back too.’

Laughter pushed past the tightness in his throat. ‘A carsick dog would not be a good look at the wedding ceremony.’

Her sigh was OTT. ‘I hate it when you’re right.’

‘Come on. Let’s move.’ They weren’t late but he couldn’t stand here bantering with Brenna all afternoon. Well, he could, but then they might never make it on time. Also, the kids would start getting stroppy over being belted in for too long and going nowhere.


bsp; ‘Hi, guys,’ Brenna called as she slipped into her seat and reached for her belt. ‘I’m Brenna. I know Dylan. What are your names?’
